Texting and Ice Cream

C ø n t e m p l a † i o n


It had been three days since seeing Jiyong, four since telling them I was thinking of moving. I didn’t have much time left. My parents had offered me to stay and study college and high school there. They missed me. I pushed that problem aside and checked my phone. I texted Jiyong in Thunder’s bed. I had gotten too bored in my own room, and slipped into his room, only to find him still sleeping. I shrugged and lay down next to his sleeping body. I couldn’t go into Mir’s room, because it was shut locked which disappointed me. At least he was much happier after I gave him the stuffed cat. “You thought of me.” he said showing a set of pearly white teeth.  A smile curled upon my lips as I began to type in each Korean character. I couldn’t see Jiyong, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t text him.

-Yahhh oppa, I miss you.
Well I don’t.
-I haven’t seen you three days.
  You forgot to close the window when you left. I was freezing cold.
  Stop apologizing, that’s useless.
-Well, I can’t do anything else :<
 You could stop messing up.
-I’ll try that next time :d
  Should’ve tried it along time ago, aish. Useless useless pabo. Why haven’t you visited.
-I was forbidden to see you ; n ;
  =.=’’ and you listen to those idiots?
-They aren’t idiots, Seungho is smart.
  Where are you.
-In Thunder’s bed, my room got boring.
  You’re not allowed to do anything with that man. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
-Ahhh oppa, I’m just 16! Shut up, you’re so awkward! I would never do anything!
  I meant go out with him, geez what were you thinking.
  I know.

Before I could continue with the conversation, Thunder turned over and swiped my phone and began to read my conversation. His right eyebrow raised and he turned to me. “Your ‘step brother’ really is an idiot... And a jerk.” he laughed and began to type something into my phone. I tried to grab it from him but he turned to his side, his back turned to me and he extended his arms out of the bed for it to be more difficult to take the phone. He hit send and threw the phone on the bed stretching his arms up and then giving me a big hug. The hug was rather long, and I huffed. “Yah, are you Mir or something?” I joked. I hugged him back and dug my face into his shirt. I remembered my phone and let go of Thunder, grabbing the electronic device on the edge of the bed. I unlocked the screen to see what he had written to Jiyong.

Don’t bother me and jagiyah. She is forbidden to talk to you or text you.

My eyes widened and I hit Thunder on the shoulder. “Waeee! Why’d you type that? Jiyong’s gonna kill me!” He rubbed his eyes and shrugged. “I was just playing around. Don’t worry about it.”

Thunder’s pov.  

I smirked at the text I sent to Jiyong. That’ll show him I’m in better relations with her than you are. “Jagiyahh, you’re so cute.” I teased pinching her cheeks. She pursed her lips as I pinched her cheeks. “I’m no one’s jagi! Mir would be upset!” she sulked. “Okay, you win this time.” I yawned again and sat up from my bed scratching my head. “Lets go out for ice cream.” Her face immediately sparkled with eagerness and she hurried me to get ready. I brushed my teeth as fast as I could and told her to put on the combat boots. I put on a same pair as well and threw her a light red v-neck t shirt along with a grey cardigan. Her eyes turned even bigger and dropped open in delight. “Are we going to match today?!” I nodded with a smile. She ran and hugged me making me fall onto my bed.  “Yayyy! Thanks! I never did this before, it’ll be so fun! I never get to match with a best guy friend! Even Mir refuses when I ask him!” She quickly leapt across to her room and changed, running back to me and pulling my hand to the door. “Ice cream!” she yelled while fist pumping in the air.

Mir’s pov.
I lay on my bed holding the plush in the air, the one __ had given me a few days ago. I tossed it in the air and caught it and hugged it tightly. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and thought of the past when I first met her. “That was the biggest mistake of my life. I should’ve said something else. Now, you’re probably going to leave, and in someone else's’ arms that isn’t my own. What hurts even more is how oblivious you are to anyone’s actions. Especially G.O’s...”


