It Won't Stop.

Space Cadet


Hi :D 
I hope you enjoy~ sorry for any mistakes I missed~
Disclaimer: I own nothing~
To make things clear Taemin's daydreams will be in italics :D 

"She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she's left behind."
Holy ! I nearly fell out of my seat when the bell rang. Really? I day dreamed through class again? ! I thought as I packed my stuff up. Then my friend Key, the only friend I had, tapped me on the shoulder again I jumped. I was a really jumpy person, it happens when you daydream a lot. 
"Don't worry Taemin, I took notes for you!" He smiled handing me a sheet of paper. How did I get so lucky to get such an awesome friend?
"Thank you! So much, Key!" I smiled taking the paper and putting it in my bag.
"No problem, Taemin! See you later!" He smiled walking off into the hallway. I took my stuff and walked out of the room to my next class. And again I spaced out ...I was on stage dancing my heart out. People were cheering and clapping. I was getting tired but I didn't stop. This was it, this was what I dreamed of I was finally a professional dan... WHOA! I nearly jumped out my skin when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned back and it was my teacher. 
"Taemin, You walked right past the classroom again! You need to pay attention!" She scolded.
"Sorry..." I smiled sheepishly as I walked back to the classroom with my teacher. I sat down in my seat. The boy next to me was staring at me... That was kind of creepy. I smiled at him hoping it'd make him stop. He smiled back and turned away. Why was he staring at me? Who was that anyway...His name was like...Minho or something. He was one of the most popular guys in school and he was staring at me. I felt myself starting to slip away into my mind No! Do not daydream. Stop! I need to pay attention, my grades are already dropping... I was dancing again, but this time in the practice room. I was practicing while waiting for my dance partner, Ryan to come. He was a foreigner from North America, but he could speak fluent Korean. We were really close, the best of friends actually. I kind of had a crush on him but I could never tell him. I finished dancing and jumped when a deep voice came from behind me. 
"Good job, Taemin." Ryan said smirking as he leaned against the wall.
"Ryan! I didn't even notice you were here, Why didn't you say anything?!" I exclaimed embarrassed. 
"I wanted to watch you dance." He grinned walking closer and closer to me. I blushed my heart beating fast. 
"You're so beautiful when you dance, Taemin."...

I watched the boy sitting next to me curiously. His leg was bouncing up and down and his eyes were glued onto the floor and it seemed like he was thinking really hard about something. But the thing is, he does this everyday what the hell is he thinking about? I watched as the expression his face changed. He was blushing horribly, smiling brightly. He even laughed a little. It was like he was having a conversation. What a strange kid. But he was good looking...Especially when he smiled I wonder what it would look like if I made him smile...WAIT! Minho stop it. He is a boy. A boy. You do not like boys, granted he does kind of look like a girl...But he's still a boy! I'll just become friends with him. He seemed like he'd be a lot nicer than most of the people I'm "friends" with.  People just liked me because I was so "handsome", or because I was athletic or whatever. I really didn't care but it seemed like people just wouldn't leave me alone. I really only had one close friend and that would be Jonghyun. We'd known each other since we were little so we were pretty close. 
Class ended and the bell rang but the boy next to me...Taemin I think, didn't move. I gathered up my stuff then tapped him on the shoulder he jumped violently.
"HOLY- oh. Class is over!" He exclaimed rushing to pick up his stuff and I chuckled, so I admit he is kind of cute.
"If you would pay attention you'd know that." I teased.
"I was paying attention!" He insisted as he began to walk out of the classroom and I followed. 
"Okay then, tell me, what did we learn today?" I smiled ignoring my other "friends" who tried to call out to me. 
"Uh...Math stuff!" He said trying to rack his brain for what we learned but realizing he had no clue.
"Right. That'll help you pass the test. You need to get your head out of the clouds!" I grinned watching as his face formed an adorable pout. 
"My head is never in the clouds!" 
"Sure it isn't, See you tomorrow." I smiled as we parted ways to go to our different classes. 

I can't believe I did that again! Really! I can't even control my own mind! Not mention I was daydreaming about having a crush on a person that isn't even real! Sometimes I am thoroughly convinced I was crazy, I mean what kind of person has more friends in their head than they do in real life? Seriously! If Minho had not gotten my attention I probably would have sat there a lot longer. I wonder why he did that, he even ignored his friends for me. He probably just got a kick out of talking to the quiet freak. I bet he was dared to do it or something, no way he'd ever talk to me out of his own free will. 
Okay I really need to stop thinking about him or he'll make it into my daydreams and that would just be weird. I continued to walk on to my class this time successfully getting there without spacing out. I really hated my brain sometimes. I just could never pay attention! My grades were slipping, I always got in trouble because I never could pay attention. My parents were mad at me  because I could never concentrate but it wasn't my fault! My father yelled at me a lot because I paced, But it's not like I mean to it just happens. He says he doesn't want a "mental" son. I'm not mental... Okay so sometimes I think I'm a little crazy but that doesn't make me mental. I'll rock back and forth a lot too but not on purpose. Now that does make me feel a little mental but it's not that bad. Really. I just wish my Father wouldn't make me feel so bad about it all the time it's not like it's my choice. He even gets a kick out of terrorizing me. He knows how jumpy I am and he'll just come up and scare me, all the time. I mean I wouldn't mind if he didn't do it on purpose, because people always scare me but it's never on purpose, But he laughs at me and calls me a freak. Seriously, sometimes I think I'm more mature than my own father. 
I went throughout the rest of the day daydreaming my way through school. That's another problem about this because I daydream I basically forget everything. My parents will ask me what happened at school today and when I say I don't know I really mean it. Seriously, I can barely remember any of elementary school cause I daydreamed so much. I've never been at paying attention, But it isn't my fault! My brain just won't shut up! It was really frustrating sometimes. Daydreaming could be fun in the right setting. Like maybe on the weekends when I have nothing to do but not all the time! But even though I hate it I know I would never want it to go away. It's like my escape from this world and I don't know what I would do without it. I mean I've always been this way, I wouldn't be me without. 
I got home and my parents weren't home yet, they were at work. They'd be there until around five so I would be alone until then. I went upstairs to my room and threw my backpack on the floor, I'd do my homework later. Later is normally 3am because that's the only time I can stop daydreaming, yeah I didn't get a lot of sleep but I really don't care. I changed into more comfortable clothes and got my iPod and headphones out I put them in and turned the music up. I let the music wash away all my worries the rhythm flowing through my body. The music possessed me and I danced going wherever the music took me and for a few minutes my brain shut up, I didn't think, I didn't daydream. When I danced I got a break from my constant buzzing thoughts and that was really the only thing I could do to not daydream. If I listened to music without dancing it would trigger daydreams. The song finished and my thoughts returned. I plopped down on my bed to rest for a minute, which would probably turn into several minutes because I'd probably start daydreaming. Sometimes I just wished my brain had an off button.

Sorry, It's short! xD
Hope you enjoyed :D
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Howdy, it's me again. Sorry for bugging you, but I found a website dedicated to MD. It's like a forum thing. Maybe you know about it already, but
I have MD! : D This is really awesome, I will for sure read this holy crap.
IT'S SOOOO GOOD! I can relate because I have a mild case of MD too! I miss hours of my days, pleaaaaaase update!
Kpop707 #4
it's.......AWESOME xD
Now that I know what that is I think I have it to :) can't wait!!!