Chapter 21



Chapter 21


Around three years ago…

It was a bright and happy day for 14 years old boy who could get home earlier. More importantly, today was bonding day, Friday! Junsu couldn’t be more excited than meeting with his brother.

He crossed the street as the traffic turned red. It didn’t take long but few turns before he arrived in front of the National Security Office. He pushed the lift button and headed to his brother room.

“Hyungie~!” Junsu called as he opened Junho’s door, but there was no one. Junsu ended up pouting as he could guess his brother was on case or something. The room was simply dark and he was afraid to go inside but he should. He wanted to wait for Junho.

He took the first step as he tried to reach for the light switch but he couldn’t find it. Suddenly, he was pulled inside and it shocked the hell of Junsu when the light suddenly . He saw his brother with a birthday cake and Junho sang happy birthday song to Junsu.

Tears slipped into Junsu’s eyes because Junho never forgot about his birthday no matter how busy his older brother was. Junsu smiled and wiped his tears as he hugged his older brother.

“Hyungggggggieeee!” Junsu cuddled into Junho’s embrace as he felt so warm.

“Awww, Junsu, look who’s tearing up,” Junho teased.

“Stop it, hyungie,” Junsu wiped his tears again as he smiled and let his older brother kissed his forehead. They laughed and started to mess with the cake. Junho gave some cream on Junsu’s nose and vice versa. In the end, they just ate few bites and let the others for play. It was a happy moment for Junsu after a long time he missed his brother; blamed the work, but Junsu knew Junho worked hard for their living.

“Junsu, come here, I’ve presents for you,” Junho smiled as he told Junsu to close his eyes. Junsu did and he felt something cold on his neck. He opened his eyes after being told so and discovered a silver dolphin necklace on his chest. Junsu always loved dolphin but wasn’t this too much? Junsu was concern of the price and many things.

“Hyung, doesn’t this cost---“

“Shhh! Don’t ruin our moment, Su. Just make sure to take a good care of it no matter what happens. It might save your life, you know…”

“This dolphin pendant?”

“It’s not normal dolphin, click here…see, it can be opened and used to store secrets! Amazing right? I found it few days ago and I thought it would certainly look nice on you,”

“Hyungieeeeee,” so the rest of the night, Junsu ended up being spoilt by his older brother and they had the best bonding time ever.


“The dolphin pendant…” Junsu mumbled as he looked at his chest but didn’t find it. In fact he hadn’t worn it since he could remember. The last time was maybe before the accident two years ago.

“What?” Yoochun was dumbfound.

“Yoochun! Do you see remember my dolphin pendant that Junho hyung gave me for my birthday present? Where’s it?” Junsu asked.

“It’s…in your closet in our home, I guess? I mean, all your accessories are kept there. Why are you searchi---Junsu!”

Before Yoochun could finish, Junsu stormed out of Junho’s office and pressed the lift. Yoochun managed to catch up with Junsu as he asked what on earth was going on. Junsu gave brief explanation and they knew where they would head next, Kim Junsu’s room. They just hoped the thing they’re searching was on the dolphin pendant or else, they would become fried dolphin for the Black Pearl.


Junsu stormed out from the car as Yoochun cursed. How could Junsu be this careless to leave him behind? Anyway, Yoochun ditched his beloved sport car and rushed to follow Junsu. They got into the mansion, went to the stairs and then Junsu’s room, where Kibum was supposed to be resting there.

Yet, the view they saw shocked the hell of them. Blood was splashed on the curtain and everything was messy. The light was broken, turning on and off. Broken vases and glasses everywhere and Yoochun cursed and told Junsu to stay behind him, but his dolphin boyfriend ignored it. Junsu rushed to his closet.

“Junsu!” Yoochun cursed as he followed Junsu with gun on his hand. He knew someone was there or maybe still there. Sometime Junsu really acted without thinking and it scared the hell of Yoochun. Eventually, Yoochun searched every place of the room as Junsu searched his closet. Yoochun was sure there’s no one except them there, but Kibum was nowhere to be found. Just when he sighed a relief, he heard Junsu screamed.

“Noooo!!!” Junsu’s voice was in horror as Yoochun rushed back to the closet. He cursed as he put his hands on Junsu’s eyes.

“It’s okay, Junsu. I’m here. Don’t be afraid,” Yoochun hugged Junsu from behind and slowly took Junsu out of the closet room. There’s one of their servant there, throat cut off, and bleed all over Junsu’s cloth. Yoochun swore he would kill anyone responsible for the horrible thing Junsu had to see.

“Chun…They cut off---I…I---“

“Shhhh, it’s okay, Junsu. It’s okay, I need you to calm down, okay?” Yoochun put Junsu on the bed and closed the closet room door. Junsu was tearing up badly and crying. Yoochun’s heart sank. He should call for help, he couldn’t do this alone.

Yoochun hugged Junsu as he dialed Yunho’s number. Crap, even his mansion was being invaded. This’s really bad. Yoochun needed to get Junsu somewhere safe.

