Chapter 23



Chapter 23


Night fell as darkness enveloped the whole city. Silence blinded his vision but luckily a special glasses made him seeing things in the darkness. Everything was green and black; it’s enough to spot any movement from the guard.

He took deep breath as he rushed forward; without making any noise, he tackled the first guard and left him unconscious. He surprised the other one with a knock on the neck. Pulling the bodies away as he hid them, he hid behind a barrel as he looked at a map.

It’s like an elementary student’s drawing but it was better than nothing. One thing he knew for sure was Kim Junsu’s drawing skill was doomed even though he’s a very cute boy.

“Jaejoong ah…Are you in? Is everything okay?” Yunho’s voice echoed through the receiver on his ears as he tucked the microphone once; it meant he was okay.

Silently inside, Jaejoong sighed that Yunho worried too much like always. He wanted Yunho to believe him and concentrate on the real mission. He knew at the same time Yoochun and Junsu were in the club; the place they would end everything.

Jaejoong moved inside from the back door and walked carefully. He’s right inside the warehouse; the place where Black Pearl made their headquarter. It wasn’t that different from the place he used to be tortured.

There’re pipes around him and the place was wet. The air was hot burning as the red light on the corner didn’t make it any better.

Shaking his horrible memories, Jaejoong walked up the stairs as he jumped on the guard and shot them with his silenced-gun. He did the same to two guards he found on the hallway. Finally, he reached his destination. There’s an iron door in front of him.

Careful, Jaejoong opened the door and pointed his gun; just to discover a bloody figure tied up on his knees. It’s no other but Shim Changmin, yet, he was badly beaten. Jaejoong shook the figure as he made the rope loosed.

“Uhh…What…” Changmin opened his eyes slowly as he spotted his savior blurry; he knew the man. Changmin couldn’t really move much as Jaejoong put him on his back. He stayed like that as Jaejoong got him out from the torture room and went down the stairs. That’s when he was thrown on the floor.

“That hurts!” Changmin hissed as he tried to get up but Jaejoong pushed him down. That’s when he realized some of Kangdae’s men were aiming at them. He was still panting as he read the signal Jaejoong gave him. Jaejoong told Changmin to run to the exit as he used himself as a decoy.

 Hell, Changmin had enough of being a coward. He took one of Jaejoong’s gun on the belt and began shooting the enemy. He struck right on the target as both of them rushed out to the exit door. It took like ages till they’re out of the warehouse and suddenly, Jaejoong pulled Changmin to the river’s direction.

Changmin cursed when he knew what Jaejoong was up to. They’re going to escape by the river, meaning getting wet, meaning Changmin’s wound would hurt like hell. Geez, without any other choice, Changmin followed the older one.

Just when he got his head below the water, a sparkling red explosion shot above the water. Flame burnt everything as Changmin realized Jaejoong had put bombs around the warehouse. It’s an amazing escape plan.

Jaejoong smiled to Changmin as he pulled the younger one to another side of the river. Changmin could only grinned in pain till he was out of the water; panting.

“Thanks…for saving me…” Changmin spoke between his breathe,” Where’s Kibum? He’s okay, right?”

Jaejoong couldn’t answer and Changmin realized that.  Changmin demanded an answer as finally Jaejoong gave a body language that Kibum was in hospital.

“Damn it!” Changmin cursed,”They’re going to pay for this!!!”

Jaejoong was shocked when suddenly Changmin got up and rushed to the road. Changmin took a parked car as he turned it on and ready to kick the accelerator; luckily, Jaejoong managed to catch up and got the passenger seat. Jaejoong asked where they’re going.

“Of course to kill him!” Changmin was full of anger and Jaejoong knew who’s him. It’s Kangdae but one thing was off. How could Changmin head to opposite direction of the club?

“What club?” Changmin asked between his anger,” Don’t tell me you fell into his trap?! The place was switched into Seoul Mall! Damn it, tell your friends they’re falling into a trap! Kangdae will kill them if they go to the clu---Arrg! Give me the damn microphone!!!”

Jaejoong froze as Changmin talked to Yunho using his microphone. How could he didn’t realize it? It was obvious Kangdae knew they had the data and he could use it as a trap. He could only pray Yoochun and Junsu would be fine.

Meanwhile, Yunho was shocked to the bits as he got the news from Changmin. He immediately contacted Yoochun and Junsu who were on the mission, yet, he got no reply. His signal was cut off by some disturbance. Yunho cursed as he told his men to search for them.

Yunho called for Mr.Bae and reported everything fast. The old mad just told Yunho to calm down but he couldn’t! Half hour passed without any news as Jaejoong and Changmin almost reached their destination. That’s when something hit Yunho’s receiver.

“Yunho hyung, we’re here. I mean, at the mall…” it’s Junsu’s voice.

“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?! HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?! AND HOW CAN---THE MALL?!” Yunho shouted to the microphone as his workers literally scared of him. Being in room full of wire, computer, and his pissed-off boss didn’t help.

“That’s why I told you to calm down…” Mr. Bae came out behind Yunho out of nowhere as he smiled,” I told them it’s a trap…It’s said we have to deceive our friend to deceive our enemy right?”

