Chapter 3


Chapter 3

“Morning,” an old man sat on the chair at the end of the huge table as he told the other to take a seat. Junsu ended up sitting between Yunho and Yoochun. Kibum excused himself, maybe he didn’t allow attending this meeting, Junsu thought.

“Now, isn’t this Junsu?” the old man spoke,” How’s you two days at work?”

“F-fine! I enjoy my work with my brother,” Junsu was kind of nervous. Yoochun patted his shoulder, telling him to relax.

“No need to be nervous, I’m not going to eat you. I’m Bae,” the old man introduced himself,” So, you stuck between 2U eh?”

“2U?” Junsu asked.

“Yes, Yoochun’s Department on the 2nd floor and Yunho’s Department in 3rd floor…And you’re sitting between each department’s leader now,” Mr. Bae explained. Junsu tried to understand the whole thing he just received. He just knew Yunho was the head of the geek department or whatever it was. And Yoochun plus Yunho got a nickname, it’s 2U.

“OK, let’s get to the point now, what’s up?” Yoochun asked with carefree style of speaking to Mr. Bae. Junsu was surprised to see his brother like that. He always thought Yoochun respected his boss a lot.

“Look at your brother, he didn’t even mind his word,” Mr. Bae chuckled as he told Yunho to explain the things.

“OK, this morning my department got threatening mail from unknown suspect. It told us that tonight, at 8 o’clock to be exact, a bomb will explode somewhere in Seoul,” Yunho spoke,” This’s the only clue we got…”

A picture of giant wheel was on the paper, nothing else.

“Giant wheel?” Junsu asked. No one answered, he decided to stay silent. Junsu looked around as he saw the sight of Yoochun that he never saw. Yoochun was deep in his thought; his face was emotionless, yet thinking so deep.

“The mail was sent at 07.25 and arrived at 08.07 this morning, we tried to track the sender but we got nothing, so something on your mind, Park?”

“Hmm, is this possible just a frank?” Junsu asked because he felt he’s also ‘Park’, but later on he just realized the ‘Park’ belonged to Yoochun.

“No, not a frank,” Yoochun finally spoke,” The untrackable mail isn’t a frank; nobody can hide from Jung’s geek ability…”

“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment then,” Yunho spoke. Junsu just realized something between Yunho and his brother. Somehow, they didn’t really like each other that much, but they ended up together, since their department needed each other.

Junsu made an assumption that Yunho was the one who collected data and did business with the computer; meanwhile Yoochun was the one who did the job, capturing the suspect on a case. Well, at least that from Junsu’s observation. The Jung and The Park…Junsu chuckled at his own thought.

“Is that all?” Mr. Bae asked as Yunho nodded.

“There’re two giant wheels in Seoul. The first one is in Seoul National Park and the other one is at Seoul Theme Park. I’ll put some of my men there, just in case. Meanwhile, dig whatever you can dig Jung,” Yoochun spoke as he got up and excused himself.

“Um, well then, I’ll be going with my brother,” Junsu spoke to Mr. Bae and Yunho. Both of them nodded with a smile.

“Hyungie~ Wait!” Junsu’s voice chasing Yoochun could be heard as the door closed. The two man still in the meeting room.

“Well, I’ll be going too, Mr. Bae,” Yunho spoke.

“Wait, so…what do you think about Park Junsu?” the older man asked. Yunho knew what the man referred to.

“…I’m not sure yet, but he’s just like his brother, genius I guess…” Yunho spoke as he excused himself. Mr. Bae looked around as he decided to go to his own office. He walked out from the meeting room and got into the room next to it.

Sitting on his desk, he stared at huge photo hanging on the wall and mumbled,” It has been a long time…two years eh?”


“Junsu, get to your office…” Yoochun said for the thousand times.

“No! I don’t want to spend all day there, I want to go with hyung to investigate, pleaseeeee?” Junsu asked with his puppy eyes, damn it, why Yoochun always so weak at those eyes?

“…OK, just promise don’t leave my side without my permission,” Yoochun finally spoke as the lift opened on the basement.

“Promise!” Junsu said as he excited followed his brother.

A shiny car in black caught Junsu’s attention. He looked around and realized it’s Audi R8…



Junsu knew that car!!! It’s one of the supercars Junsu saw at the internet few days ago! And the more surprisingly, Yoochun could open that car door.

“What are you doing? Get in,” Yoochun said as he looked at the stunned Junsu.

“Is…this hyung’s car?” Junsu asked.

“Yes, why?” Yoochun asked clueless.

“EHHHHHHHHH!!!” Junsu shouted in excitement as Yoochun jerked up,” I don’t know hyungie has super car! Hyungie is mean! Hyungie never take me to ride that car!”

