
That Girl With That Complex

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Park Chanyeol and I'll be joining you this year, please take care of me." a tall boy with a voice that really didn't match his face bowed and awkwardly grinned at the silent class in front of him. The teacher smiled at him sadly as of he was going to die on his first day and gestured him to sit anywhere that was empty.

Chanyeol walked to the first empty desk and the boy next to him grinned" Hey I'm Jongin" he said holding out his hand.

"Chanyeol," he took his hand and shook it.

Jongin's eyes widened"You're voice.. I thought it was just this room"

Chanyeol laughed sheepishly "It's not.. I guess?"

Jongin looked at him up and down scrutinizing his every single feature" You're tall. How tall are you?" Chanyeol sighed he knew this question was bound to come up any moment now" 185 centimeters" Chanyeol replied

Jongin quirked his eyebrows upward and then a look of sympathy flashed across his eyes" Good luck bro" he patted Chanyeol's shoulder. "um.." Chanyeol didn't know what to say. "Kim Jongin, Park Chanyeol pay attention!" the teacher exclaimed. 

Chanyeol quickly turned his gaze towards the teacher.  From the corner of his eye he noticed Jongin writing something in a spare piece of paper.  The same paper was crumpled into a ball and sucessfuly thrown to him.  He uncrumpled it and noticed he had written a notice:

Sit with us during lunch.

Chanyeol glanced at Jongin and shook his head, who wrote notes anymore these days?

As the day progressed Chanyeol found himself walking with Jongin to the cafeteria.  He looked around and tried to familiarize himself with the surroundings.  

As students walked past the duo, they couldn't help but stare up at Chanyeol curiously, and then start whispering things about him.  He made eye contact with a few people and awkwardly waved and tipped his head in greeting.  

After getting their lunch trays, Jongin nudged Chanyeol to pay attnetion."Dude, be careful."  He glanced over at a table in horror as a small girl approached it and sat down.  She opened her bento box and took out her chopstick.  She began to eat.  

"What?' Chanyeol asked.

"You see that chick over there? " Chanyeol nodded looking at the same table Jongin was staring at"I reccomend you go nowhere near her..."  

"Why?" Chanyeol didn't see anything wrong with her.  She looked very harmless, and her cute small frame didn't argue otherwise.

"If you value your life..don't"  Jongin turned away and walked toward a table with four other boys.  Chanyeol followed him.

"Ayo, Jongin! What's up?" A boy with short black hair, who was trying to hard to be gangster exclaimed.  

"You're trying too hard Kyungsoo," Jongin shook his head and chuckled a little.  He patted Chanyeols shoulder and announced"Guys I want you to meet Park Chanyeol."

"Oh you're the new kid?" a boy drinking bubble tea said.

"Ah ne," Chanyeol bowed to everyone.

"Cool. I'm Sehun," He held out his hand.  Chanyeol shook it and nodded at him.  

"Well you just shook Sehun's hand.  The fool who tried to act ghetto is Kyungsoo, the quiet one over there is Joonmyun and the smiling fool is Baekhyun"  Chanyeol shook everyone's hand and smiled.  

"So is he gonna join Exo?" Baekhyun suddenly blurted out.  Chanyeol looked at them confused"Exo?"  he asked.

"It's out band, we play at school events and whatnot.  "  Kai said, as he took a bite of his bread.

"You should join us, we're in desperate need of a drummer."Joonmyun said.  

"I actually play the drums but I don't think I'm that good at it.." Chanyeol smiled sheepishly.

"You're in, by the way onstage they call me Kai" Jongin said confidently.

First chappie is up! <3 

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SarinaMarina #1
Chapter 3: awwww!! what a cliffhanger T.T! i'm dying here!! plzz uppdate soooooon!! i'm in looooovee ^~^'
Love the story!! Can't wait for you to update!!
AlexNightingale #3
Taiga?? from toradora? That was my first thought when I saw "palmtop tiger." XD nice story so far! update plz! :3
OMG, love the story! Oh and Kris... you should stop wearing white shirts because its making us fangirls crazy! Update please!