“Wha---“ Yunho was speechless as he felt blood splashed on his face. He looked at his deputy next to him lying lifeless on the floor.

“It’s the only way we can know the spy between us,” Mr. Bae put his gun back,”I just have my own way to know things, Yunho…That’s why you shouldn’t leave an old man like me, I can be quite useful…”

Yunho could only stare at his boss in disbelief. He examined his deputy and realized there’s a secret transmitter from his ears. Damn, Mr. Bae was right. He got no idea everything was playing on his boss’s palm; he was lucky Mr.Bae wasn’t their enemy.

“Proceed as planned…I’ve other things to take care too, my French fries plan!” Mr. Bae disappeared after his silly comment and told some of his men to get rid of the corpse. Yunho sat back at his seat as he went on with his operation.

“You better explain this Park…” Yunho demanded an explanation.

“Then connect me to Jaejoong and Changmin too, Jung,” Yoochun’s voice echoed as Yunho clicked the conference button.


 “Are you keeping secret from me and acting behind my back now?”

The people inside the room could only freeze as suddenly Mr. Bae laughed. He told them he was a bit mad but it’s okay now since they got the data and could use it to stop Black Pearl.

“Junsu, Yoochun, can you two come with me?” Mr. Bae asked and took them to another room, leaving Yunho and Jaejoong,” Here’s the thing. There’s a spy in Yunho’s department but I don’t know who. There’s a high possibility the spy has put voice transmitter on Yunho or Jaejoong but I believe the spy doesn’t have access to both of you.”

“So, we’re going to have some plan without Yunho and Jaejoong. The dealing place changed, it’ll take place at Seoul Mall but you two will act like you’re going to the club, falling into the trap. That’s very easy right? Just leave the rest to me and I’ll catch the spy!”

Yoochun and Junsu could only sighed in relief that their boss wasn’t mad at them for keeping things, also for not having Mr. Bae as their enemy. Sometime, Mr. Bae’s way to know things were beyond understanding and no one actually got what the old man had in his mind.

“Errmm, but what about the club then?” Junsu asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll turn them into French fries if you know what I’m talking about,” Mr. Bae smiled,” Their trap will burn themselves.”


“Thanks God, all of you aren’t that stupid…At least you have smart boss,” Changmin’s comment got everyone’s nerves but Junsu was surprised; he never knew Changmin could be…this irritating.

“We’re getting from the front door,” Yoochun spoke,” Guide us, Jung…”

A file came out in Yunho’s computer, Mr. Bae was the one sent it. He opened it and he got a whole map of the mall, including the transaction’s place. It would be in one of the conference room located on the top floor.

The glamorous light blinded their sight for a moment as Yoochun and Junsu got into the lobby. It’s midnight sale time and they knew it’d havoc if Black Pearl made commotion here. The panic of the people would become their weapon as they escaped; no way would they let that happen. They took the lift and pressed eight; there’re some people with them in the lift. Some got off at the fifth floor, some on the sixth and seventh. Then it’s only Yoochun and Junsu with another three men.

Yoochun knew something was off as he kicked one of the men on the before the man could get his gun out. Junsu knocked out the other one. The last one managed to get his gun but before he could pull the trigger, Yoochun kicked the gun away and punched him on the stomach.

Then, the lift opened as Yoochun and Junsu made their entrance to the eighth floor. They pulled out the fainted bodies out of the lift and hid them.

“Are you okay?” Yoochun asked as Junsu nodded.

“Jung, we’re here. Tell us which conference room…” Yoochun spoke to his microphone.

“Follow the hallway and you’ll reach a dead end with a door. It’s room 804,” Yunho’s voice echoed,” I prefer you two to wait for Jaejoong and Changmin till they get there but---“

“I know, we don’t have much time,” Junsu spoke,” We have to act fast because we don’t know what they might up to…”

“Come on, Junsu…” Yoochun pulled Junsu as they proceeded through the hallway without making any noise. Still in conference mode, they could hear Changmin’s voice.

“We’re here too, I’m coming from the back door,” Changmin spoke as he got out from the car. He almost forgot his cloth was bloody red. Luckily, Jaejoong used a jacket to cover it. Changmin thanked Jaejoong as both of them went inside.

To be frank, Changmin didn’t have any idea where he got the strength. He felt like dying when Jaejoong rescued him but when he knew Kibum was hurt badly, he was so damn angry to his bones. He had enough of this and he would end everything tonight.

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Chapter 17: yayyyy~ I'm happy for them both. hehe X'D
nanapham #5
Chapter 25: Aww they are all stil alive great story happy ending ;)))
Chapter 25: aigooooooo love this one~~~~ i read it in one sit aiiiiishhhhh nice^^
Chapter 25: wow, i read it in one go, though i have blood shot eyes but i loved it, that is one fic i'd love to watch turned to a movie :)
Chapter 25: i'm so afraid to think the trio couldn't make it... eventually they survive.. =)
kyouya3 #9
@oconxs yes hehe
oconxs #10
happy ending :D