Unexpected Meeting



I dragged Jieun to the stairs where we first met. We hid under it

"Jieun, ssh shh. Stop crying" I patted her head, but no avail. She cried harder and harder

Oh well, guess.. all I can do is hug her, and pat her head

"Oppaaa oppaaa.. huwaaaahh" she cried

I feel my uniform getting wet. Oh well, it's not the first time this kind of event happened

After a 3 min. crying, she stopped, and her eyes become all red and swollen

"Oh oppa, sorry I wet your uniform again" she looked at my uniform and sighed

"It's okay. It's not the first time this kind of thing happened" I chuckled

She giggles, and sighed, again

"So, what's the matter this time?" I asked

"Heart-broken. I absolutely got no hope anymore" she sighed deeply this time

"Hey! Stop sighing! You make me feel ike sighing too! And you feel kinda old if you keep doing that thing" 

"Ahahahahaha, sorry" she let out a forced smile

"Don't force yourself to smile"

"Okay.." she looked down, and got silent..


"Oh well, let's get going now" I stood up, and help her to stand up

"Okay oppa, thanks. I'm sorry though, for wetting your uniform" she bowed

"Oh no, it's okay" I smiled

"Oh oppa! I know! Wait for me at the school's gate after school, okay? See you! YOU MUST COME!" she yelled, as she walked away, to her class, while waving to me

I waved back, and walked to my class. 

Haah, Jieun.. you're too fragile

---L.JOE POV---


"L.Joe!" Yoseob hyung calling me, he's waiting for me at the door

"Oh hyung" I quickly packed my bag and went to him

"KYAAAH! YOSEOB OPPAAAA!" every girls at my class started to scream

"Let's go" Yoseob hyung walked away, with me chasing after him

"BYE BYE YOSEOB OPPA! L.JOEEE!" I heard some screams, behind us. Duh, maybe it's from my class?

"Hey, where are you going after school?" Yoseob hyung asked

Ah, I just remembered my promise with Jieun!

"Oh hyung! I got a promise with Jieun! I JUST REMEMBERED!" my eyes widened, and I dash off, leaving Yoseob hyung

"Jieun?! HEY WAIT FOR ME! I want to come along with you!" Yoseob hyung yelled, and chased me

I run to Jieun's school, which is not so far away from my school. Maybe about.. 10 min by running?

I ran side by side with Yoseob hyung, huh, it looks inda weird.. but, heck! It's 1PM already! I'm late!

And after the '10 min' running, we arrived at Jieun's school, with panting, huffing, and sweating

"L.JOE!" I heard Jieun's voice, and she looks worried

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you're running from your school!"

"Hahaha.. kinda.." I huffed and puffed

"Here, drink my water" she give me her water-bottle

I smiled, and accept it. I opened it, and I was just about to drink it when somebody stop me

"Don't drink hers. There's vending machine just beside you. Buy it from there" a man, stopped me

Huh, who is he? Acting so highly-___-

"Yah, Wooyoung oppa! He's tired! You expect him to buy drinks from there?" Jieun scold him


"Ahaha, Jieun, it's okay. I'll buy it" I give her water bottle back, and buy an orange juice

"Buy me one too!" Yoseob hyung flip me some coins, and I manage to catch it

After me and Yoseob hyung calmed down, Jieun suddenly hopping, excitedly

"Oh oppa! Let's go to have some lunch now~ I'm hungryyy" she pouted

"Okay, but... first.. who is this?" I pointed to the man

"Oh! Sorry, forgot to tell you. He's Wooyoung oppa, a sunbae at my school! Now, Wooyoung oppa, he's L.Joe, a same age friend, and Yoseob sunbae! He's the same age as Kikwang oppa" Jieun introduced

"Oh, annyonghaseyo Wooyoung sunbae" I bowed

"Oh, hi" he look so ignorant

"Hi Wooyoung sunbae" Yoseob hyung waved

"Hi" he nodded

What kind of man is he? -___-

"So, shall we get going?" Jieun smiled

"Oh, okay, let's go. It's around that corner" I pointed

"Okay, let's gooooooo~" Jieun jumped, and hopping happily, she just looks like a child


