
JannCakes Short Story Contest (CLOSED)



June 29, 2012

►I have extended the deadline for the contest to October 31, 2012 because I have significantly increased the prizes.

►You have until 12:00 AM (Eastern Time) on the last day of the contest to make edits to your story (spelling, grammar, flow etc.) as you are being judged on your ability to convey a good, neat story with grammar and spelling part of the judging criteria.

►I am working on a judging chart to tell you guys how I'll be judging your stories so you know you all have fair chance and I'm not picking based on bias alone.

►I have updated the forward with many new additions so please go read it. 

►Please advertise the contest as I will not award the same prizes if I have little submissions. 

►I will not read past the forwards until the ending day of the contest. 


  June 30. 2012

►There has been an added rule saying that between now and October 31 (the deadline) you are admitted ONE PASS. This being said, a pass is the option to change your prompt and story. If you so wish to do so you must resubmit your entry form with all the new information but make sure to write PASS at the top of your entry form so that I know you're changing the form and I don't accidentally double sumit you into the contest and unbalance the fairness of the contest. 


July 5, 2012

►You may only use ONE prompt for your entry but mentions of other prompts can be subtly intertwined into your plot. 

►If you are a fan of my on Wattpad you may post your entry on Wattpad but you MUST comment on the thread on Asian Fanfics. This is to assure that I don't lose track of the entries and to keep it fair to the ones on Asianfanfics.


October 29, 2012

►If you wish to enter the contest in the last two days of the contest and you A) do not have the time to write a new story or B) have an old story that fits with a prompt than you may enter a story that has already  been written. It does not need to be a short story written for this contest, HOWEVER, if your story does not fit with any of the prompts given then you may not enter it. In brief,

- Old stories are acceptable (No more than 2 chapters)

- They still must fit in with a prompt.

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KauType #1
Chapter 11: Where can we read the 55-word stories?
Chapter 11: Congratulations to the winners! Thank you for the honorable mention.
Chapter 11: Oh wow! Thank you so much for giving me an honorable mention!!! ! I'd love to know what you thought, and how I scored on your marking chart ^_^
Chapter 11: Wow, I'm surprised you liked my story enough to put it in the honourable mentions, thank you for that.
Congratulations to the winners ^^

My entry is number 11 and I'd like a story with SHINee's Onew and SNSD's Jessica as the main couple ^^
Chapter 2: Congratulations to all the winners! ^^
My entry number is #42 and I'd like a story with TaoRis as the main pairing ^^ if you don't mind, could it be angst? I love reading angst haha ^^ if not then it's okay :)
Chapter 11: O.M.G.....

*ahem!* Congrats on the others as well!
KimPossible21 #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for putting me in the honourable mentions list. Very surprising. But I appreciate it and am glad you like it :)
My entry no. is 46 and I'd like a story with MyungBer as the main couple please :)

Congratulations to the winners! :)
2482 streak #8
Chapter 11: Congratulations to all of the winners! ^-^ It was so much fun participating in this contest! I am entry #18 and I would like my story's pairing to be with an OC and Lee Ki Kwang. Thank you! :)
Chapter 11: Good job everyone, ^^ it was fun participating in this contest.
Chapter 11: Congratulations to all the winners! :D
First contest I've entered, and even though I didn't win, I'm glad I'm on the honorable mentions list :D
I'm entry 23 and can I have a story for Lay? :D

Btw, I changed my username, my old one was sweethollyichigo :)