


"Well class, plese open your book to page 102" the teacher said

I opened the page with a sigh.

What's wrong with Suzy? It's been the 2nd day where she didn't go to school..

I saw Kikwang oppa entering school, but.. he's not with Suzy..

I bet she broke up with Kiwkang oppa already.. it must be hurting her so much..

She.. it can't be.. suicide?!

No, no, no.. You must think positive Jieun! Suzy is a strong girl! Strong and smart!

But.. even a heartbroken Suzy can be very fragile..

NO! Jieun, think positive! I told you already!

I really need to visit her today, I can't take it anymore. She makes me worry too much. She's been acting strange lately..


Jieun keep on worrying Suzy all day long, while Kikwang, in the other hand, can't wait to hear Jieun's answer. He already prepared his heart, whether it's a yes.. or no..

And so, let's skip to where the school ends already


I quickly packed my bag, my mind just keep on thinking about Suzy done a suicide

"Jieun!" and then, there's that voice

I looked up, and suddenly, Kikwang oppa already infront of me

"So, Jieun, it's been a week already. I've been waiting for you" he whispered, directly to my ear

I immediately blushed, and got shivers too!

"Ah oppa! Don't be so close!" I push him away

He chuckled, and smiled

"So, what's your answer?"

Oh shoot, I totally forgot about that. All I remember is Suzy...

"Sorry oppa, but.. can't you give me another 3 days?" I asked

"Hmmm, well.. okay then. I see you in hurry, where do you want to go?" he asked

I'm not sure, should I tell him that I'm going to Suzy's place?

"I'm visiting Suzy..." I answered, with hestitation

"Suzy? Oh! I just remembered!" he suddenly opened his bag, and searching for something

He found it, and give me a.. teddy bear?

"Here, it's for you! Actually, yesterday me and Suzy ditched school and went to the mall. We went on window-shopping when Suzy found this, and she want to give it to you" he explained

Suzy? She... wants to give me this?

"Suzy?" I asked

"Yepp, I know.. it's been a while since you received things from her, right? I told her to give it to you directly but.. she keep on insisting me to give it to you.. Now, that's confusing! Did something happened between the two of you?" he asked

I feel like crying.. Suzy, she did this? Why? Didn't she broke-off our friendship already?

"Oppa, I'm sorry. I need to go now. I'll give you the answer 3 days later" without waiting for his reply, I quickly put the doll inside my bag and went out the school

I ran to Suzy's house. I'm in panic right now. Something could happen to her!

After running a while, I arrived at her house. With huffing and puffing and panting and sweating and bla bla bla

I rang the bell, and.. no one opened it

I keep on ringing the bell. I can't give up!

But, there's no answer too.. I remember that her mom and dad went to work. Her sister and brother should be at school right now. That means, she's all alone at home, right?

I keep on ringing it until--


"Who's that?"

I see a head popped out and it's Suzy!

"Suzy..." I called out

Her appearance is.. out of control, ruined. She have those.. panda, swollen eyes. Messy hair and she's still in her pajamas

Her eyes widened seeing me, and she quickly closed the door

Me, with a quick response, hold the door with my foot

"What are you doing here?" she asked, while keep on trying to close the door

"I worried about you. LET.. ME.. IN!" I tried to push the door with all my might

Suzy, eventually let me in. I almost fall down when she let the door opened

I closed the door back, and took a deep breath

"What's the matter? I thought we're.. not in a relationship anymore.." Suzy, like usual, give me her cold attitude

"Suzy.. I know that you want us to be friends again, right?" I asked

"What?! Don't act so high! Me? I want to be your friend? You must be kidding me!" she snickered

"Suzy-ah, don't be like this.. I know, you're.. currently heart-brok--"

"Who's fault is that?!" she cut

And then, there's silence..

"Suzy-ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take Kikwang oppa from you, I'm.. sorry.."

She fell down to the floor, started to cry

"Then why?! Why did you take his heart?! Whyy?! I thought, for sure.. I can feel someone else's love.. not for the popularity.." she sobbed

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. All I did was ignore him.. But, there's my fault too..." I sighed

"What did you do to him?! I know you ignored him but.. what did you do?" she looked at me with her red, crying, swollen eyes

"I.. I pretend to date with Wooyoung oppa, so.."

