Part 1

Si Je Vous T'Aime. (If I Love You)

Myungsoo opened his eyes to see his university professor lecturing from the front of the classroom, a whiteboard marker in one hand and a textbook in the other. He didn't use chalk like he did last year, that was so last season.


Myungsoo let out a quiet yawn and stretched his arms above his head before turning to look out the window. It was the end Autumn, and the last of the brightly coloured leaves were dancing in the soft breeze, falling slowly to the ground in a whirlwind of reds and yellows.


The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Myungsoo gathered his things quickly and dashed out the room, hoping to enjoy the last specks of Autumn before the cold and snow of winter paraded in. Not that he didn't enjoy Winter, in fact Myungsoo was one who loved the snow; it served as a great prop for his photos.


He stopped half way across campus; he was in no rush to go anywhere, his classes had finished for the day and it was only midday. Pulling out his camera from his backpack, Myungsoo quickly snapped a few shots of the falling leaves, checking it on the screen before nodding his head in consent of his good work.


He turned at the sound of his name to see a flurry of flower-printed material and auburn hair. Smiling to himself, he quickly snaps another photo of the approaching figure.


Janey. Bright auburn hair and an attraction to vintage style. She was a good friend of his since high school, only Myungsoo had wished they were more. He had tried a few times to confess his feelings to her, only to pull back out of embarrassment at the last minute. She had never realised.

“Hey, Janey.” He gave her his as-per-usual poker face, which she greeted with a cheerful smile. “Soo honey,” She began, wrapping her arm around Myungsoo's shoulder; walking beside him to the cafe that she knew he was headed to for lunch. “I've got someone I want you to meet!”


Myungsoo nodded, letting her lead him towards the cafe a bit faster. He could sense her excitement, and he could only feel a slight drop in the bottom of his stomach because of it. A sense of annoyance bubbled within him because, Who am I meeting, and why is Janey so excited to introduce us?

A skeptical look crossed his usually calm features, and Myungsoo couldn't help but wonder just why Janey was getting so worked up. It hit him as they entered the cafe.


Janey dragged him towards a table where two young men sat. One had jet black hair and wide, cheeky eyes; the other, caramel brown hair with quiet, warm eyes. The two totally contrasted each other.


Janey took a seat beside cheeky eyes before turning her attention back to Myungsoo, clinging onto the guy's arm. Her eyes turned into crescents, her cheeks turning a slight rosy shade.


“Myungsoo, this is Woohyun. We've been dating for two years now.”

And Myungsoo's fears were confirmed. His skepticism vanished, replaced by a sudden wave of jealousy and sadness because, Why hadn't I known she had a boyfriend?

“We're engaged.”

A second arrow pierced through Myungsoo, and a feeling of desolation and betrayal replaced the jealousy and sadness.


“We're getting married on Saturday, and we'd really appreciate it if you would be our photographer.”

Myungsoo just about burst from the overwhelming amount of information that was pushed onto him. Not only had he not known that his crush had a boyfriend, she was also engaged. She was getting married. On Friday. And she wanted him to be their photographer. That's only a week 5 days away!

“Oh... Uh... Yeah, sure....”


“Oh, really Soo, you'll do it?! Oh my gosh, I love you so much, honey!”


He could only awkwardly smile and give a stiff nod, not really wanting to have accepted the proposition, but feeling obliged to as Janey's good friend. He knew he'd only feel bad going to the wedding, hurting himself more than he felt right now, but he didn't want to upset her, especially by not showing on her wedding day.


“Hey Jae, I've gotta go,” He began quickly grabbing his backpack which had unconsciously been placed on the ground. “Got some stuff to attend to,” lifting up his camera; she would understand what he meant.

“Oh, alrighty then. I'll see you tomorrow, and really, thanks again for agreeing, I have no idea what I'd do if you say no, I only trust you to take the most amazing photos.” Janey flashed a smile; Myungsoo quickly made his way out the cafe, forgetting all about grabbing some lunch. Doesn't matter, lost my appetite anyways.


Half way down the street already, Myungsoo heard his name being called.

“Myungsoo-sshi, wait up a sec.”

