What he wanted

Safety in numbers


The next chapter. It has lasted a little longer than I had thought. Thus, it is also shorter this time. The next time there will be more  KaJay and it finally comes to the talk between Mika and Karam. I didn´t want to squeeze this into this chapter. I think it´s better like this. 
Of course I would appreciate any comments,  but even so I hope you enjoy reading!


Chapter 4 What he wanted


The next morning I am awakened by Injoon. He sits on the bed and looks at me innocently while tickling me.
Growling, I put the covers over my head and moan into the pillow. I don´t want to stand up.
 "Stand up Hyung. You have to work today. ", He reminds me that I have work today. I've totally forgotten that I must work today. Faster than he can see it I jump out of his bed and rush out of his room which makes him laugh.
"You don´t have to hurry so much!" He calls after me, but I rush into the bathroom where I take my toothbrush and brush my teeth while I brushing my hair.
I must be ready otherwise I'm late and I'm far too often come too late to my work. My boss is generous but she won´t allow that I come late again.
Done with my morning hygiene, my stomach again makes the loud growl. The feeling of hunger is present but I'm trying to go through. If I eat now then I would give in return. I have to start again with discipline in the matter go. A few months ago I weighed less, and I felt good. I was happy with my size. I would like to reach this point again, no matter what the cost. Furthermore, this bastard finally realize that I'm not fat even though when he´s right. I need to do something. Tonight I'll make a workout when I come home from work.
Maybe I ask Jihae if she wants to join me but before I could write her an message my cell phone shows me that I got a new message. The message is from Jihae.
,Suhonnie could you come to the shop? It´s important.... <3 ', I read through the message and sigh softly. Whatever she wants from me it can be nothing good. I know Jihae well, too well. The clothes shop where she works has not yet opened and therefore there must be a huge problem. The only problem that I have is that I also have to work.
It was easier when we were still in high school. It was easier to report that I was sick.
'Okay... I'll be right there.',  I reply Jihae and have made so my decision. I will help her; at least I still have a few extra hours so it will be okay. I won´t abandon Jihae. She must have a real problem otherwise she would tell me why she needs my help. She knows that I have to work.
‘ Thank you ~ Hurry up please ', I get another message from her that I read and discard my phone on my desk in my room. If I have to hurry I should put some clothes on and that´s what I´m doing.
 I decide for an outfit that I could wear and leave my room with my cell phone. In the hallway I grab the phone to call in my work because I won´t come to work today. My boss isn´t angry at me otherwise she would have barked at me. Very well, now everything is done and I can leave the apartment to go to Jihae. I only have to put on shoes and I could go. The best thing is that I can swallow down my hunger that has become even more strongly after our apartment smells of food. Hyunchul is already in the kitchen and make breakfast. It's better if I resist this temptation and leave the house without eating something. Out on the streets of Seoul is not so much going on. Most are still at home or they just are slowly on the way to their work.
To be outside at these times is the best. No one who pushes you around. It's relaxing and you get to see how pretty the streets of Seoul are actually. If all these people are out this charm fades all too often.
Back when I moved to Seoul, it was a huge adjustment for me. I come from a much smaller city that can´t be compared to Seoul. Still, I've settled myself and I would never move again. This is my real home, and here I am comfortable. No matter how stressful it is too often.
"Oh god you're here at last!"  Ran Jihae to me when I arrived at the store. She gives me a kiss on the left and right.
"Yes... what is your problem now?" I ask for her and follow her back inside the store. She is here very early what´s not her style. Usually she comes just too late as I. No wonder we get along so well.
"I've already told you that we have booked for our new collection a model?
The stupid cow has been canceled because she is sick. I could kill her. Now I have the problem that I need someone who could stand in for her. " She tells me about her problem. I should have known it.
"Why didn´t you ask Hyunchul?"