Since I don't know the way, I stopped hopping, and let L.Joe lead the way

We arrived at a.. restaurant, that is in my dream! Where I'm... dating.. with.. Kikwang oppa.. *sigh*

"Come on in" L.Joe opened the door

We followed him from behind, until I met someone, who is quite familiar, sitting at the corner

"Jieun! What are you doing? Come on here!" L.Joe called out

I snapped back to reality, and sat beside the window

And so, we ordered our food, and I get up to washed my hand

"I'm going to the toilet" I excuse myself, and walk to the toilet

While washing my hands, I try to look at the person which is sitting at the corner, through the mirror infront of me

I widened my eyes, after I got a better look. It's.. Kikwang oppa!

"Shoot" I mouthed, and quickly walk back to the table

"What's with the pale face?" Yoseob sunbae teased

"Oh? Hahaha, nothing! Just.. a little hungry" I lied

I tried to look at Kikwang oppa again, hmm.. seems like he's eating with someone..

Wait, it's Suzy! Oh shoot, why we must met in here?!

"Where are you looking at?" Yoseob sunbae noticed, and look to the same direction

"Nothing nothing nothing! I was just daydreaming!" I push his face away, he looks annoyed

"Sorry, I didn't mean it" I grinned

"It's okay then" Yoseob hyung mehrong me

I let out an awkard laugh, geez.. I can't relax! Not when Suzy and Kikwang oppa is in the same restaurant with us!


Hmm, well.. Jieun is acting weird for now.. She isn't like this before..

While Yoseob and L.Joe busilly chatting, Jieun is looking at somewhere..

Hm? Maybe if I follow her gaze..

Oh? Suzy and Kikwang? Oh.. so that's it..

"Jieun?" I called out

She snapped, and give me a smile

"Neh oppa?"

"Kikwang and Suzy?"

She looks surprised, and lied "What are you talking about?"

"Them" I pointed at the couple which is sitting at the corner

She bit her lips, and nod slowly. Huh, she didn't think it will be found out by me

"Ignore them, just have fun" I spin her head around

She looked down, and sighed "Neh oppaa"


Well, I guess I'll be doing what Kikwang oppa told me.. Better to have fun

"Jieun! Let's play truth or dare!" L.Joe suddenly called me

I jolted a bit, and nodded

"What about you Wooyoung sunbae?" Yoseob sunbae asked

"Alright" he answered

And so, L.Joe spin a fork in the center of the table, and it pointed to... Yoseob sunbae!

"So, truth or dare?" L.Joe asked

"TRUTH!" Yoseob sunbae smirked

"Who is the girl you like? Answer within 5 sec!" L.Joe asked

"JIEUN!" he proudly answered..


"Me?" my eyes widened

He nodded quickly, and grinned widely

"Aww, no fun!" L.Joe pouted

Although it's a joke, I feel so shy right now. Geez.. that kind of thing makes me easily blush!

"Aww, blushing because of my proposal?" Yoseob sunbae smirked

"Hell no! I'm just embarassed! Just.. spin the fork!" I quickly grab the fork and spin it

It stopped.. AT ME?! WTH?!

"Woah! Now, truth or dare?" Yoseob sunbae asked

"Err.. err.. truth!"

"Okay, whom do you like?" Yoseob sunbae quickly asked

HELL! How can I answer that kind of question?! It's impossible to say 'Kikwang', right? I mean, he got a girlfriend already!