He turned around when he felt a hand placed gently on his shoulder. It was the brown-haired guy from the cafe. Oh, I forgot about him.

“Myungsoo-sshi, are you alright? You looked a bit troubled back there. Shall we grab a bite to eat together? Oh, I'm Sunggyu, by the way. Kim Sunggyu. Come on.” He flashed a wide smile, his eyes disappearing into thin lines, teeth blindingly white bared to Myungsoo's face.

“Oh, yes. Sure. I did forget to introduce myself before, but I see you already know me. It's nice to meet you.... And just call me Myungsoo.” Myungsoo said, following Sunggyu towards God knows where.


Sunggyu nodded and spoke, “I'm going to be helping out for the wedding so we'll be seeing each other a lot.”


When they had reached 2 blocks away, “So... Are you alright, Myungsoo? I know we just met and all, but you can talk to me if you'd like...” After a moment of silence, Sunggyu said quietly, as though he were shy.

“It's just....” Myungsoo heaved a sigh, “I... It's just that I-”

“You have feelings for Janey, right?”
For the first time in his life, Myungsoo's eyes had widened.


Sunggyu giggled at his reaction before turning serious again, “Sorry if I offended you with my straightforwardness. But really, I know it's hard, but she's getting married... To Woohyun. You have to move on, Myungsoo. There's still that person who's just for you somewhere out there, you just have to find her.”

He knew this already, Myungsoo did, but it didn't make it any less difficult to dispose of his feelings. “I know, Sunggyu, I really do. It's just.... It's a lot to take in all at one go, you know? I didn't know she was getting married, let alone had a boyfriend. And all this time I'd been gathering the courage to confess... It's just... Ugh.”

He didn't want to, he really didn't want to cry; crying was a weakness that he didn't want others to see, but when the stinging behind his eyes wouldn't stop, and the tears began to spill over, he let them.


He felt comforting arms around his shoulders, and fabric against his cheek, a slow, steady heartbeat against his own.

“I know it's hard, but I'll help you get through it. Stop crying now, it'll ruin that charismatic image I had when I met you before.”

And before he could stop himself, Myungsoo felt his arms wrap tightly around the man's waist, disregarding the fact that they had just met. The other didn't seem to mind at all, tightening his grip around Myungsoo's shoulders as his quiet sobs became chokes

“It's okay, Myungsoo. It'll be okay....”

It hurts.... Why does it hurt....?



Mehhh-ish? I just felt like writing, i'm not sure if it makes as much sense to readers as it does to me... LOL Although i'm hoping to finish this up really soon, though i've got some stuff to catch up on first, and i'm pretty busy with work for the next few days ><;;; Anyways, any comments and critism are welcome. Happy readings!

PS// it's not Beta'd.

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remand_a #1
Chapter 3: Only that? They're not together? @-@
Please sequel
Chapter 3: wowww beautiful.... Myungsoo fighting!!! Sunggyu so cute.... <3
Chapter 3: Oh! Myunggie you have Sunggyu so don't worry :)
Great story ^_^
Hey just wanted to give this remark haha xD "If I love you" in French is actually "Si je t'aime"
sunggyu is just soo precious rite? :"
such a good friend..
omg omg omg.
this is so thrilling. i jut want to know what happens next ;~;
I knew it I knew that sunggyu actually love woohyun >.<
oh my~ myunggyu friendship is way too precious ;~~~~;
this, is just a work of perfection, but im confused a lil bit. Anyway, i hope this won't end as a friendship myunggyu.. There are only few of my otp...
poor Myungsoo, he must be hurt so much, I love sunggyu here, how he was warm hearted, aww, gyu, such a good friend C:
mountainfish #10
aww Myungsoo. you'd think that if Janey was his good friend, she'd tell him earlier about her wedding. or at least mention Woohyun. :( alas, at least Sunggyu will be there for him. I love Myunggyu, whether it's friendship or romance, so I hope you update soon! good luck with work!
also, lol forgive me, but since you've already got "t'" ("te" which refers to "you"), I think you don't need "vous", which is another form of "you" (either plural form or polite form). I've taken a couple years of French, but it's also been a couple years since I last used it, so I might be wrong ;;