"I've done but Hyunchul said that I should ask you." She tells me and I shake my head. Hyunchul have to do it on purpose. Normally he is the one for jobs like this and now he suddenly has no time? I can´t believe this. When I get home later I'll talk to him.
"And what shall I do now?" I give myself beaten. I will do it because one day I'll again want a favor from her and then she won´t be able to deny me.
"You just have to wear some of our new collection clothes and stand in front of the door and distribute distribute flyers and small gifts."  She shows me a small basket in which gifts are. The basket is decorated with a big bow, and I consider it skeptically.
"Not kidding right?", I grab the basket and take a gift which I open.  In the gift is chocolate. I carefully pack the chocolate again and handed it to Jihae.
"However, the basket is cute but you don´t have to do it all day. It takes only four hours. Then we have a different model and you can go home.
Your outfit is also very pretty. In addition, you should not complain after all you have worn my clothes. " she remembers me that I've been running around with these embarrassing clothes.  Something I don´t want to think about any longer.
"Four hours ... that´s okay with me but why haven´t you tried to get the other model earlier?"
 I follow her into a separate room where I sit down while she takes a bag, a brush and a hair clip.
"She couldn´t come earlier. Honestly Suhoon it´s not as bad as you think.
We only need to do your hair and make-up. After that you put on the clothes and everything will be over soon. ", She begins to make up me and tells me about the meeting with Eli's parents.
A short time later I am standing in front of the store and hold the basket. The shop has opened since twenty minutes and I my thigh. I'm glad that the shop is inside a shopping center otherwise it would be pretty cold.
This time, I don´t have to wear a skirt for what I´m very thankful.  Right now I have to wear a pair of shorts and a top with lots of ruffles. I can live with this outfit. It is by far not as embarrassing as what I wore on the night when I met with Hyunmin.
The temptation to eat one of the gifts is very hard to hold back. This is just because my stomach began to growl once again. It annoys me so I'm going back inside the store where I put down the basket at the checkout.
"Have you anything to drink there?" I ask Jihae who advises two girls which can´t decide which pants look better.
"Yes in my bag. Just take it. " She answered me quickly and turns back to the customer. She is a good seller because she knows how to deal with customer needs and she does it with passion.
Normally, I'm also happy to work in a clothes shop. It is a beautiful job. You always have to do with fashion and this is one of the most beautiful things out there.
With the water bottle from Jihae's bag I grab my basket and go back to my place where I park my basket and drink from the bottle. If you are hungry you have to drink more. Water fills the stomach and so nothing more could fit into your stomach… Thus, it is the best solution and I don´t need anything to eat. The urge to eat chocolate goes by and so I can take the first step to lose weight. I don´t want to live longer with this weight.
I only need to look at myself in the shop window. My legs look fat and in these pants even more than usually. A silent sigh from me and the time slowly passes. When the four hours are finally over I´ll be the happiest man in this world.
"Okay, thank you again Suhonnie. You have made me a huge favor. I owe you something, so you can keep the clothes. They look good on you anyway. ", She pushes me out of the store and hugged me tight. I can´t move me nor breath but I´m happy that she´s happy and that I can change my clothes now.
Well, my next goal is to go to the nearest public toilet and change my clothes there.
I don´t want to wear these clothes any longer.  I am a man and not a mannequin or something.
Even though I would like to have the size of a mannequin. When I think of all the models that working currently in our fashion industry it is almost an insult if I compare me with them. Especially that I worked as a model for the new collection today. Busy with my thoughts I walk into someone. I apologize and want to walk quietly away but the person already grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking away.
"I had been praying all the time for meet you again." Hyunmin grinned at me. Either he didn´t recognize me or he has smoked something really good and that´s why he is so happy to see me. Whatever it is, his glance is scary.
"Why did you run away last time? But well at least it's true, you always meet twice in a lifetime.",  He continued talking and I'm feeling overwhelmed. Apparently he doesn´t recognize me. He thinks I'm the girl that he met in the café. This is embarrassing; he manages not to recognize a friend. Well, it´s not easy to recognize me because of my hair and the heavy make-up. The clothes don´t match my normal style of clothes. I would never wear shorts, at least not so short.
