Youngjae, meet Baekhyun

Noona is Mine [Discontinued]


Baekhyun was in your physical education class along with Youngjae. That day you all had to run the mile with it being timed. You weren’t a big runner; physical education was your least favorite especially since it meant running a lot. It wasn’t Youngjae’s favorite subject either, he’d rather be in math class since it was an easy subject for him. That day however, you saw Baekhyun finish the mile with ease. He was the first to finish ahead of the second person by four minutes.

The teacher praised him and he thanked the teacher. Heading over to the fence, he grabbed a bottle of water and downed it. You stared at him in his glorious perfection. Sure, he was sweaty with droplets running down his skin but he looked picture perfect. Several other girls were fanning over him and some even approached him saying how good he did and such. You sat quietly on the bench watching but then turned away while shaking your head. You couldn’t help but admire him, and felt your heart beat a little faster in an odd way you’ve never felt before. Distracting yourself, you looked to see if Youngjae had finished and you saw him walking along the track. Of course, he would be walking instead of running. You rolled your eyes to yourself thinking of his laziness when it came to physical activity and chuckled.

As you watched, a sudden shadow blocked you from the sun and you quickly looked up. Blinking a few times as your eyes adjusted, you saw Baekhyun standing there smiling at you.

“Hey,” he said as he sat down on the bench next to you.

“H-hi,” you replied a bit caught off guard. You weren’t expecting him to come over after what you had just seen earlier. Where had all the other girls gone? Looking around, you saw most of them heading over to the locker room not bothering to watch any of the other boys in your class finish.

“You’re gonna wait until they finish?” he asked while taking a sip of his second bottle of water.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m waiting for Youngjae to finish… if he ever does…” you mumbled the last part.

He chuckled hearing the last part. “So you weren’t watching me at all?”


He eyed you with a sad puppy face.

“Y-yes I was! You were awesome! Really fast! I couldn’t believe it!” you stopped after seeing a big grin on his face. He began laughing at your quick response to his sad expression.

“Y-yah! You were messing with me!” you accused him while pushing him lightly.

“I was kidding~ But thanks,” he continued to chuckle as you pouted. “You’re reaction was priceless.”

He pinched your cheeks cutely and you blushed and looked away.

It was then that you heard the teacher call for everyone to get changed and go home since it was your last class of the day. You looked around for Youngjae and spotted him with a bottle of water in his hand walking over. He had a blank expression on his face indicating to you that he was irritated with the mile they had to do.

“Let’s go, I told your brother that we’d meet him and the others at the front gate,” Youngjae said while nodding his head to Baekhyun who returned the nod.

“Alright,” you said and got up. “I’ll go on ahead to the girls’ locker room then. See you guys in a bit!” You ran off quickly to go get changed.

Youngjae drank the rest of his water and looked at Baekhyun.

“Baekhyun, right?” he asked as Baekhyun stood up.

Baekhyun nodded.

“I’m Youngjae, Yun Hee’s friend and her brother, Daehyun hyung’s, good friend,” he formally introduced himself for the first time to Baekhyun.

“Nice to meet you,” Baekhyun held out a hand for Youngjae and he shook it.

“Yun Hee has a brother that goes here?” Baekhyun then asked.

Youngjae raised an eyebrow at him at first but then remembered that it was his first day afterall so it made sense that he didn’t know about much around here.

“Yeah, he’s a year older than us in the senior class,” Youngjae replied and pointed towards the guys locker room. “We should go. Yun Hee’s probably waiting.”

Baekhyun nodded and the two walked to the locker room. Since Baekhyun was the social and friendly type, he got Youngjae to talk a little more as they went to get changed. 

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been busy, will update in a few days, sorry~


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Nanairu #1
Chapter 4: Please update!!! I love the stories!!! ^^
I just want to squeeze zelo's cheeks! Come here, noon will feed you!
Cute story! ^^ I look forward to reading more!