
Arranged Marriage




[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



Avril POV

“Hey wake up sleeping beauty!” It was my third tries to wake Stephanie from her heaven-sleep. And she didn’t even move a bit.

I sighed. I grabbed her pillow and started to hit her.

“Aissh! What the-” she cursed and hid her head under the blanket.

“Ya! Wake up Steph! It’s almost 7 am, we’re gonna late!” I tried again.

“Skipping class today.”

Aishh… This lazy !

“Do you want to get my waterscreen attack Han?! It has been a long time, huh?” I smirked.

She stayed still.

“Hey I’m serious-”

“OKAY OKAY! FINE! I’LL WAKE UP!” she sat in the bed and glared at me.

I chuckled.

“Good then. The owner of the house is really tired because of her lazy-assed guest.” I .

She sent me a death-glare and rolled her eyes.

“Next time, remind me not to stay overnight in Lee house.”

I chuckled again.

“I will…”



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



“Hey you two!” Sehun said and waved his hand to us.

I waved back and Steph just yawn.

“You’ll get wrinkle in your young age if you still sleepless Steph.” Sehun said after he saw Stephanie sleepy face.

“This monster wakes me up from my peaceful sleep.” She pointed me with his thumb.

I rolled my eyes and Sehun laughed.

“Yeah, we know who the monster really is...” I smirked and made a high five with Sehun.

Stephanie glares at us.

“If you keep glaring like that, you’ll really become old in your young age Stephanie Han.” I again and runaway, escaping from her death-choke.



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



Stephanie POV

I sighed and turned my head to Sehun.

“You and your girlfriend is really not afraid of anything.” I shook my head in disbelief.

Sehun laughed and placed his arm on my shoulder.

“Friends is not afraid with their friends. You know it, right?” He smiled at me.

“Yeah…I know right…But sometimes it’s annoyed me.” I joked.

Sehun pouted and I laughed.

“But I always like the moment when you two around me.”



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



I yawned again.

It’s my twentieth time to yawn and I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

I couldn’t bear it anymore. I must got home and slept. And no one could disturb me.

So I stood up and walks out from the class, escaped from a really bored history lesson without anyone notice.



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



I got back home safely –a little dangerous because I’m sleepy- and headed directly to my room.

I laid in my bed and almost fell asleep until..


“Stephanie! Come out dear!” My mom's voice disturbed me.

“Aisshh…” I messed my hair and got up, headed to the door.


“What’s mom?”

“Go down dear, me and your dad want to talk something important to you.” She smiled and got down first.

“Aissh… Why I can’t get my peaceful sleep?!”



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



“What’s it mom, dad?” I asked.

“Steph, me and your mom, and the other parents is discussing about it and we have make a decision.” My Dad said with serious tone.

“Other parents?” I confused. Okay. Suddenly I felt ‘something-big-is-going-to-happen’.

My Dad nodded and continued

“You’ll get married in two weeks.” He said calmly.

“Oh married, ok- WHAT??? MARRIED?!” I got a shock. No. It couldn’t be happening.

“Your reaction is really expressive, dear..” My Mom commented and chuckled.

“No! It can’t be! I’m still high schooler Dad!” I protested.

“I know Steph, but it’s okay. We have arranged it for you, and you can meet your future-husband tomorrow. He heading back from LA.” My Dad said without paying attention to my expression.

“Oh God! No, I won’t do that! No no no and no! Big no!”

“Oh please dear, it’s for your good future…” My Mom begged me.

“But Mom, I don’t want married yet.”

“Please Steph, just this time listen to us, okay? Please…Make me and your dad happy…” My mom said again.

I couldn’t refuse anymore.

I didn’t want to looked my mom begged.

And their would be happy if I married, and happiness is…All I want to gave to my parents.

“So?” my dad asked.

I sighed.




[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



Sehun POV

Avril and me got out from the car, then I seen Avril parents car’s in front of my house.

“It’s your parents car, isn’t it?” I asked and Avril nodded.

“What are they doing here?”

I shook my head, didn’t know what’s going on here.

“Just go in, then.” I reached her hand and went in to my house.

“But our parents didn’t know we’re in relationship, Sehun.” She pointed to our hands that linked together.

“So? Just make them know.” I simply said and open the door.


“Sehun, you got home? Oh, Avril! How are you dear?” My mom rushed from family room to faced us.

“I’m fine, thanks Mrs. Oh.” Avril replied politely.

“It’s great to hear!” My mom smiled and looked at our hands. And I swear I see my mom’s smile bigger.

“Let’s go to the family room, shall we? We need something to talk to you two.” She got in first, with her big smile that never left her face.

We both followed her, and when we got to the room, I seen Avril parents and my dad still chats and laughs together.

Avril parents looked at us and smiled.

“How are you Sehun? Long time not see.” Avril’s dad, Mr. Lee, greeted me.

“I’m doing fine Mr. Lee, and nice to meet you.” I smiled back.

His eyes spotted our linked hands and gave me a curious gaze.

“Emm…We’re official.” I finally said.

There was a silence.

“Mom? Dad?” Avril called her parents.

And our parents gave us a creepy smile.


“You heard it? They are couple!”

“They’re so cute!”

“Oh and Lee jjang!”

“So it’s more easier to arrange the wedding!”


Avril and I were puzzled. What was they talking about? Couple, jjang, and wedding? W-wait!!! Wedding? WEDDING?!!

“WHAT? WEDDING?!!” Avril and I realized at the same time.


My dad smiled and talked to us with a very-happy-tone


“You two will married two weeks again!”



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



Third Person POV

LA, Dawn


A phone rang and disturbed the tall boy’s sleep. He groaned and woke up, rubbed his eyes. He reached for his Iphone and answer it.


“It’s about 2 AM already~”

“Chanyeol~a! You must go back to Korea as soon as possible!”


Chanyeol looked at his phone, not sure his dad called him in the dawn and told him to go back ASAP to Korea.


“It’s.. really dad?” he hesitated.

“Of course Chanyeol Park. Sorry for disturbing your sleep anyway…”

So, this is really Dad.


“What’s going on Dad? Anything happen?”

“Actually, it’s about you.”

“What is it?”

“Me and your mom have arranged a married for you.”


“Hey, don’t scream in the phone.”


“Yes. And no.”

He sighed in disbelief.

“Okay dad…I’m still in high school, why I must married in this such young age?”

“Chan, you won’t regret to comeback to Korea and married, okay? Me and your mom is really happy about this…Please, do it..” his dad begging.

“Why you begging me, dad? You know I want to make you and mom happy..”

“So, you agree?”

He sighed again before answered.

“Yes, I’m agree…”



[ A r r a n g e d M a r r i a g e ]



Author Notes:

It's , I'm sorry ><

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thank u for comment^^
i'm not using korean name because i dont want to confuse the reader, so i use english name. and because i use english name, so i write 'avril lee' not 'lee avril'.
but thank u for the critic, i appreciated it^^
DamiIsLove #2
i love the idea very much, but there are some problems with mistakes that really kills my brain x.x
also, korean ppl usualy say last name and then name...not vice versa..for example Lee Taemin, not Taemin Lee...'s really confusing (for me. I dunno about others) to read abot girls with non typical asian's just thing x_X
don't want to dissapoint you, just take it to consideration :))))
please continue developing the idea! ^^
This story is very interesting :D I really want to read the next chapter x) Please update soon >o<
Update soon please~ !!
new reader here^^
getting interesting!!!
update soon!!
update soon!
okay, thanks :))
don't forget to subscribe! XD
update soon :3
sound interesting :D