Chapter 7

Is this LOVE?

Sorry guys ^^ its been awhile >.< I’ve had so many problems these past days D: i recently twisted my ankle so typing Is my solution ^^ well enjoy



*walking home*

Eunhee: oh those two are gonna pay….

Fan: hey aren’t you the chick that embarrassed kyu?

Eunhee: urggggh ….. No?


Eunhee: ah …. *runs*

Fans: *chases*


*walking to school*

Eunhee: HEY!! SHORT ONE!!

Jonghyun: *erk* >.> what do you want?

Eunhee: just wanna give you a warning, because starting today… I’m gonna make your life a living hell

Jonghyun: piss off , not like you can do anything, we have fans backing us up

Eunhee: oh? Your little minions? I’ve taken care of them, tell you other little buddy to watch he’s step today as well? Won’t you?

Jonghyun: what did you do to our fans? AND WHY CAN’T YOU JUST PISS OFF!!

Eunhee: nothing really, and you two are my lucky targets this year, and you should know, so far none of my targets have made it through 1 month *walks away*


*at School*

Jonghyun: wow dude what happened to you?

Kyuhyun :(covered in mud) urgh I got pushed into a puddle of mud by this biker while walking to school

Jonghyun: LOL to be you

Kyuhyun: shut up dude

Jonghyun: oh yeah lady said for us to watch out this morning and apparently she killed out fans

Kyuhyun: well it was relatively quiet this morning

Jonghyun: what’s with all the big words?

 Kyuhyun: what’s with the small brain?

Jonghyun: … *mumbles* butthole

Kyuhyun: I HEARD THAT!!


 ??? : They’re coming get ready

????: Aish, I’m sorry guys

?? : We’ll come to you soon

???: Aish, shut your yapping and hurry up!!

?? & ????: yes, Eunhee

Eunhee: good, now on the count of three 1...2…3!


*pours fish guts onto jong & kyu*

Jonghyun: YAH!!

Kyuhyun: this is seriously not my day….

Jonghyun: hey aren’t you?

*flash back*


jonghyun: right...

*he starts running at olympic speed but some girls knew some shortcuts*


*end of flash back*

Jonghyun: hey, aren’t you a fan?

Kyuhyun: huh?

Eunhee: finally figured out?

Kyuhyun: so your… behind this?

Eunhee: well nah, and if your little buddy hasn’t told you yet, I’m gonna make your life a living hell from this moment

Jonghyun: your one evil you know that?

Eunhee: of course, but I wouldn’t be walking around in that if I were you *points at clothes* any way good luck surviving you two


(Teletubbies Tune kekeke~ imagine they are singing it)

Jonghyun: I hate her, she hates me, we are mortal enemies~

Kyuhyun: cause she’s a stuck up and she’s a player too~

Kyu & jong: so wont you say you hate her too~

Eunhee: kekeke, oh great they even turned gay

Kyuhyun: aish….

Eunhee: watch out guys^^ something’s coming your way, and fast


*Kyuhyun a Jonghyun open cafeteria double doors*

Kyuhyun: that chicks really a … don’t you think?

Jonghyun: of co-

*gets flour chucked at them*

Eunhee: *walk’s in*told ya so ^^ oh and I nearly forgot *smiles* *takes an egg out of her pocket* huh? What do you think I’m gonna do with this?

Fan: unnie, think that’s enough

Eunhee:  SHUT UP! You have no right to tell me that!! *takes egg and cracks in on Jonghyun’s head*and now you’re a pancake *smiles*

People in cafeteria : HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Eunhee: *smirk* think I missed out on you? Dear Kyuhyun? *takes a chocolate cake from one of the people in the cafeteria* *smoshes in Kyuhyun’s face* (lol smosh ^^) and now you match ^^


*outside of school*

Jonghyun: so what are we gonna do about her?

Kyuhyun: about whom?

Jonghyun: miss I-have-a-pole-stuck-up-my-

Kyuhyun: plan b?

Jonghyun: you had a plan be!? SERIOUSLY!!! I didn’t even know there was a plan a…

Kyuhyun: well I didn’t get to use plan A so we’re skipping to plan b….

Jonghyun: has anyone ever told you, you had something wrong with your brain?

Kyuhyun: maybe~

Jonghyun: AISH! Just hurry up!


That’s it for now ^^ seeya next time ^^


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Eunhee will be a YG trainee?! Cool!!
Ohh. Sorry, I usually mixed up the title of the stories I am reading. Mianhe! :(
@chocolate: oppsies^^ I put the wrong thing sorry~ but no the title hasn't changed.... I think...
Wasn't it supposed to be a Barney and not Teletubbies?<br />
Did you just changed your title? I think you used to have a title with something like Bad Boy. Ughh!
Haha Okay
I HAVE LUNG CANCER AND IM GONNA DIE!!!!! lol be afraid!! be very afraid!! i'm updating next~ welcome to my hell >=D OF EMOTICONS!!
Okay <br />
I love you all <3<br />
Not looking at anyone in particular *ahem*my little sister*ahem ahem*<br />
aw~ your lil sis is into kpop too?~ i didnt even know you had a lil sis... LOL kekeke~ i'm updating next right? oh yeah, sorry for the delay in "love on the battlefield", hopefully i'll update that this week...=D kekeke~
Ahh my little sister -_-'<br />
As you can see we have lots of love here *cough cough*
choi_siwon_lover #10
Hello I am xxkyuhyun_loverxx's little sister<br />
Love the story Miri-unnie <3<br />
totally love Jonghyun and Kyuhyun <3