 He misinterpreted my silence because he put an arm around my shoulder and drag me away from my goal.
"I didn´t mean to offend you last time... I'm sorry." He looks at me with an irresistible smile. He just act like nothing happened between us last time. I literally shouted against him that he has no chance. He didn´t seem to care anymore because he is trying his best to convince me that he is good enough for me that he is a real guy and the right one for me.
'It´s all right... " I said the words and I try as best as possible to change my voice so he doesn´t recognize me. Actually, I should be honest with him and finally say that there is no girl but it just concerns me. I can´t. I can´t bring myself to do what Injoon advised me.
"Let's just forget it. The easiest way is when I invite you to an ice cream. ", He leads me to a cafe where they sell ice cream. I am trying to solve his arm but didn´t let go of me t and remain silent. At the cafe he ordered ice cream in a waffle.
"What do you want?", He asks for me, and I take a look at the selection before I shake my head.
"Nothing ...", I ignore my stomach that feels weird. I've been drinking too much water and the hunger is still there.
At least Hyunmin accepts that I don´t want to eat ice cream and we can leave the café.
"What are you doing here?" He asks me while he eats the ice cream and goes through the shopping center with me.
"I was working" I answer him very short and fight with myself. I should finally tell him the truth, but it always strikes me harder when I see his face…when he looks at me with that warm smile. It's that smile again...
Now my stomach feels not only uncomfortable because of the water and the hunger but also because of this tingling.
"Why didn´t you sought out any ice cream? It would be good for you. Just look at your skinny legs. ", He offers me his ice cream and I get a compliment from him again because of my weight. I can´t understand why he´s only able to do it when he thinks that I´m a girl. Why do I look fat in his eyes when he sees me normal? I don´t understand it... maybe he's lying to me when he thinks I´m a girl to caught me with his charm? He must lie to me. The charm I can´t escape…just because these compliments feel so good to hear.  It's exactly what I wanted to hear and now I hear it from him. The person who has made me realizes that I've become too thick.
"Just eat your ice cream and be quiet, I'm not hungry." I reject his ice cream and stop in front of a shop where I look at the store window. There are exhibited some nice clothes that I like. I should buy a few new things. I've bought anything yet from the new collection, which is almost a wonder. Usually I buy something every time from the new collection.
"I don´t understand women. I could never resist an ice cream. ", He shrugs his shoulders and pushes me a little closer.
"Do you want something?" He sees from the window to me and I lay my head to the side. Of course there are clothes that I want but I don´t want him to buy me something. That would be too much for me. It´s enough that I´m still act like a girl and it´s enough that he thinks that I am one. The worst of it is that this happened again. That's because of the ing favor I did for Jihae. Now I will certainly talk to Hyunchul. I've done this favor Jihae.  If he had done the job I wouldn´t have meet Hyunmin. Also, why is Hyunmin here anyway?
"Not really. Tell me what are you doing here? ", I turn the tables and ask him questions now. It interests me why he is here.
"I should buy a few things for a friend and I wanted to visit my cousin." He answers me, and I suppress the urge to raise my eyebrows skeptically. I can already imagine what good friend Hyunmin talks about. Only one person could have sent him here and now I have one more reason to talk with Hyunchul. He should prepare himself better for the talk.
"May I try your ice cream?" Now I give in to my stomach because it hurts to much and I can´t suppress my hunger any longer.  The ice cream looks good and I have not eaten for a long time. No wonder I can´t suppress my hunger.
"Sure." He holds out his ice cream and his grin is even wider. Just as I would like to try the ice cream he pressed the ice cream against my nose and begins to laugh so I look at him angrily.
"You look cute, but wow... you looking at me almost like a good friend of mine ..."  he leans over to me and I get big eyes as he on my nose to remove the ice cream.