"Emm.. I.. I.. can't answer.. that" I looked down

"Well, let's change it to dare!" Yoseob sunbae suggested

"Okay!" I nodded quickly, better to avoid that kind of question

"Well.. I dare you.. to..kiss L.Joe, me, and Wooyoung sunbae, on the cheeks!" he jumped

"WHAAAAAT?" all three of us complain

Huh? All three? I didn't think that L.Joe and Wooyoung oppa will complain

"Waee? I'm the one who is giving order, right? Now kiss!" he give me his cheeks

I hestitantly lean in, and kiss him on the cheeks

"OMO! Jieun, your lips are so soft! Another one!" he turned

I sighed, and kissed his another cheeks

"Thanks, now L.Joee~" Yoseob sunbae pushed L.Joe, and his face suddenly got nearer me

"Ahahaha, just.. kiss one side.." L.Joe scratch his head

"No! I want both side!" Yoseob sunbae smiled

Shoot.. nightmare-__-

I leaned in, and kissed his cheeks, he quickly turned, and I quickly kissed his other cheeks

"Now, Wooyoung sunbaeee~" Yoseob sunbae clapped

"Sorry" he apologized

"It's okay, you already like a big bro for me" I smiled

I kissed his cheeks, and his other cheeks

I was just about to lean back when Wooyoung oppa whispered to me

"Your lips are still soft as ever, it's just like when I kissed you on the lips"

I lean back, and I feel like, so hot! My cheeks are burningg!

"Hm? Jieun? Why are you so red?" Yoseob sunbae fan me

"Oh? Oh! Nothing!" I laughed

I bet Wooyoung oppa is smirking at mee.. Geez.. why did he say that kind of thing? Grrr:(

"Excuse me, your order is ready!" the waiter suddenly come to us

I quickly remove the fork, and let the waiter put our food

"Well, enjoy!" she bowed, and went away

---SUZY POV---

I was happily dating with Kikwang oppa.. Geez.. this is too heavenly for me!

"Oppa! Try this spaghetti! It's delicious!" I curl it up on the fork for him

He eat it, and happily chomped it down

"Hm~ Yummy~" he nodded

Aaahh, so this is the feeling when you date the Kingka. And Jieun isn't around either!

"Hmm, we should've brought Jieun" he smiled

Heck, why would he bring that up? Even though I'm dating with him, why all he talked about is Jieun? That bi*ch?

"Oh yeah, yeah, I think that way too" I lied, and smiled to him

"Well, why don't we call her? I'll call!" he got energized all of the sudden and took out his phone

"Ah! Wait!" I want to prevent him from calling, but..

"Too late, it's dialling already" he mehrong

Ck! If only I'm the one who called her! Urrghh


I was happily eating when my phone rang

Duh.. I didn't even look at the name, ahh, it must be mom-_-

"Hello?" I pick it up

"Jieun!" uh-oh..

I quickly looked at my phone's screen and.. KIKWANG OPPA..

Omg, what to do? what to do?! what am I supposed to say?!

"Jieun?" I heard him calling

"Neh?" I quickly replied

"Oh, where are you?" he asked

"Me? I'm.. I'm.." I can't think about any place! My mind went blank!

"Well, it's not important now. Hmm, I want to eat lunch together! With Suzy too! Want to join?" he happily asked

"Uhh.. uhhh... I think it's not possible right now.."

"Waaee? Are you busy? Pleaseee? Just this once?" he pleaded

"Oh no, I'm sorry oppa. I got another appointment"

"Really? You're not lying right?"

"Neeh, I'm not lying. Well, just enjoy your lunch oppa"

"Okay, if you say so. Bye then"

"Bye" I quickly end the phone. Hufftt. THANK GOODNESSS!!!!

"What is it? Mom?" L.Joe asked

"Huh? Nothing. Just continue eating!" I smiled, and continue digging in my food

---SUZY POV---

"What is it?" I asked

"Jieun got another appointment" Kikwang oppa pouted


"Really? Well.. another time then.." I pouted

But.. when Kikwang oppa is calling her.. I thought I heared her voice.. Hmm.. maybe it was my imagination?

"Anyway, we finished our food already, it's the best if we go somewhere else" Kikwang oppa suggest

I stop thinking and nodded

He paid for the food, even though I insist on paying it, and we're about to walk out the restaurant when Kikwang oppa stop

"Waeyo oppa?" I asked

"Jieun!" he suddenly went running back inside

"Huh?" I quickly scanned the area and.. that bi*ch.. she's in here?! all the time?!


"Jieun!" huh? I thought I heard Kikwang oppa's voice?

