Forgive Me

"I'm Sorry"

(Please listen to while reading.)

It was around 9 PM when your mom called me on the phone. I was already in the car, and coming back from somewhere. I had a good feeling coming back, but it all stopped when I heard your mom's voice.

"Jaejoong! It's Eun Hee! She-She's!" I heard loud constant chattering in the background.

"What? Omma-nim what's wrong?" you franticly asked her.

Your dad took the phone away from your mom and continued.

"Eun Hee's heart rate suddenly dropped. She's barely breathing. The doctors are trying to do what they can but-" the phone line was cut off. He must have dropped the phone in all this chaos.

"Damn!" I cursed to myself and began driving faster, trying to pick up speed whenever I could.

Dashing into hospital, I stretched my legs as far as I could, desperately trying to make the distance between you and I closer. It didn't seem to work though, it felt like I was simply running in place. Why couldn't I run any farther? Suddenly it felt like the distance kept getting farther and farther, time was slowing down, I didn't know what to think. I jumped on the elevator, and pushed the button several times, just hoping that it would make it go faster. Anxiety ran through me, I had sweat so much, I couldn't tell the difference between my tear drops, and my sweat drops.

I frantically continued running toward your room the moment the elevator door opened. It felt like it had been forever since the call. Had I been chasing you for an hour already? No...It seems to feel much longer...Oh dear God let me get to her in time. Don't let her leave me.

"Damn it Eun Hee, you better not leave me without saying good-bye," I almost cried in my frustrated whisper.

I finally made my destination, after what felt like forever. I stopped at the door. Why can't I step in? I was too scared...Too scared I'd be too late. I was too scared of the moment that when I walk in, that horrible white sheet would already be covering your face. I couldn't do it. I can't take the next step. I clenched my fisted and cursed at myself in my head. I continued to sweat much more, or was it my tears? My eyes felt so warm at that moment. It must have been my tears.

"It seems like she's not going to make it." I heard someone say, it must have been the doctor. He continued speaking, "Her heart rate seems to be gradually slowing down. I'll leave you to say your good-byes."

Upon hearing those words, I felt as if I was being choked. i couldn't breathe or speak. I could only move when the doctor exited the door. I finally entered the room, and saw your mom sobbing, hugging you body which was beginning to grow cold. Your dad was right besides her, hugging her back, trying to comfort her. I barely notice the other people in the room until Yunho, one of my most trustworthy friends, placed his hand on my shoulder. He shook his head when I looked at him.

I finally understood the situation, it wasn't a dream, but how I wish it was. I wish this had been just an awful nightmare that I could wake up from and see your smiling face. I looked back at you, barely breathing through your oxygen tubes in your nose.

I still thought you were beautiful. I bit my lip, I knew I was crying now. I couldn't hold it back. Your father had taken your mother outside to try and calm down a bit, even though we all knew she wouldn't.

I slowly walked up beside your bed, and sat down on the stool. I held up your hand, and slowly rubbed it in between my two hands, trying to keep you warm. I looked at Yunho, and he understood me completely. He and the others left the room for me to be alone with you.

I gently your hair, and fervently touched your cheeks. I touched your closed eye which I knew would never open again. I grazed your lips, and wished I could kiss you one more time. I wished you knew how much you meant to me.

"Eun Hee-ah...Please wake up...I can't take it anymore...." I buried my head into the bed sheets.

"I'm here now, you don't have to wait for me anymore...Please wake up..." I pulled a small box out of my pocket, and opened it up.

"This is the reason why I couldn't be with you those times...." I said as I held up the box close your face, hoping that this would help you see it better. I knew it was pointless. "These rings are the reasons why I couldn't make it to those dates."

I hope this single phrase will able to convey my untold feelings for you. "I'm sorry. Forgive me."

I felt a bitter tear drop trickle down my cheek. "I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to marry you." I pulled the ring out of the box and slid it onto your finger. "Please don't leave me Eun Hee...Please....Please don't go...."

I moved my face closer to yours, nearly breaking down into tears, whispered into you ear, "Wake up, and say you'll marry me."

I held your face closer to mine, and looked upon it. "I love you, and I always will."

I leaned in and planted a kiss on your lips. I love you so much...Please God give me a miracle...

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ilabya15 #1
Chapter 3: no more? :/ :(
give them a miracle! <br />
he did all that so he can be with her!!!<br />
update soon please
so sad!!!!!! i hope you update or do more!
ouch it is really hard for a rel. f one of you got a serious disease.. ;( soo sad but nice chap
where is he going??<br />
why cant he just tell her that he's working all those times!!!<br />
update soon please
drizzleandrain #7
this is beautiful. update soon, ne? I like the way you have placed music to go with the chapter, and that way the readers could feel more of what's actually happening with the character than just pure settings and places and happenings. :D good job! *high five*
snowdream #8
and done with chapter 2! <br />
Story's so sad T_T been a while since I read something like this~<br />
Sigh. Must prepare tissues next time I read the update for this.<br />
<br />
Thank you for a wonderful story. <br />
<br />
Fighting! (:<br />
<br />
<333<br />
<br />
x<br />
snowdream #9
I'm on chapter one ;;; So sad T_T
awwwww...<br />
soo sad..<br />
udpate soon please