The Time We Spent Together

Wasurenaide [Don't Forget Me]

I walked to my house, passing some small shops at the roadsie. It was a very beautiful afternoon and made me want to enjoy it, I usually ride the bus and went down at the bus stop near my house, but this time I chose to walk instead. Besides, the distance of my house and school wasn’t too far. But there may be other reason that I realized after walking step by step through these roadside. Yeah it's her.. Nana..

It's not every day, but just to have more time together, we would walk to our house. We got a same direction when we go back home and actually our house was very near to each other.

I fixed my bag’s position because it felt so heavy somehow, my leg still felt little sore. I looked at the scenery around me while kept walking. The Coffee shop that I used to visit with Nana still there.

She sat with her cute and sweet face, enjoying her favorite huzelnut flavored milk while supporting her chin with one arm on the table. Her eyes were busy looking at some people who were passing in front of coffee shops. Her beautiful hair flowing in the breeze.

snap! sound of my camera shutter heard and she noticed it. "Hey did you just take my picture?" she asked me who was busy with my phone. I was just smiling at the pretty face who is now be the wallpaper on my cell phone.

"Hey baekhyun! Let me see first!" she tried to reach my phone in my hand. I immediately moved my hand, "What? Do you think I really did it??" I started joking. She pouted cutely, taking the nearby small spoon to scoop her favorite chocolate cake, "because you didn’t want to show it to me, you wouldn’t get this cake" then she began to eat the cake and showing me an expression about how delicious it was.


"Nana, just give me a spoon, will you?" I asked. She just shook her head and kept eating the cake little by little. She was very cute and then once again I took her picture with my camera but this time she really watched that. "Yah!!" she complaint to me while trying to get my cell phone with one hand still holding the spoon. “Give me the cake, then "I protested but she ignored me as she returned to eat it.

I left the coffee shop, leaving the memories that sticked on that place. Rain drops slowly began to fall on me, I speed up my path to the house. Although when I got home my hair and my clothes were quite wet from rain earlier. I rushed to replace my uniform with t-shirt, my head suddenly began to feel dizzy. I clutched the edge of my desk to not to lose balance. I touched my temples and forehead, feeling the heat of my body was higher than usual. Then I decided to go to the kitchen to get a headache relievers.

I was holding on to everything that were next to me while walking to the kitchen. My blurred vission showed that the kitchen wasn’t far anymore, I was trying to reach dining chair, but it couldn’t hold me so it shifted, hitting a chair next to it and made a loud noise that loud enough to made my mom heard it. My mom was panic to see me like that, but she immediately checked my temperature, it turned out that I had a little fever. Mom then gave me medicine and told me to rest as soon as possible.

After gulping some medicine I went back to my room, layed gently on my bed. The sound of the drizzle still could be heard clearly outside. I miss you.. I miss you so much..


I closed my eyes, hoping to see her, even in a shortime. "Nana.." I called tp the emptiness in my room and then I fell asleep.

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I cried ;( great ending!
sad but romantic~! =)
AWWW! He finally realized he needs nana! Great story!
waniey951215 #4
update soon please! :)
chanyeolpark #5
@bmischevious @KimLNana omg I'm so sorryyy :''' and thankyou also for reading :3 I'll update soon!! :D
KimLNana #6
@bmischevious I agreed with you .