"He'll be jealous?! Yeah right, you've done a great job. I can't believe it.. I did what I can, to push you far away from Kikwang oppa by breaking our friendship but.." she looked down

I kept silent, it's my fault. Why in the first place..

She suddenly stood up, and went to somewhere else

"Suzy?" I followed her, to the kitchen?

When I arrived, she's helding a knife already

"Suzy! What are you doing?!" I yelled in horror

"I can't.. anymore. I don't know what to do anymore.. I'm sorry Jieun.." she held the knife tightly

"No, Suzy, don't act stupid! I know you're smart girl. Don't be ridiculous!"

"Jieun, I'm sorry for all this time. I was blinded with love. I knew I did wrong already, all the bullying, I'm sorry. So so sorry..." her tears flowing unstoppable

"No, Suzy. I forgive you already. It's my fault for taking Kikwang oppa's heart. I'm sorry, now Suzy. Pleasee.." I start tearing up

"Jieun, you know it so well, that everything that happened, is my fault. I knew from the beginning that Kikwang oppa will ended up with you, and yet, I took him away from you.. Now? All left is the heart-broken me" she forced a smile

"No, don't act silly, Suzy. Please, I beg you"

"Jieun, you know what? I feel like hugging you right now. I miss you so much, that I even try the replacement from the Quennkas. But, they're not you"

"Suzy, I miss you too. We can hug right now, how about that? Now, slowly put the knife down"

"Sorry, no, I can't do that Jieun..."

"Suzy, put it down." I slowly walk towards her

"Goodbye.." she smiled, and move the knife towards her stomach

I immediately jump to her, and held her hand, to prevent the knife going to her stomach

"SUZY!" I yelled

And, I manage to stopped her, fhewww..

"Jieun.." she cried so hard, that her hands grew weak as I hold her hand, and she dropped the knife

"Ssshh, Suzy. It's all right now" I hugged her, with tears start rolling my cheeks

I'm so scared, that I'll be losing Suzy.. I can't believe my own eyes if Suzy suicide infront of me..

"Jiiieeeuuunn!" she screamed, and cried on my chest

"It's okay now Suzy. It's no one's fault now.." I hugged her tighter


After Suzy calmed down, she start to keep on apologizing to Jieun, for what she had done all this time

And Jieun? Well, she, of course apologized her, since she cared too much about Suzy


"Next time, let's go to the mall together ,okay?" I smiled

Suzy, with a happy face, nodded enthusiastly

"I love you Jieun, more than anyone else" Suzy grinned

"Me too, I love you" I grinned at her back

Well, weird update, I know, I myself felt this is a weird chapter-_- Urrghh unsuccesfull me-_- huwaaah

Anyway, please check out my new ff! Actually it's not really "new", it's up to you then whether you want to read it or not :)

Featuring Lee Taemin (SHINee), and fictional character ( Kim Jaehee) I know, it's the same name from the drama 'To The Beautiful You'. Well, I got no ideas on new name so.. I just 'used' that name kekekeke. And Kim Soohyun (actor in Dream High and The Moon That Embraces The Sun) yeah yeah, you all knew who is he already.

Enjoy reading and STAY TUNE<3

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Impossible --It's going to end soon? So sad ;'( huwaaah. Thanks for your support all this time! Love y'all!


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Haeysoo #1
Can you make iuseob story?? Please..
Harin_Park #2
Chapter 37: End already? Haaaa :((( I thought iu with wooyoung at the end. But, it's great, thankyou miss author for making this fanfic!! Xoxo
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Chapter 37: Aww cute ending:)
Harin_Park #4
Chapter 36: Luckily that Suzy didn't suicide :) Update soon ^^
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 36: Yay she didn't suicide
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 35: Poor Suzy:(
Harin_Park #7
Chapter 35: I hope that IU will be with Wooyoung._. because I'm woou shipper! Kekekekek~ Update soon please!<3
Harin_Park #8
Chapter 34: Update soon please ;D
Chapter 34: hmm.. I missed it so much . Hehehe
Update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #10
Chapter 34: Finally an update from this story i missed this story!!