Chapter 4

Is this LOVE?

HELLO! this is ... xxkyuhyun_loverxx! yay! hope you like the update


The next day at school...

jonghyun: dude do you have a plan for that evil ed up yet...?

kyuhyun: no...well i have something not the best in the world though

jonghyun: who cares? you can think up another one later

kyuhyun: okay

jonghyun: soo what is it?

kyuhyun: you'll find out


At the cafeteria

kyuhyun : *loudly* jonghyun did you know i'm really depressed and tired because of a BIG problem?

jonghyun: Oh! and what may that problem be?

Fans: *whispers to each other* what our darling Kyu depressed and sad? we've gotta stop his depression!

kyuhyun: the thing is there is this really y girl...

fans: *whispers* a girl that is depressing kyu? no way !

kyuhyun: and she is so mean to me saying I look ugly, sings retarded, and even called me a nerd! * fake sobbs into jonghyun's shoulder*

jonghyun: aww poor have suffered a lot during the past few days haven't you?

kyuhyun: yes and she is soo mean i don't know what to do!

jonghyun: and her name is?? i'll bash her up for you!

fans: aww hyunhyun love <3

kyuhyun: her name is eunhee you know the one the one who harrasses us around

fans: ???? SHE IS GONNA DIE!!! LOOK SHE EVEN MADE KYU CRY!  *points at kyuhyun still crying into jonghyun's shoulder*

cafeteria emptys quickly

kyuhyun: *stops crying* that is gonna get it now * smirks*

 jonghyun: let's just wait and see...





sorry for the MEGA short update 

eunhee is going DOWN!!!

i am sick and i keep on coughing :( i am in bed and i am happy...peace and quiet ^^



i had to add that





i loveeeee this picture of kyuhyun





thanks for reading!


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Eunhee will be a YG trainee?! Cool!!
Ohh. Sorry, I usually mixed up the title of the stories I am reading. Mianhe! :(
@chocolate: oppsies^^ I put the wrong thing sorry~ but no the title hasn't changed.... I think...
Wasn't it supposed to be a Barney and not Teletubbies?<br />
Did you just changed your title? I think you used to have a title with something like Bad Boy. Ughh!
Haha Okay
I HAVE LUNG CANCER AND IM GONNA DIE!!!!! lol be afraid!! be very afraid!! i'm updating next~ welcome to my hell >=D OF EMOTICONS!!
Okay <br />
I love you all <3<br />
Not looking at anyone in particular *ahem*my little sister*ahem ahem*<br />
aw~ your lil sis is into kpop too?~ i didnt even know you had a lil sis... LOL kekeke~ i'm updating next right? oh yeah, sorry for the delay in "love on the battlefield", hopefully i'll update that this week...=D kekeke~
Ahh my little sister -_-'<br />
As you can see we have lots of love here *cough cough*
choi_siwon_lover #10
Hello I am xxkyuhyun_loverxx's little sister<br />
Love the story Miri-unnie <3<br />
totally love Jonghyun and Kyuhyun <3