I looked up, and.." Kikwang oppa?!" I'm.. shocked.. I never knew that I would get caught by him

"Jieun, you're here? All the time?!" he asked

I peeked at the exit, and there she is.. Suzy, giving me death glare, and stomped her foot, making her way to here

"Err, yeah.. I got an appointment with these guys" I smiled

"Oooh, I see, you're not lying then.. Heyy! Whassap Yoseob L.Joe!" he high-five them

"Hyung! I didn't think you're here!" L.Joe got all energized

"Yeah.. me too" Kikwang oppa smiled

"Oppa!" Suzy called out

Everybody shifted their gaze into Suzy, which is standing behind Kikwang oppa

"Ooooh, your girlfriend?" Yoseob sunbae teased

"Err. yeah.. ahahaha" Kikwang oppa scratch the back of his head

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Suzy!" Suzy bowed

"Oh, I'm Yoseob. Nice to meet you! Woah, Kikwang! She's a real beauty!" Yoseob sunbae praised her

Yeah, beauty outside, devil inside

"I'm L.Joe" L.Joe smiled

"Omo! Hello Wooyoung sunbae! I didn't know you're here!" she greets

Wooyoung oppa just nodded, and look.. ignorant.. HEHEHE, TASTE THAT SUZYYY!

"Oh Jieun! Hi! Omo.. I don't know you can get 3 boys at once!" Suzy teased

"Eeyyyy, what are you talking about? They're just friends!" I act all friendly with her

---SUZY POV---

Geez.. unlucky day.. I need to get all friendly with her.. damn-_-

"Oh! I know! What about we hang out for a day together?" Kikwang oppa suddenly clapped his hands


"Oh, great idea!" Yoseob quickly agreed

AISSH... if it all turned out this way.. then..

I just got the greatest idea!

"Well, let's go then! I agree too!" I smiled, and jumped happily

"Yeay! Jieun! We're hanging out together after a long time!" I smiled

Jieun look afraid.. not used to it anymore, huh?

"Now, all we need to do is finish the food quickly!" Yoseob smiled, and quickly chomping down his food

Well well well.. Lee Jieun.. Seems like another idea of mine will cause misery to you..

Woohoo yahooo~ At last~ *cry*

It takes 2 weeks for me to make this-_- Sorry, been busy with school and another stressing problem came up JUST FOR ME! FU*K YEAH! *cry a lot*

I don't have any friend now, since my bestie moved to another class *cry* and I need to make group with hell I don't know who *cry* I feel like.. alone in the class, even though there's old classmates, but I'm not so close to them *cry* and they got groups already! *cry* (anyway, the group is for doing musical-_- I HATE TO SING INFRONT OF CLASS GODDAMNITTT!)

I feel like writing a blog of my life in here-_- I know it's weird, I'm sorry. But I feel soooo frustrated! GRAAH!

SO SORRRRYYYY FOR THE LONG WAIT :( I know it's tiring, because I read ff too-_- LOL~ What kind of nonsense I'm talking about._.

Anyway, enjoy reading and STAY TUNE!<3 LOVE Y'ALL MUAH MUAH :*


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Impossible --It's going to end soon? So sad ;'( huwaaah. Thanks for your support all this time! Love y'all!


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Haeysoo #1
Can you make iuseob story?? Please..
Harin_Park #2
Chapter 37: End already? Haaaa :((( I thought iu with wooyoung at the end. But, it's great, thankyou miss author for making this fanfic!! Xoxo
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Chapter 37: Aww cute ending:)
Harin_Park #4
Chapter 36: Luckily that Suzy didn't suicide :) Update soon ^^
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 36: Yay she didn't suicide
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 35: Poor Suzy:(
Harin_Park #7
Chapter 35: I hope that IU will be with Wooyoung._. because I'm woou shipper! Kekekekek~ Update soon please!<3
Harin_Park #8
Chapter 34: Update soon please ;D
Chapter 34: hmm.. I missed it so much . Hehehe
Update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #10
Chapter 34: Finally an update from this story i missed this story!!