“…I just bought this car few weeks ago and this car always at office for my patrol…” Yoochun explained as he closed the car door and went to Junsu’s position, he took Junsu’s palm as he smirked and winked,” You’re going to ride it now, right?”

Junsu nodded as he rushed into the car. He hid his blushing cheek as he got into the car, sitting on the passenger seat. The car just had two seats. Meanwhile, Yoochun was the one stunned outside the car now.

Am I…just flirting with Junsu? Yoochun asked himself. What’s wrong with me?!!

“Hyungie, come on!” Junsu called as Yoochun finally got into the car. He started the engine as the car went out from the basement.

“Where are we going?” Junsu asked excitedly.

“Since the team I sent is going to investigate the Seoul National Park, we’re going to Seoul Theme Park…” Yoochun answered as he got his gadget ready. He pushed the button on the small screen of the car body and a route showed. Junsu watched in amusement. He completely forgot that he was excited to go to the theme park few seconds ago.


“Theme park!” Junsu cheered as they arrived at the gate.

“Junsu, remember what we’re doing here…” Yoochun spoke.

“OK! I won’t forget! Hyungie look at that roller coaster, I wanna try!” Junsu smiled.

“Junsu!” Yoochun snapped Junsu out from his dreamland. They younger one quite shocked to see his hyung like that. Seeing Junsu hurt expression, Yoochun felt guilty.

“Sorry, I’ll take you to this theme park again later OK? Now, let’s search for anything suspicious, OK?” Yoochun spoke softly as he caressed Junsu’s cheek. Junsu nodded. Both of them went into the theme park after Yoochun purchased the ticket.

“Hyungie, let split up,” Junsu suggested,” It’ll be easier to find what we search…”

“OK,” Yoochun agreed, he thought it’s the best option too,” We’ll meet here again in two hours OK? Just call me whenever you feel or find something wrong…”

And with that the Park split up, Junsu decided to look around the playing ground, the place where we played games and we got doll or something like that as the prize if we won. There’s a clown that holding balloon. Few kids gathered and played with the clown. Junsu smiled as he remembered the time he played with the clown.

It just few years ago, he still remembered how he begged his brother to take him to the theme park the next day because he still wanted to meet the clown. His brother did as he wished, after all, Junsu just had his brother, and his parents had passed away.

“Kim Junsu, watch your back…” a voice disturbed Junsu’s daydreaming. He looked around and he found no one. Junsu made sure he’s on his guard because it’s quite crowded there.

After few minutes of searching, Junsu decided to go to next area. But what was that? Kim Junsu? His name was Park Junsu, not Kim. Junsu somehow felt he realized the voice.


A ringtone caught Junsu’s ear, he felt something vibrating inside his pocket. He took the thing and found an old phone which wasn’t his. How this phone ended up in his pocket? Junsu decided to answer it.

“Yoboseyo?” Junsu answered.

“Park Office…Giant Wheel…Page 13…” a voice of computer echoed on Junsu’s ear as the phone line died. What’s that? Junsu asked himself.

His thought was disturbed by his growling stomach; he decided to have his lunch at a hot dog stand. It still one and half hour before he should meet Yoochun.

Yet, the call was still disturbing him. Should he call Yoochun? Should he track the phone? No, it’d be useless. The phone was so old that even track machine wouldn’t be able to track it, Junsu sighed. He decided to put back the phone into his pocket for now.

After eating his hot dog, Junsu went into shopping district, where people bought souvenirs. He looked around and nothing suspicious got into his eyes.

He entered a shop as he still thought about the words he received at the call. Were those clues?

‘Park Office’ meant the caller certainly not anyone. It should be related…to the case they’re in now! Yes, the caller knew Park Yoochun or Junsu was on the case. This might be the clue from the bomber…

Then, ‘Giant Wheel’? ‘Page 13’?  What’s that?

Junsu thought as a big photo album caught his eyes. There’s a picture of giant wheel at the cover. It reminded Junsu of something. So…Junsu rushed his feet to get wherever he should get into now…

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Chapter 17: yayyyy~ I'm happy for them both. hehe X'D
nanapham #5
Chapter 25: Aww they are all stil alive great story happy ending ;)))
Chapter 25: aigooooooo love this one~~~~ i read it in one sit aiiiiishhhhh nice^^
Chapter 25: wow, i read it in one go, though i have blood shot eyes but i loved it, that is one fic i'd love to watch turned to a movie :)
Chapter 25: i'm so afraid to think the trio couldn't make it... eventually they survive.. =)
kyouya3 #9
@oconxs yes hehe
oconxs #10
happy ending :D