Golden Sky


Well this is my very first fan fic as well as my very first story with chapters. I've only ever written short chapterless stories before. I'll just hope it'll bring some interest in some people. I'm not looking to be some New York Times Bestseller :P but i'll try my best.


     This story is about a young girl, roughly in her teens, named Kim Haneul. She is an orphan who is now in the custody of her Aunt, Kim Bong Cha. They both live in a small town called Joyonghan. From the words of her aunt, she claims that both Haneul's parents were killed in an invasion of Cheongug's capital Mijeom. She speaks the truth, however, it is not the whole truth. Haneul has yet to find out from her aunt about her mysterious tattoo on the back of her left shoulder that appears from time to time; three swirls connecting to a triangle with a dot in the middle that is encircled by a single ring. Bong Cha is very strict with her niece. With tight curfews and limitted socializing, Haneul is often lonely. But being the smart girl she is, she realizes after maturing that it has been for her own good with what she was capable of; it even scared her sometimes.

     For over generations and centuries, a prophecy has been past from father to son and so on and so forth. This was exchanged through a secret organization called the Warriors of the Sky. There have only ever been twelve members in this organization. A Lord of Flight, Time, Frost, Telepathy, Healing, Lightning, Wind, Water, Light, Fire, Earth, and Teleportation. One from each element. This organization was a way of comunication behind the backs of the Jeonjo's - the Shadows. The prophecy consists of a member from each element and a maiden that is yet to be found. Only all of them together can bring down the powers of the Jeonjo's. Any effort with just the twelve would be suicidal as it was attempted in the past and failed.


     The sun began to set, staining the skies gold, as she dashed through the forest clutching on a small little bundle in her arms. Twigs and branches scratched her face while rocks and roots threatened to make her stumble.  She ran and ran with the adrenaline pumping through her. She ran not because her life depended on it, but the life in the little bundle did. The tiny bunch struggled and wailed in her grasp wanting to be free as a pair of deep lilac eyes gleamed with tears from the hood of the blanket.


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fmoyre #1
omg i love your story so much <3 i love fantasy and supernatural stories ;; keep it up! btw why does "the lost golden city" is removed?
Oh my what is happening ><
Sounds complicated..
Update when u can :3
It sounds interesting...I'm so gonna read it! please update(^_^)v