Space Cadet


Taemin is often absent minded. Always staring off into space thinking about God knows what.
He never pays attention in class, he's always off in the depths of his mind but it really isn't his fault. Most people don't know that though...
Choi Minho has taken an interest in this kid. He's curious about what he daydreams about all the time.
Seriously everytime Minho sees Taemin he has a blank look in his eyes and he's on a completely different plane.
Off to daydream about something, his mind wasn't just in the clouds but it reached out over the stars in the galaxy.
He was a true Space Cadet.



Hi :D So in this story Taemin has a disorder called Maladaptive daydreaming I understand most of you have no clue what that is so I will explain it. I have MD myself so this should be easy XD Maladaptive daydreaming is basically where you are pretty much addicted to daydreaming, you can't stop. You space out all the time, completely unaware of what is going on around you. While you are daydreaming it's like you're in your own world. You create scenarios and characters (that you often befriend and may become emotionally attached to) that you live out, it can last for several hours, minutes, and even days. Often some daydreams are recurring, kind of like a novel, you pick up where you left off last time. Often while daydreaming you might pace, or rock back and forth among other things. Your facial expression might change as you react to your daydreams so to other people it might look like you're a little crazy xD Many things trigger it like music or books. Day dreaming can be caused from many things, like maybe escaping daily life because you hate so much or etc~ It often has a negative impact on things like your grades (you daydream in class)  and people will often think you're ignoring them and much more which I will cover in this story. Daydreams can be about a number of things, like maybe people you know in real life, celebrities, or anything. The possibilities are endless.

Okay I think I covered everything! xD
If you still don't understand here's a link:

disclaimer: I own nothing~ 


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Howdy, it's me again. Sorry for bugging you, but I found a website dedicated to MD. It's like a forum thing. Maybe you know about it already, but
I have MD! : D This is really awesome, I will for sure read this holy crap.
IT'S SOOOO GOOD! I can relate because I have a mild case of MD too! I miss hours of my days, pleaaaaaase update!
Kpop707 #4
it's.......AWESOME xD
Now that I know what that is I think I have it to :) can't wait!!!