"Anyway ... you remind me very much of him." He gives me the ice and leads me to a bench beside a little fountain. I accept the ice cream silently and try a bite of it.
"You are an idiot…" I said and eat his ice cream. I won´t give him his food back. The ice cream tastes delicious and after his action, he did not deserve to get his ice cream back.
"I thought you're not hungry?" He nudges against my cheek and I'll glance at him with a very evil look that made him laugh.
"Don´t look so angry all the time.  You look cuter when you smile. Although…even your smile reminds of him.” He sighs and solves his arm that lay on my shoulder.
“It is not very pleasant if you always compare me with a guy.” I say to him and wait for a response. Maybe he starts to realize that I´m not a girl. It would be better.
“Sorry. It´s just that he is so weird lately. He wants to lose weight but I don´t see any sense behind it. Because of that I always . It´s funny…”
“Mhm…maybe he misunderstand your jokes…”
“I doubt that. He knows me and my jokes. I find it amazing that you look so much like him. It's almost a shame that he's a guy. It is a pity that he hardly smiles.... Your smile reminds me so much of his....
I wonder if everything is alright with him. Maybe he has a new boyfriend… I hate his ex-boyfriend. I liked only one of his ex-boyfriends. He always choses the wrong guys and that´s annoys me.”  he tells me and I slightly feel awkward. He really don´t know that it´s me.
But his words are so strange. He never told me before about this.
"I must go." It suddenly comes from me. I can´t stay with him.  His smile and his words, it makes me so happy to spend time with him. In those moments I forget my concerns about my weight even though he is the reason why I started to dislike my size. If he thinks I'm a girl, we have a good time together.
"Already? You're probably too busy. .." He looks at me almost disappointed. He probably imagined that we spend more time together. A part of me wants that, too but my mind tells me to go.  It will only get worse if I spend more time with Hyunmin.  I really should tell him that I´m not a girl.
"I'm sorry."  I look at the ice cream which I hold in my hand. It is better to me than when I look at it him.
"Tell me your name and I forgive you." He uses the opportunity to finally get my name.
"M-Mika..." is the first name I think about and I could kick myself for it. If this continues I will never tell the truth to him.
"Mika... a beautiful name." He bends down to my neck and after that he looks into my eyes.
"It suits you. You smell good. “ He goes into the meaning of my fake name. He really is an idiot.
"I really must go." I give him the ice cream back.
Shortly thereafter, he leans forward and gives me a kiss on my lips. I feel that I blush because of his stupid action and my heart skips a beat.
"Promise me we meet here again on Sunday at the same time... I want to see you again." He says to me, and I nod.
I get out of the shopping center with my fingers on my lips where he kissed me. He kissed me. My heart is racing like crazy. I finally need to tell him the ing truth!
But it was so nice to spend time with him. I wish he would always be like this when we spend time together.
When I meet with him on Sunday then I'll tell him the truth. It is important to me. He shall know the truth so hard it will be for me but. 
I'm on my way home to talk to Hyunchul. I need to talk to him and find out if he has something to do with this then I can talk with him about Jihwan. On my way home I strictly try to avoid every thought about Hyunmin.


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Chapter 2: i enjoy this ! <3
Ooh~ This is getting so interesting! :D
Hyunchul you sneaky thing... :P
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Please........ Update LOL so interesting omfg and hyunmin is a jerk ._. omg lol okay ahhahahah anyways this is interesting!
Aww Suhoonie you're perfect, don't starve yourself.
KaJay. <3 ;)
Jisang..(Gwangchul! Ah, I miss them </3)
"If you would become intimate with me, to say it in your words, you wouldn´t care about the stuffed animals. " OMG. Injun, what are you saying you cute little bunny?! :O (Injun is a beast in bed.... lol)
This story is really cute so far (I jut wish I could go beat Hyunmin for being a jerk)