“Oppa! Oppa! I want to tell you something.” I turned back to her from my homework and rustled her hair. “What is it? How was school?”
“It was good! I think I like a boy.” she said with confidence. It was just a small crush, it couldn’t have been much. No big deal.
“Oh really? Who is it? Is he in your grade?”
“No, he’s two years older than me.” I laughed. “Dear, you should find someone your own age.” I said petting her head. “But I really like him! His smile always makes me happy! Oppa do you like someone?” I thought about it for a second. She was close to me, why not tell her. “Yes, in fact I do. She’s in the same grade as me.” Her smile faded. I looked at her with curious eyes and tilted my head. “What’s the matter?” She shook her head and smiled once again. “Just make time for me okay?” I chuckled and hugged her. “Always.”

A week later.
__ came running to me after school as I waited for her outside the gate. “How was school?” she jumped up and down, her eyes sparkling. “He said hi to me today when I passed by him! I never see him often, so when I did, he noticed me oppa!” I put an arm around her and pulled her closer. It was getting cold. I took off my school uniform suit and put it onto her shoulders. “Do I know him?” I asked. She shrugged still smiling. “Sure.”

She kept telling me these little stories about her crush everyday. I wondered who he was. And then it was valentine’s day.

“Oppa! Should I confess to him? I really like him.” she said. “But I think he likes someone else. I am not sure, I don’t ask him much when we hang out.” “Well I’m sure everything will be fine. I have to go now, I’m going on a date.” “You are?” I winked. “Aren’t you proud of me? I asked her out!” I said ecstatic. She gave a small smile. “Of course I am! Now go enjoy your date!” she yelled happily.

It was one in the morning, and I had just come home from the date. I unlocked the door. Everyone was asleep, but __. She sat at the dining room table, her head resting on the table, and a bouquet of flowers next to her along with a box of chocolates. Four more bouquets lay in front of her. Her head cocked up at my rather loud footsteps. I all of the lights to the kitchen and undid part of my dress shirt. “What are those?” I asked. She pointed at the other bouquets in front of her. “Oh those? The guys gave them to me. They’re so sweet.” “So... how did it go?” I asked slowly. “I didn’t do it yet.” “Yah, it’s so late! Why didn’t you?” She took the bouquet of flowers that sat next to her and chocolates shoving it to me lightly. “Happy belated Valentine’s day!”  she sang. “W-wait, I thought you were supposed to--” then it hit me. She was talking about me all this time. The boy that said hi to her but seldom saw her at school. The boy she hung out with. Me. “__, I don’t know what to say.” She only continued to smile like it was no big deal. “It’s okay! You like someone else, and that’s only for you to choose. But now, I think it’ll be easier to let go of you after this. You’re still my oppa though! My best friend! My favorite.” I beamed back at her and petted her head. “I’m glad you understand.”

After that, it did seem like she let go. And I slowly grew jealous of her relationship with everybody else. All of them gave her flowers on that Valentine’s day. She called them sweet. She didn’t understand there was more to it than a simple gift. And I was the only one to not give her any.
Hi guys!~ Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I made this update really long compared to most of the other chapters I've written :3 i really really hope you like it ^o^ i feel like im just dragging everything =A=  but anyways, comment and subscribe! I really like your guys' comments :) 
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Seunghoismylife #1
Chapter 21: Sobs I hope I get to see mblaq again thx I rly liked ur fanfic though
sharky #2
@stayleeforever , hehee im glad you liked my story ^o^ there is a sort of continuation for this on my other story, "I've Forgotten " Check that out! ~
StayLeeForever #3
sharky #4
@blaqangel thank you for reading!~ i made a new fanfic please check it out ^o^
BlaqAngel #5
T^T such a sad ending T^T but I love your story please write another one:)
sharky #6
@kpopmusiclover im glad you enjoyed my story ; o ; her parents just made her go back X)
kpopmusiclover #7
Aww she remembers them :) I almost cried :( why did she have to go back to US? *sniffs* I enjoyed ur story :)
Please make more stories <333333
sharky #9
@random_101 aww thanks for saying it's a great story doe ^o^