Truth and Lies



 Few days passed and Chaerin didnt visit Jiyong since....he gave away his heart..she wanted to visit him...she miss him so much but she just cant help it..she cant accept the fact that she's gonna lose Jiyong.. Jiyong wanted to search for her but he cant get out of the hospital in this condition. The doctor is worried that something bad might happen if he goes out. moreover,he's getting weaker day by day.


 Jiyong tried to call her but she wont pick up. Dami and Jingyo search for Chaerin to ask her to come back but when they visit Chaerin's house,she's not home. Dara told youngbae that Chae went to her grandma's house out of town to clear her mind. Youngbae then told Jingyo. Jingyo understood and decided to wait for her.


 One day, Chaerin's back. She went to her favourite cafe to relax. She checked her phone and there's a lot of miss calls and text messages especially from Jiyong. Chaerin sigh. Most of the message told her to come back and visit Jiyong. He miss her.. "Should i go and visit him? I want to...but....." she sigh again "What am i thinking? I should stay beside him and pray that he's going to be alright. I should wait for the donor with him, not running away from him..." she shook her head. "I should go...is it too late....? What if im too late? What if Jiyong's....already gone...?"


"Chae?" she heard someone calling her name. She turns around and suprised to find.. "JIyong?? you arent suppose to be here!! You were suppose to be at the hospital...why are you here??" The boy look at her,astonished. "Jiyong?" he said. then chaerin noticed that his hair is not blonde like Jiyong's..his hair is red.. "Jingyo?' The guy laugh. "Yeah.,.wow..you really missed my brother that much,huh?" Chaerin hits his arm "YAH!! ofcourse i miss him.."  'If you miss him, why dont you go back to the hospital?" Chaerin looks down. "Im afraid Jingyo.." Jingyo shook her shoulder "Theres nothing to be afraid of!! actually.....Jiyong found a heart donor Chae!!" he smiled and jump excitedly


Chaerin's mind is srill trying to processa the news. She smiled widely "Thanks god, Jingyo!!" she hugs him tightly "You kept your promise..he is going to be ok..gomawo" Jingyo is shocked by her actions..she is hugging him.. tightly!! omo..he felt his cheek burned and it turned red..he blushed.. "What should i do? i cant hug her back..she's Ji's girl..if i do,he'll kill me!! ....but...a hug wouldnt hurt....right?" Jingyo thought and hug her back. "I always kept my promise,Chae..now lets go meet Jiyong.."


Then,they finally arrived at the hospital..they went to Jiyong's room and sees Mrs Kwon talking to JHiyong..her back is facing them so she didnt notice that they're here..

Mrs Kwon : Now,Jiyong..you just got a heart donor today and the doctor said that your operation will start two hours from now. Mkae sure you get some rest,arasseo? and dont ever give this heart to anyone else..

Jiyong : yes umma,i wont..

Jingyo : Urm..helllooooooo *waves* we're here!! and look who i brought!!

Jiyong : CHAE??? you're really here?? i'm not dreaming,right??

Chaerin : No ji..i'm here.. sorry that i didnt stay by your side when you needed me..i shouldnt ha--




Jiyong put his finger on her lips and smile.. "You're here is enough"  Chaerin smiled and hug him tightly.. "Well, we need to rest too..after not getting enough of sleep because of Jiyong..We'll come back before the operation starts..chaerin,its your turn to look after my son" Mr Kwon said and winks at her. Chaerin blushed at the statement and nods. Chaerin fed him and they had a great time together now that they're alone. Chae set up his lunch and they eat together. "Umm Chae.." Jiyong suddenly said and stared at her face. Chaerin blushed when she notice him stared at her face. "Waeyo?" Jiyong his thumb and touched the side of her lips. Chaerin blushed more "You got something there just now..." Jiyong said and smile "G-gomawo" she stuttered.


They finished the food and cleaned up. jIyong climbed back to his bed while chaerin stays beside him. "Chae...do you love me?" Jiyong asked out of the blue. Chaerin look at him with confusion. "Yeah..ofcourse i do.." , she replied and smile sweetly. Jiyong smiled in return "Prove it, Huchae~" Chaerin raised an eybrow "Waeyo? Dont you trust me Ji?", Chaerin felt a bit hurt., "Its not like th- " Jiyong couldnt finish his words when suddenly Chaerin crashed her lips on his. His eyes widened. Chaerin move her lips on his and Jiyong finally snap out of confusion and kiss her back. After a few minutes, Chaerin pulled away and cover her face in embarassment. Jiyong smirked when he saw her face turned into a tomato.

