Waking a Lazy Dog

My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

Ri Ah had just come back from her morning jog and Mrs. Park was getting breakfast ready.

“Two meals again, Ri Ah?” Mrs. Park called to her from the kitchen when she saw Ri Ah pass by.

“Yes, please!” Ri Ah answered before taking her shower and getting dressed. It was 7:15 by now, so Ri Ah went upstairs and knocked on Chan Yeol’s door.

“Chan Yeol-ssi,” she called through the door. He didn’t answer so she slowly opened it and stepped in. She the lights and found Chan Yeol sleeping on his bed, buried under his covers. She lightly tapped on the mound, “Chan Yeol-ssi, it’s time to get up.” Chan Yeol groaned but didn’t move, so Ri Ah started pulling on his covers. “Chan Yeol-ssi, you said you would wake up early today. Are you going to go back on your words?”

“Five more minutes,” Chan Yeol said in his sleepy voice, not letting go of the covers.

Ri Ah sighed. She smiled mischievously when an idea came to her. She got on his bed, sat on top of the mound, and started jumping up and down.

“Yah!” Chan Yeol yelled as he pulled the covers off from over his head and sat up, causing Ri Ah to lose balance. She almost fell off the bed, but Chan Yeol grabbed her and ended up pulling her on top of him.

Ri Ah gulped as she reflexively pressed her  hands against Chan Yeol’s bare chest and was eye-to-eye with him on the bed. Chan Yeol stared back with wide eyes, his heart beating rapidly. Ri Ah hurriedly sat up and got off the bed.

“Um, you should hurry up and get ready. Breakfast is ready downstairs,” she nervously said, not looking at him.

“Y-yeah. I’ll be down in 20 minutes,” he answered in a fluster, also avoiding Ri Ah’s eyes.

Ri Ah left his room and Chan Yeol got out of bed. He stood there blowing air out and fanning his hot cheeks as his heart continued to race. He eventually got in the shower and cooled down with a cold shower.

Ri Ah came downstairs to the dining room table where Mr. Park was already seated.

“Ri Ah, are you feeling okay? Your cheeks look red,” Mr. Park asked in concern.

“Eh?” Ri Ah asked with wide eyes as her hands reflexively went to her cheeks. “I’m fine, I’m just feeling a little hot,” she answered nervously.

Chan Yeol came down as Ri Ah was finishing up, surprising both Mr. and Mrs. Park.

“Chan Yeol-ah, what are you doing up so early? And you’re dressed too,” Mrs. Park asked in surprise when she saw his son enter the dining room.

“I’m going to school with Ri Ah,” he answered them as he sat down, not looking at Ri Ah.

Mr. and Mrs. Park stared at him with their mouths open, then they looked at Ri Ah, who was looking at her food and quietly eating the last of her rice.

“Th-that’s great, son!” Mr. Park eventually said. “I’m glad to see you’re working hard.”

Ri Ah was done and got up to get her stuff from her room. Chan Yeol noticed her leave and started scarfing down his food.

“Slow down! You’ll choke if you eat that fast!” Mrs. Park scolded her son.

“I’m done!” Chan Yeol said, ignoring his mother and putting down his chopsticks before getting up. He quickly ran upstairs to grab his backpack and came down just in time to see his mother handing Ri Ah her lunch (and dinner).

“Oh, Chan Yeol-ah, I didn’t know you would be up this early so I haven’t made your lunch yet,” Mrs. Park started to say as she saw her son.

“It’s okay, mom. I’ll just get something from the school cafeteria,” Chan Yeol quickly answered, wanting to leave so Ri Ah didn’t have to wait.

“Oh, okay,” Mrs. Park said taken back by how rushed he was to leave so early for school. “Well, have fun at school, then.”

“Goodbye ahjumma,” Ri Ah said to Mrs. Park. “Goodbye ahjussi!” she called to Mr. Park still in the dining room.

