An Unlikely Meeting

An Unlikely Series of Events

Minah's POV  [A/N] I'll be using their korean ages in this fic! TY for subscribing, my one wonderful subscriber as of now!


"Um... I'm Seungri. From Big Bang." He reiterated as you stood there motionless.

"I know who you are. Why did you have to come to my shop, out of all places?" You didn't mind helping him at all. You just had a bad feeling that if word got out about this, that it might not end well for you.

He looked shocked. He probably expected a fangirl response from you. He actually had to think of an answer now! "Well... everything else nearby was closed! And I couldn't run for much more, you know. Those saseng fans have the stamina of an Olympian!"

You couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "My name is Jang Minah, and I'm the owner of this bakery. You're welcome to stay until those fangirls of yours clear out." You handed him a glass of water, as he was obviously out of breath.

"Thank you. Do you mind me asking how old you are? I'm 23." Seungri seemed a little too proud of his own age.

"I'm 24. I feel a little old now." You laughed at your own corniness. You hadn't thought that a day would come when you would be older than an idol! Seungri joined in laughter... only at you, not with you.


"Omo! Seungri-ah, it's been two hours already! You need to be getting back to your building now!" You couldn't believe that two hours had already passed! You and Seungri were busy chatting away as if you had been lifelong friends that time went by too quickly.

"Ahh, noona! Thanks for reminding me! My hyungs are probably going to kill me! Agh.. even sajangnim left me a voicemail! Thanks for everything, noona! I'll keep in touch. You have my number right?" Seungri's playful demeanor made it easy for you two to get along so quickly.

You nodded happily and led him to the exit, where he happily ran off to the YG building with a small box of your leftover pastries, which will hopefully relieve some of the punishment he will receive. With the fatigue slowly creeping in again, you turned off the downstairs light and walked up to the second floor of your bakery, which was actually your home.

Jumping on your bed, you reflected on the last two hours of your life. "Wow. Never thought I'd become friends with a celebrity. What an unlikely series of events."

A/N Thank you for reading! This is a short chapter, but it's basically to introduce the unlikely series of events that is still to come~

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PandaBear #1
So cute! I want to read more!!
Soriia #2
I like it! Can't wait to see what happens update soon plz