"It felt good when you kissed me instead of me kissing you.." he said naughtily. "Mwo??" Jiyong chuckled nervously and rub his nape. "umm.. hehehe..actually..urr.. nothing!!" he smiled widely. Chaerin giggled "Weird Ji.." then she blushed again. "It was actually my first kiss.." she touched her lips as she said that. "Really?? umm well..this is my second kiss.." Jiyong looks away, hiding his red face. "Whaaat?? your second? who took your fiirst?" Chaerin asked. She felt a little pain in her heart. Jiyong chuckled "Actually...it was you too ;) "

Chaerin tilt her head "Whaaaaat? I didnt even remember kissing you?!" He took her hands and look deeply into her eyes. "Remember the day that you wanted to give me those chocolates? You threw it in the bin and stayback for awhile....crying...until you fell asleep. I - I was with you all along. I took the chocolates back. You did it for me so ofcourse i should get a taste right? and its so good!!" He smiled like a kid. "I cant stop eating until i saw your bruise and i decided to put an aid plaster. Im sorry, i couldnt help myself, Hunchae!! You look so beautiful and before i knew it.. i was kisssing you. I thought that i should have my first kiss with you before i die.. all those times, im being cold to you because i dont want u to fall for me.. i dont want you to get hurt when u know im going to leave you forever"

Chaerin's tears started to roll down her cheek. He's doing that to protect her. Jiyong sees her crying and wipe her tears. He pulled her for a hug. "Dont cry Hunchae. It doesnt matter now. Im going to live. I wont leave you." She nodded and hug him tighter...soon after...both of them drift to sleep. Jiyong is laying on the bed while Chaerin's head is resting on his chest, his arms wrap around her. Suddenly, her phone rings. She woke up and removed Jiyong's arms gently. She quickly answered the call, not wanting him to woke up because of her ringtone.

"Yobeoseyo?" "Chaerin-ah!! Can you come to the cafe beside the hospital now?" "Waeyo?" Chaerin asked. "Theres something i gotta tell you. Just come, arasseo?" Chaerin agreed and hung up. She looked at Jiyong's sleeping face and sigh. "What a baby.." then, the door opens and came in Dami, Mr and Mrs kwon. "So..is my son having a good rest?" Mrs kwon asked. Chaerin nodded "Well..theres still an hour left till the operation. Let him sleep." Chaerin was about to talk when her phone rings again. Its the previous caller. She excused herself and pick up the call.

"Waeyo? I'll be there..im going now..." she giggled "mygod, Jingyo..you just cant wait,huh?" Jingyo chuckled at the other end "nah~ im just going to remind you..and umm.. you should come alone. Dont tell anyone where you headed off to, ok?" Before chaerin could ask why, he already hung up the phone. She told Jiyong's family that she's going out for a while. She walk out of the hospital and wait for Jingyo at the cafe.






Jingyo is in a car near the cafe. He sees Chaerin is waiting for him ther but he didnt move. He parked his car somewhere in a dark alley so that she couldnt see him. He smiled when Chaerin started to get restless for waiting.  He look at his watch.. "Its about time"  he murmured himself. He took out his phone and dial a number. 'Annyeong!!" Jingyo shouted on the phone and laugh. "Omo!! Jingyo!! You dont have to shout! Your noona is not deaf! and why arent you here? Jiyong needs you and the operation is starting soon.." Dami said. "Ah.. i got some things to take care of. It seems taht i cant be there for him." "Yah! why not? you got something better to do than being beside your brother?" Dami is getting annoyed by Jingo. "Ani pfft drop that off.. thats not the reason i called you noona." Jinyo said with a sigh "Noona..please know that i love you, eomma, appa , Jiyong.....and Chae.." "Why are you starting to talk mushy(cheesy) stuff? Of course i now, Jingyo.. i love you too.. we all do.." Jingyo smiled upon hearing that. "oh one more thing. i got something for you. I put it in your bag just now. Hoipe you'll find it!! i got to go now~ bye!" Jingyo hang up before Dami could answer him. He put his phone in his pocket and sigh. He hold on to the steering wheels and begin to drive.