“Chunnie…” Junsu suddenly called, still hiding behind Yoochun’s embrace,” I found…a flash disc inside the pendant…”

Yoochun cursed as he couldn’t dial Yunho’s number. He later realized his phone was out of signal, which was weird. He had signal receiver inside his mansion so he could phone from anywhere inside the mansion; blamed the mansion for being too big. Something was wrong.


Both of Junsu and Yoochun were scared like hell when they heard soft cracking noises from the first floor. Someone was still inside their house. Junsu wiped his tears and looked at Yoochun. Yoochun nodded and they began to walk forward. Junsu followed Yoochun from behind.

Gun was still on his hands; Yoochun slowly got out from Junsu’s room and headed to the stairs. He knew he should get both of them out of there. He pointed his guns to every direction, making sure it’s clear to proceed.  Slowly, they get down the stair. One, two, three steps, there’s still nothing.

Suddenly a blast shocked their eyes as the grand crystal light fell out from the second floor ceiling to the first floor. The glass made the sound even more deafening as Yoochun cursed. He pointed his gun up to a black figure he saw and shot his on the chest, but he missed.  He shot again but before he pulled the trigger he was stopped.

“GET DOWN!” Junsu screamed as he pushed Yoochun and himself down. Then bullets pierced the walls behind them. The shoots were coming from below and they’re still on the stairs. Yoochun shot his bullet to the second black figure below as he hit the shoulder. He didn’t hesitate and shot him on the heart; killing him that’s instant.

“Junsu, come!” Yoochun pulled Junsu as they rushed down the stairs. Few bullets came from second floor but all of them missed. Yoochun managed to reach the front door and opened it but suddenly sharp pain went though his right shoulder as he lost grasp of his gun.

“YOOCHUN!!!” Junsu screamed when his boyfriend ended up on the floor, grunting in pain. Junsu tried to get Yoochun’s gun back but before he moved, the black figure got his gun on his head. Junsu was stunned; he was scared and shocked. Was this his end?

“Give me the data or I’ll blow up your head,” an unknown threatening voice spoke as Junsu looked up to the figure. Junsu knew he shouldn’t back down know; the result would be the same even if he gave the data. He and Yoochun would be killed.

“Don’t you dare to touch him!!!” Yoochun shouted as he threw a baseball stick he got out of nowhere to the figure. It didn’t hit the figure but managed to blur his attention for a while. Junsu took the chance as he kicked the gun away. The three of them struggled and wrestled to the gun first with few kicking and punching then suddenly…


A figure fell down on the floor, lifeless, with a bullet on his head. Junsu held his breath and so was Yoochun as they saw Kibum pulled a trigger behind them. All they knew Kibum fell instantly on the floor the next second.

“Kibum hyung!” Junsu cried out to the man and so was Yoochun. Kibum was bleeding badly; possibly because the new scars on his whole body.

“Did they do this to you?!” Yoochun asked but got no reply. Not enough with the surprise, suddenly the front door burst out open, revealing group of people dressing in black suit. Yoochun automatically took his gun and pointed it to the group.

“God! Yoochun! Junsu! Are you okay?!”

“Crap, Jung! I almost shot you!!!” Yoochun cursed as he grinned in pain because the bullet was still stuck on his shoulder.

“Yunho hyung! Call ambulance! We need to get Kibum to the hospital fast! He’s bleeding so much and Yoochun is also hurt! Pleaseee!!!” Junsu’s desperate cries were enough for Yunho to scream for paramedic. Some of them got inside the bloodshed mansion and took Kibum, some helped Yoochun and Junsu.

“Jung…The mansion…Our servant was killed in Junsu’s closet. I killed one of th---“ Yoochun was still trying to talk even though he was hurt.

“Shhh! Enough,” Yunho sighed,” Just stitch your wound, take a rest, and then you can tell me everything. In the meantime, I’ll take care of your…bloody mansion, don’t worry.”


“Shut up and go before I make you! Now go! Don’t make me lose another friend!” Yunho smiled as Yoochun was stunned on the sentence. Before they could talk more, the first ambulance took Kibum and the second took Junsu and Yoochun. Silently, inside the ambulance, Yoochun asked himself if this meant Yunho had forgiven him or not. No, it couldn’t be, he was not worth forgiven.

Seeing Yoochun’s frown was enough for Junsu to tell what’s going on his boyfriend’s mind. Junsu patted Yoochun on the head and smiled,” Don’t worry. Yunho isn’t blaming you for Junho hyung’s death anymore. I’ve told him everything. Now, we need to take care of your wound and Kibum hyung’s so we can take think what we’ll do next since we got the data already…”

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Chapter 17: yayyyy~ I'm happy for them both. hehe X'D
nanapham #5
Chapter 25: Aww they are all stil alive great story happy ending ;)))
Chapter 25: aigooooooo love this one~~~~ i read it in one sit aiiiiishhhhh nice^^
Chapter 25: wow, i read it in one go, though i have blood shot eyes but i loved it, that is one fic i'd love to watch turned to a movie :)
Chapter 25: i'm so afraid to think the trio couldn't make it... eventually they survive.. =)
kyouya3 #9
@oconxs yes hehe
oconxs #10
happy ending :D