Part 3

Si Je Vous T'Aime. (If I Love You)


Part 3

The once grey sky was starting to clear, the clouds making way for a brilliant sunshine to cascade down onto the cathedral. Clear drops of liquid sparkled on the grass beside the walk path.


Ha, lucky them. Myungsoo thought to himself. He was still conflicted at the thought that Janey was getting married, but it was finally the day, and there'd be nothing he could do to stop the progression of her giving her hand to Woohyun.


He was dressed smartly in his charcoal black suit, his Canon DSLR hanging idly down his chest. He had a hand tucked into his pocket as he stared up at the building ahead of him.


Beautiful cathedral, good weather, sigh.


Suddenly, he felt a hand curl around his arm, and turned around to come face to face with Sunggyu. Donned in a blindingly white dress-shirt and black slacks that matched his own, Sunggyu wore a bright smile on his face, eyes crinkling at the corners.


“Morning, Soo. How're you feeling today? Try and at least look like you're happy for them, you'll hurt Janey's feelings, you know.”

Myungsoo laughed humourlessly to himself, you make me sound like some mental patient, hyung.
“I'm fine, and I know that Gyu.” He gave a small smile.


“Seriously, they're getting married, let it go. You'll find someone better, Myungsoo, you will,” A small smile that mirrored his own, “Now come on, we have to go give the bride and groom best wishes and good luck.”


Myungsoo was whisked away, a hand holding onto his DSLR in vain.




“Congratulations, Woohyun-sshi.” Myungsoo snapped a couple of photos of the husband-to-be, who was currently tying his shoelace.


Woohyun looked up, and smiled a dashing smile at Myungsoo. Damn, he's actually really good looking. No wonder Janey's with him


“Thanks, man,” Woohyun got up and stood in front of Myungsoo.


“Make sure you take care of her, you have no idea how lucky you are to have her.” He patted Woohyun on the shoulder, before turning around and leaving the room. He caught a glance of Woohyun's understanding eyes, before he completely closed the door and leaned on the wall beside it.


He covered his eyes with his hands, running them down his face before heaving a sigh.


“What's up.” He jumped. The sudden appearance of Sunggyu had shocked him, he hadn't noticed the older rocking up and leaning on the wall beside him. He was looking up at the roof as though deep in thought.


Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders, a hand still safetly attached to his DSLR. Lifting the eyepiece to eye-level, he snapped a few photos of Sunggyu staring at the roof before the subject of his shots turned to look at him. He lowered the camera.

“Smile, would you?” Sunggyu used his fingers to push the corners of Myungsoo's lips up into an awkward smile.


“I am smiling, hyung,” but the boy's voice was laced with disappointment. A warm hand was placed on his shoulder.


“Dude, seriously. It's not that bad if you think about it. Li-”


“It is that bad. Sunggyu, it is more than that!” Myungsoo threw Sunggyu's hand off his shoulder, “The ceremony should be starting,” before stalking off towards the main hall.


Sunggyu watched the boy's figure retreat through the doors and make its way towards the alter. He sighed. But he was sure Myungsoo would cool before the ceremony did actually commence.



“Friends and family, we have gathered here today.....”

The voice of the priest droned on as Myungsoo skittered around the church, snapping photos here and there. The lighting was brilliant, cascading through the stained glass windows and onto the couple who stood on the alter, backs towards the audience.


There were a few sobs heard from the audience, most probably the parents of Woohyun and Janey. Myungsoo couldn't help but feel like crying on the inside too.


This was it. He took a deep breath as he focused on the couple, the centre of attention. The ring bearer had brought the rings on a velvet red pillow, kneeling before them. Woohyun gracefully picks up the ring, and Myungsoo feels a slight weight in him lift.


I mean, it's not like he could do anything, especially now, could he? Janey would be married, and he would be single, but that didn't mean he didn't have a life ahead of him, did it? Maybe Gyu was right...

He lifted the camera back up to eye-level, looking through the finder. And he laid his brown eyes on her for the last time.


Silky auburn red hair curling at the ends and flowing freely down her back like a waterfall. A lacey veil covering her hazel brown eyes, and her cherry blossom pink lips curving into a smile as she sang, “I do”. A simple silver wedding band was slid onto her finger, a glimmering diamond donned above for the world to see. She wore a graceful, silky dress, pearl white in colour with a heart neck, that pooled around her from the waist down, making her appear even more beautiful than she was. Her shoes that peeked from beneath sparkled from the light that shone brightly through the stain glass windows of the Church.

Woohyun's faint, “I do,” rang out into his ears, as he made his way towards the pillars at the side of the altar, camera still held to his face, finger working rapidly against the button. He would capture these memories for Janey. Every single one of them. It would be his last gift to her. The wedding bells rang, loud and clear, and the Priest smiled, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Cheering erupted within the small cathedral, colourful confetti thrown into the air. The couple on the alter locked lips sweetly, and Myungsoo finally dropped his camera. He'd be alright, and he would find someone better for himself. He was sure of it now.


He looked up when he feels his hand taken into another. Sunggyu stood gripping his hand softly, a smile playing on his lips, eyes crinkled at the corners.

“You'll be fine without her, Myungsoo, I'll make sure of it,” and once upon a time, Myungsoo smiled a genuine smile.




I'm so sorry! Don't hate me! LMAO XD I didn't update for like, more than a month, and i kinda, just kinda.... forgot what this was even about. o_x;;;;
So let me apologise for this being so crap. LOL Even I, myself, think it came out as a disappointment tbh. But yeah, idk how to fix it, so i'll leave it like this.
To those who decided to drop by, comment, read silently, I thank you. Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoyed this at least just a tiny bit, and that it wasn't a complete waste of your time xD Feel free to drop me a message any time if you wanna chat 8D
As always, Happy Readings!!

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remand_a #1
Chapter 3: Only that? They're not together? @-@
Please sequel
Chapter 3: wowww beautiful.... Myungsoo fighting!!! Sunggyu so cute.... <3
Chapter 3: Oh! Myunggie you have Sunggyu so don't worry :)
Great story ^_^
Hey just wanted to give this remark haha xD "If I love you" in French is actually "Si je t'aime"
sunggyu is just soo precious rite? :"
such a good friend..
omg omg omg.
this is so thrilling. i jut want to know what happens next ;~;
I knew it I knew that sunggyu actually love woohyun >.<
oh my~ myunggyu friendship is way too precious ;~~~~;
this, is just a work of perfection, but im confused a lil bit. Anyway, i hope this won't end as a friendship myunggyu.. There are only few of my otp...
poor Myungsoo, he must be hurt so much, I love sunggyu here, how he was warm hearted, aww, gyu, such a good friend C:
mountainfish #10
aww Myungsoo. you'd think that if Janey was his good friend, she'd tell him earlier about her wedding. or at least mention Woohyun. :( alas, at least Sunggyu will be there for him. I love Myunggyu, whether it's friendship or romance, so I hope you update soon! good luck with work!
also, lol forgive me, but since you've already got "t'" ("te" which refers to "you"), I think you don't need "vous", which is another form of "you" (either plural form or polite form). I've taken a couple years of French, but it's also been a couple years since I last used it, so I might be wrong ;;