M e m ø r y

C ø n t e m p l a † i o n


No one’s pov.

Mir and the guys rushed to the hospital. She was in critical condition. Streams of tears trickled down all of their faces as they waited grimly in the hospital hallway. Seungho told them about the notebook. She had planned to commit suicide today. Mir tried to hide his face from guilt. “I should’ve known...” he kept blaming himself as he sobbed. Nobody spoke for the past hour. Doctors came and went. It was in the afternoon, and the hospital was not so busy until they received an urgent call from 119 to take __ in. Seungho nervously fiddled with the necklace he had in his pocket crying his eyes out. Joon, out of frustration and guilt that he had not know this either punched the wall beside him as he cried. G.O. silently sat at his seat shaking his head, trying to think this was all not real. Thunder was the most silent but shed the most tears. He held his face and pulled at his hair trying to think how he went wrong. It began to hurt even more when __ used to ignore him after he had gotten into a fight with Jiyong. He inaudibly apologized over and over again. Somebody burst through the hospital doors, a slender man with a blond fohawk, Jiyong. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and tear stains were clearly visible on his t shirt and on his face. Anger and outrage was written all over him. He came towards Mir and pinned him to a wall angrily holding him by the collar of his shirt. He snarled and slammed Mir again to the wall. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!” he cried out small clear drops coming out of his eyes once again. “I ING TRUSTED YOU. I TRUSTED ALL OF YOU BASTARDS NO MATTER HOW MUCH I DIDN’T WANT TO!” He bawled his eyes out and threw Mir to the ground. “All of you are going to pay.” he snarled. “MY RELATIONSHIP WITH __ IS USELESS NOW.” Joon pulled his head up. “W-what do you mean useless?” Jiyong began to laugh. “You mean you don’t know?” he put on a smirk even from all the droplets from his eyes continuously trickling down his cheek. The doctor came out of __’s room. “I’m sorry to interrupt your little argument, but __ is slightly stable now thankfully. There was a huge chance of her dying, but we managed to pull through, but--” Seungho rushed in and tried to go into __’s room. The doctor stopped him, but allowed Jiyong to go in. “Ma'am, I need to see her.” he desperately said. She shook her head. “Her parents authorized that none of you should see her. Mr. Kwon Jiyong is allowed to visit her one more time today and that is it for the sake of him being a relative. It wouldn't matter if any of you saw her anyways. It really wouldn’t.” “Why is that?” Seungho felt a bit offended as he backed off. “I spoke with her parents on the phone, and they said that she is going to move back to the US as soon as she is a bit more stable. And...”
“And what?” G.O. asked.
“And she has lost complete memory of all of you, and her memory of living in Korea. We have a translator in the room. She can only speak her first language of English, I am deeply sorry.”
And the doctor left not allowing any more questions.

Your pov.

I took deep slow breaths as I slowly awakened from what felt like a long drowsy nap. I could hear crying. Somebody was holding my hand. A strangely handsome man was holding my hand. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he gave a small smile. I held my breath at his smile. His hair was abnormally blond, and he was pretty skinny. “__-ah.” He began. He then said something in another language I didn’t understand. “W-what? I don’t understand you. I don’t know you. Who are you? Where am I? Where are my parents?” I said in English. He seemed taken aback a bit and let go of my hand. He then my hair and kissed my forehead, and left my room. “Ah, Ms. __, you parents are in the states. We will send you back to them as soon as you’re better.” a man said who was sitting in a corner with a suit on. He smiled. “No more questions okay? Just trust us, we are working our best to make you better.” I didn’t understand what was happening and nodded. I looked at my arm and examined myself. Why did I have so many scars? What did I do to myself? I touched my head and winced at the immense pain I felt. I carefully traced my fingers on my skull feeling all the stitches on my head. Was I in an accident? Who was that man? I closed my eyes and tried to forget everything that just happened. At least I was going to see mom and dad again.
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Seunghoismylife #1
Chapter 21: Sobs I hope I get to see mblaq again thx I rly liked ur fanfic though
sharky #2
@stayleeforever , hehee im glad you liked my story ^o^ there is a sort of continuation for this on my other story, "I've Forgotten " Check that out! ~
StayLeeForever #3
sharky #4
@blaqangel thank you for reading!~ i made a new fanfic please check it out ^o^
BlaqAngel #5
T^T such a sad ending T^T but I love your story please write another one:)
sharky #6
@kpopmusiclover im glad you enjoyed my story ; o ; her parents just made her go back X)
kpopmusiclover #7
Aww she remembers them :) I almost cried :( why did she have to go back to US? *sniffs* I enjoyed ur story :)
Please make more stories <333333
sharky #9
@random_101 aww thanks for saying it's a great story doe ^o^