
That Girl With That Complex

Chanyeol survived the week, whilst in pain.  He was thankful that today was Saturday and he didn't have to go through any form of torture inflicted upon by Hye Ri.  This whole week he went through several kicks in happy wonderland, an almost black eye and mentally painful death glares.  

He didn't know why this girl hated tall people so much, and he wanted to know.  But finding out would result in him losing half his body parts.  

He groaned as the sun shone through the window, waking him up from his peaceful slumber.  He dragged himself to the bathroom and took a shower and then fresehened up.  There was nothing really that was important in his schedule today so he decided to sit on the couch and watch some cartoons.  

His parents were out at work and his sister woke up early for college.  Chanyeol was used to this by now.  Sometimes he felt like his parents don't even remember his own name or birthday.  The only attention he really gets from his family is from his sister.  And even that is slowly slipping away as she becomes much more focused with her studies.  Unlike other children, his heart wasn't full of happy memories with his parents.  They only memories he did have was staying up until midnight waiting for his dad who had promised him they would go somewhere together that day.  He would always see that tired face and his mother' disapproving stare.  Heck, he even remembered how disspointing it felt.  However as he got older he learned to mask his emotions.  By now one would consider him a pro at this.  

The twinkle , twinkle.  The twinkle, twinkle...His phone rang and he picked it up from the counter to see the caller id.  Baekhyun...he answered it and said"Hello?"

"Ah Chanyeol-ah,"Baekhyun was smiling from the other end"Are you free today?"

"Yeah, why?" Chanyeol inquired

"Uhh well since you have nothing to do, wanna meet up at Angel cafe,this noon?"He said in a sing song voice.

"Oh sure," Chanyeol  said.

"Great, see you there,"Baekhyun exclaimedand then hung up.  Chanyeol placed his phone on the counter again and then looked at the wall clock.  He had two hour until noon.  He stretched and watched TV for a few minutes and then got ready.  

The trek to Angel cafe wasn't even that far.  He just had to cross the street and then turn the corner and then voila, a cafe that looked like some unicorn rolled around and left all it's glitter onto it.  Chanyeol inwardly cringed.  Why..just..why? Why Byun Baekhyun?  Of all places...

He opened the door and entered.  He looked around and uncomrfortably rubbed his wrist because of all the stares he was receiving.  He shrugged it off once he saw Baekhyun gesturing him over.

Chanyeol grinned and sat across from him"You called?"

Baekhyun nodded grinning like he wanted to tell Chanyeol something.  They ordered their drinks and then they started talking about random things like the band and teachers.  

The waittress came back with their orders.  Chanyeol got iced tea while Baekhyun got iced coffee.  Baekhyun sipped his coffee and hesitated for a while before saying"Listen I know it could fail but I think I know how to get Hyeri out of her complex."

Chanyeol looked at him"The complex for tall people?"

"What other complex?"Baekhyun sighed.

"Whatever, just tell me what it is.."Chanyeol shook his head.

"Make her fall for you."



"Byun Baekhyun, is your head screwed on correctly?  That's bull-"Chanyeol was about to lose it.

"Just trust me with this one..I'll tell youwhat to do in school kay?"Baekhyun stood up"Nice talking to you."He smiled and insisted he pay for the drinks.  after a long argument about who would pay Chanyeol won and ended up paying. 

Chanyeol finished his iced tea and walked Baekhyun to his house which was like two blocks away from his.  ashe casually walked home he decided to stop by at the park.  he sat down on the bench and contemplated on the past week when he heard someone weeping.  He followedthe sounds and was led to none other than Lee Hyeri.

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SarinaMarina #1
Chapter 3: awwww!! what a cliffhanger T.T! i'm dying here!! plzz uppdate soooooon!! i'm in looooovee ^~^'
Love the story!! Can't wait for you to update!!
AlexNightingale #3
Taiga?? from toradora? That was my first thought when I saw "palmtop tiger." XD nice story so far! update plz! :3
OMG, love the story! Oh and Kris... you should stop wearing white shirts because its making us fangirls crazy! Update please!