Just Dance With Me

I Can't Trust You Anymore


*YAY! Donghyun Oppa said it didn't have to be a real couple dance, just a dance between a guy and a girl.* I jumped up and down, my students-or soon to be students- eyed me weirdly and EXO was giggling. *Brace yourselves students, you'll see a lot of this from me* 

3 Hours Later

I was finished teaching the song. I heard thing like, "I learned the dance!!!" and "But you'll never dance it as perfect as Soojin Noona" 

Yes, I told them to call me Noona and Unnie. I didn't want so much formality. If they were older than me, I prefered the -ah at the end instead of the -sshi. Espcially not -sunbae

I giggled to myself and it was finally time to show the 'couple' dance. I went up to Lay and Minwoo. EXO and BOYFRIEND were becoming great friends.  I had Minwoo and Lay stand on either side of me. 

"Just try to follow along, okay? You guys can catch on pretty easily from what I know." I said and they nodded in understandment. I hugged them and I had people pair up in either groups of three with 2 boys or girls and 1 boy or girl and group of just a boy and girl. 

I ran to my Jeongmin Oppa and told him the track number, he smiled and patted my head. I looked to Kris and he gave me a thumbs up, I ran to him and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. I heard girls sigh and grunt, but I don't care.

Please Watch-'Couple' Dance

(A/N: Just watch, please, to understand the story)

*I've always loved watching America's Best Dance Crew. I most especially love Poreotics and I.aM.mE*


(I aM mE)

And instead of crouching down, since there wasn't any camera like in the video, we pretended like we were hitting each other. Lay and Minwoo smiled. *Did they know this dance already??* 

I danced like Chachi and it looked like Lay did Di "Moon" Zhang's part and so did Minwoo, but in a small way differently. *How the??!!!* I just continued dancing. I loved this dance, it was one of my most favorite dances in the world. I had a lot of fun. In the end, instead of kneeling down, since there was no point, I stood up leaned my elbow on Lay Oppa's shoulder and pushed Minwoo. He pretended like he really fell, and I giggled. 

"So, class, how about we dance to this?" I asked. I heard things like, "BRING IT ON!!" "But it's to hard!!!" "I'll never get it!" "AWWW YEAH!!! LETS DO THIS!" "Can I be your boyfriend??!!" At the last comment, Kris went up to the 5 boys that yelled out the same things and smacked their heads. He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder and hugged his waist. 

"Is that a yes or no?" Lay and Minwoo asked the class. "NEH!!!" All of them said. But before we started, I get them a 10 minute break. I walked up to Lay and Minwoo while still hugging Kris' waist. 

"So, how did you guys manage to dance that without watching me?" I asked. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Lay hyung, introduced me to I.aM.Me before we debuted. We were friends back then," Minwoo said. I just nodded slowly and high-fived them. 

Instead of me teaching on my own, I had the girls with me to learn Chachi's part, and the guys with either Minwoo or Lay. It only took us 2 1/2 hours. The dance was short, but it was difficult also. I had no problem helping the students if they had a hard time. 

While I was waiting for Minwoo and Lay help 1 more student of their own, I grabbed Kris and pushed onto my CD player. It was Bang, again. 

"Just Dance With Me," I told him as I smiled. 

"I can't dance as well as you guys," he said as his eyes filled up with saddness. *Aw, my poor baby*

I grabbed his hands and placed it on my hips. I put my arms around his shoulders. We just swayed side by side, but it was okay. I had fun, it was romantic, in a way. I hugged him when the song ended, and Lay and Minwoo tapped my shoulders signaling that they finished. I pecked Kris on the lip and ran to the center with Minwoo and Lay. 

"Okay class, let's dance to Bang one more time, and lets see if we can have a DANCE COMPETITON!!!" I yelled in excitement. *I really love having dance competitions, it's always fun*

The students yelled in excitement and every some of them warned others to make sure they do good. *How cute* And we danced, I was impressed , they got it!

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captaiinsam #1
What happened to the necklaces, rings and bracelets?
Chapter 1: Haha. I love how Kris berated Luhan. <3
sarahyasmin96 #3
Chapter 87: Love the ending! But what happened to the ring, bracelete and necklace she bought to give to the boys? :)
Chapter 84: I really like this ending :)
Azhura #5
Chapter 1: omo my gawd!!!!!!
this story is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
im a silent reader btw~ so im sory if i dont comment a lot :3
Chapter 87: Awww :(
I just commented on Ch. 1 of the sequel~ if you discontinue it then I understand (:
I'm really loving Hit Me, I Dare You!
Chapter 85: OMG! this story is freakin' DAEBAAAAAAAAK!!!! eventho' chanyeol is not my bias :B
SaRawrrSmiLeyy #8
Chapter 16: Poreotics ! ♥
Chapter 84: Awwww unnie <3 So cute :') Arraso we will wait :D MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Chapter 84: Wow! Ae Sook had her baby!
Now everyone is one big happy family~~kekeke
It was really fun reading this fic (:
I'm looking forward to the sequel!