Chaerin saw Jingyo's car and wave at it...but then...his car started to increase in speed. Chaerin felt like theres somethings wrong when the car went passby the cafe in a high speed. Her eyes widened.

Jingyo hit the gas pedal as hard as he could, not wanting to stop. He saw Chaerin waving at him when she sees him but he kept on speeding. Chaerin realizes where this leads to, her haert beat fast. "JINGYO!!" she shouted. "Jingyo, stop!!!" she shouted as loud as she could, not caring that people are watching nor if Jingyo heard her. She begin to cry. "Jingyo!! Please stop!! What are you doing?! Jingyo stop!!"

He heard her... He heard her loud and clear. He even sees her crying on his sideview mirror. but that didnt stop him from speeding untill it reached at a maximum level. He heard her shouting his name asking him to stop. He closed his eyes as tears started to fall. "Im sorry Chae......I love you....."

"JINGYO!!!!!! STOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!" by now, Chaerin is already on her knees, sobbing.


























Chaerin's heart beat faster than ever, she's sobbing uncontrollably as she saw..... his car crashed onto a wall, his car is damaged in the most horrifying way possible. "Jingo!!!!!" she screamed and run to his car. People started to crowd around the car, curious to know what happened but not dare enough to go near it. Chaerin pushed everyone infront of her, making her way to him.

Finally, she reached it and open the door. She gasped. Jingyo's head is covered with blood and so as the steering wheel, indicating that his head hit the steering wheel with full force. She pulled Jingyo out carefullly with the help from the crowd. Its hard to get him out since his legs are stuck to the front part of the car due to the crash but they manage to get him out. "Jingyo, can you hear me?" she shake Jingyo's body. "Jingyo??" her tears fell on his cheek. Chaerin place his head on her lap "Jingyo...why...please...dont..." suddenly, she felt him stirred on her lap.. 'Uhh...Chae....." Jingyo said in a weak tone..

Chaerin cried harder. All of her tears fell on Jingyo's cheek. "Jingyo, Hang on, ok? Please hold on..you're gonna be ok.." She held his hand tightly . Jingyo smiled weakly. "Theres something.....i need...you...to know...." he held out a piece of paper and give it to her. Chaerin hold it, not wanting to open it as Jingyo is the only one she sees right now. "I.... Chae....im sorry.... I LOVE YOU....." Jingyo said his last words and took a deep breathe for the last time under Chaerins arms. He closed his eyes and a tear escaped.

"Jingyo!!!! Wake up!!! Stop joking, Jingyo! This isnt funny!!" Chaerin shake his body hoping that it was all of his prank but...theres no movement. Theres no rise and fall of his chest. His body remains stiff. His hand is losing grip on hers. "Jingyo!! open your eyes!! Your parents need you!! Jiyong needs you!! I need you...dont go...."

Then she remembered the paper Jingyo gave to her. She unfold it and cried even more, Hugging him tightly in her arms.













AGE : 17               




AGE : 17                









Dami cried when she reads the paper that Jingyo left in her bag. She tried to call him but it seems that he switched o his phone. Mr Kwon is holding the paper in disbelieved while Mrs Kwon is crying on his husbands shoulder.
























Heyya my readers.. sorry that  didnt update for a freaking loooooooooooooong time.. i got busy :/ being a senior high school is aint easy u know..lol. im really really sorrybut hey.. atleast i did update :P well, Happy new year to you guys and hope that this year would be a skydragon year too XD

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Chapter 11: I know it! I know ittt!! This gonna be like this...poor Jingyo..to be honest how fast&deep Chae fall for Jiyong even they are not talk each other bfore Jingyo come ..if me I would feel confused cuz you could like them both
Chapter 10: i really love it please update soon...i really cry hard when i read it T_T
fandhate #3
Chapter 11: yay ... you still going till the end
I've actually read this story before...^^ And I don't know if you are the same author back then...
Chapter 10: oh my gosh.i cried really really hard TT.TT
Chapter 11: Aw it's not boring at all. I love this story.
Chapter 11: Ehhh?! Its not a boring storyy ><
charlyn169 #8
Chapter 10: I criying :'(
charlyn169 #9
Chapter 8: No like this chapter :(
luvmydragon15 #10
Chapter 10: Please update