Ri Ah and Chan Yeol got into the car and they drove in silence, still feeling awkward about the situation earlier. Chan Yeol decided to fill the silence with music so he turned the radio on.

[Maroon 5 - Hands All Over Me]

Put your hands all over me
Put your hands all over me
Put your hands all over me
All over me

Chan Yeol’s eyes widened at the lyrics and he changed the station.

[Ivy – Touch Me]

Touch Tou Tou Touch Me Tou Tou
Touch Tou Tou Touch Me Tou Tou Tou Tou Tou Tou Touch Me

He frantically tried changing the station one more time:

[DBSK/TVXQ – Mirotic]

Neon nareul weonhae [You want me]
Neon naege bbajyeo [You’ve fallen for me]
Neon naege michyeo [You’re crazy over me]
he eonal su eobseo [You’re my slave]
I got you under my skin

He quickly turned it off after the third station. “Aish, why aren’t there any good songs on the radio nowadays?” he said to himself. Ri Ah was looking out the window the whole time, not daring to look at Chan Yeol.

Chan Yeol cleared his throat, “So, um, thanks for waking me up,” he started to say. “I’m sorry if I was…temperamental,” he couldn’t find the right word to say.

Ri Ah could sense that Chan Yeol was trying hard to make things less awkward between them. I shouldn’t let Chan Yeol think I’m upset with him. It was only an accident. And it was my fault for jumping on him like that [Note: I know some of your minds were in the gutter when you read the last sentence ;) ] Ri Ah thought to herself before finally turning to him and answering with a smile, “It’s okay Chan Yeol-ssi. It wouldn’t be worth 10,000 won if it was so easy, right?”

“Uh, yeah. Speaking of which, how much do you owe now?”

“You’re not a very good debt collector if you’re asking your customer how much they owe,” she said with a small laugh. “My books were 264,400 won plus 20,000 hush money minus 10,000 for waking you up. That’s 274,400 won.”

Chan Yeol grinned back. He was glad that Ri Ah wasn’t treating him differently after this morning’s incident.

They soon arrived at school and Ri Ah had more than an hour till her first class. She and Chan Yeol went to the library and Ri Ah put her stuff on the table they chose as she went to find a book to read to pass the time. She found one that interested her and after checking it out, came back to find Chan Yeol sleeping with his head resting on his hand. Ri Ah smiled to herself as she quietly sat across from him and started reading.

It was 10 minutes till her next class so Ri Ah started packing up. She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a note to the still sleeping Chan Yeol:

I see that you were able to accomplish a lot by waking up early, Chan Yeol-ssi. Maybe you should try sleeping early too, though. I went ahead to class; I hope you wake up in time for yours. Sleep well until then!

P.S. Did you know you breathe very loudly when you sleep? [Note: I tried Googling "chanyeol sleeping" to see if there was something funny about his sleeping habit and this is what I found, lol XD]

She folded the note and placed it in between Chan Yeol’s palm and face before leaving. When Chan Yeol finally woke up, he pulled his face away from his palm and stretched with a yawn. The note fell onto his lap and he picked it up curiously. He smiled as he read the note and then checked his phone for the time.

“Aish, I’m late!” he yelled as he saw that it was 11:10, causing everyone in the library to look at him. He looked around and put his hand up and bowed in apology and then quickly packed his stuff and ran out.

Author's Note

Arggh, I can't believe I got all cliche and added a "faling on top of each other" scene. But, is this what you thought would happen from last chapter’s preview? Did it leave my readers satisfied? Or... were you disappointed :( ?

And nasomi2011–ssi: Thank you, I do try to update as quickly as I can so I don’t keep my loyal readers waiting.

But that’s not a promise that I will continue updating as fast as I have been. I do have a life…however pathetic it may be…and as much as I would rather be writing this story, there may be days where this author will have to leave her readers, just for a bit though. In any case, I hope you all are enjoying the frequent updates so far! – 6/23/12 7:36 PM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here