
Prank Wars

“Okay, so who knows where BaekHyun’s house is?” YoonJi asked her fellow Misfits.  The four were currently seated at a table in a bubble tea shop, brainstorming ideas for their first prank.  They had decided to meet up after school and figured they should have a snack to refuel their brains after enduring seven classes.

"You don’t know where he lives?” JongIn asked, raising an eyebrow at his female friend from behind his glasses.  “And you’ve known him for how long?  Four years?”

“Shut up!  You, of all people, should know that I didn’t care about that,” YoonJi grumbled, grabbing the plastic cup from out of her friend’s hands.  Frowning, she took a sip from the oversized straw and chewed on the tapioca pearls, enjoying the semi-sweet taste of the taro slush.  JongIn took the cup back and fiddled with the straw, replying,

“He lives in Anyang sam-dong.  I went there for an English project once.”  The female was about to make a remark about how she didn’t remember JongIn ever being BaekHyun’s partner for anything, but then remembered it had happened before JongIn befriended her.  Claiming the bubble tea that she and JongIn were sharing once more, YoonJi nodded with her gaze on the ceiling, deep in concentration while she chewed on the straw.  It was about a twenty-minute walk from her house to BaekHyun’s, but if she could pull off a good enough prank, it would be well worth it.  She could take the bus, but YoonJi didn’t feel like spending money on a ten minute ride.  Besides, she could just get JongIn to go with her—he needed to spend some time outdoors.

“YoonJi-sshi,” a billowy voice whispered, scaring the girl out of her thoughts.  Having momentarily forgotten about the boy’s presence, YoonJi looked at KyungSoo who was staring back at her with his wide eyes.  She noticed his posture was practically perfect; he even had his hands neatly folded in his lap.  It was weird, she concluded—a little too weird, perhaps.  Once again, her thoughts were interrupted when KyungSoo spoke to her.  “Is that sanitary?  Sharing with JongIn-sshi?”

“Uh…” YoonJi blinked at the boy in front of her, wondering why he cared about her personal hygiene.  “Well, I’m pretty sure JongIn doesn’t have any transmittable diseases other than his boring personality.  Right, JongIn?"

“…Right,” the said boy replied dully, rolling his eyes and pulling the cup out of the girl’s hand.  He grimaced when he saw the mangled straw, practically flat now.  For a moment he wondered why YoonJi chewed on straws, but the boy knew not to dwell on the question long.  JongIn understood that some things were better left unexplained, and YoonJi’s habits were definitely on that list.  Sighing, he chewed on the straw himself, attempting to return it to its original form.  KyungSoo, he realized, was staring at him; it was uncomfortable to be under his penetrating gaze.  As a joke and to taunt the other, JongIn continued to chew the straw like a goat while staring back at KyungSoo blankly.  YoonJi looked back and forth at the two and knew the staring contest was going to last a while.  JongIn could blank out at will, and she’d never seen KyungSoo blink before—a fact that suddenly seemed very unsettling.  Shaking her head at the pair, she turned to the boy on her right and tried to steer the conversation back to the important topic of how to repay BaekHyun all the misery he’d given her.

“So SeHun, what do you think of dumping buckets of ice water on the F4?”  She expected SeHun to laugh or smile at the suggestion, but instead the boy looked at her with an expression of horror.  Gaping at her with wide eyes, SeHun timidly asked,

“But…wouldn’t that hurt them?”

“Well, I suppose it could,” YoonJi answered, giving the boy a strange look.  “But if we do, we’ll forfeit a point, and I’m not up for getting into the negative point zone.”  SeHun relaxed a little, but there still remained a frantic look in his eyes.  Nervously, he gripped onto his cup of bubble tea and stuttered,

“B-But LuHan… He ithn’t good with thurpritheth.”  YoonJi stared dully at SeHun, trying to figure out what he had just said.  It really didn’t help that he had a lisp.  She knew it wasn’t under his control, but she couldn’t help but somehow be annoyed.

“He said that LuHan isn’t good with surprises,” JongIn mumbled, still immersed in his staring contest with KyungSoo.  YoonJi’s mouth formed a small “o,” and she nodded her head in comprehension.  So SeHun was fond of the deer boy; that wasn’t a good thing if the Misfits wanted to pull any point-worthy pranks on the F4.  Pursing her lips in thought, YoonJi decided they could just try their best to keep LuHan out of their stunts.  That way, SeHun wouldn’t be such a nervous wreck all the time, and BaekHyun would in effect receive at least 25% more damage from their pranks if executed correctly.

“All right,” YoonJi complied.  “We’ll make sure LuHan doesn’t get hurt.”

“You promithe?”  SeHun looked at the girl with earnest eyes, making it ever-so-clear that LuHan’s well-being meant at least 102% of his own existence.  Raising her right hand and nodding curtly, YoonJi replied,

“I promise LuHan will not be harmed in this war.”

“Thank you, YoonJi,” SeHun said softly, giving her a shy smile.  Seeing him with such a sincere expression made the girl’s heart skip a beat, and then her heart began beating twice as fast to make up for the skipped beat.  Despite her short temper and lack of team skills, Cha YoonJi had a weakness for cute things.  She was almost ashamed of how much she loved anything that was cute—phone charms, gel pens, puppies, baby ducks, puppies…  SeHun looked like a puppy at that moment, and YoonJi had to force herself to look away from the boy to refrain from pinching his cheeks.  Once she felt her heart rate slow to a normal speed, she glanced at JongIn and KyungSoo and saw that they were still staring at each other.

“Will you two quit it already?  Your eyes are going to disintegrate,” YoonJi muttered, taking the taro bubble tea away from JongIn.  She tried to drink the beverage, but the straw had been chewed into odd contortions and was no longer functioning properly.  Sighing, the girl took the straw out, tossed it into a nearby trash can, and pulled out an extra straw from her school bag.  While KyungSoo and JongIn were stuck in the staring contest and SeHun was staring into general oblivion, YoonJi drank her bubble tea and attempted to come up with a prank for the next day.  It eventually took about an hour of doing nothing but staring at her bubble tea to finally decide on a prank and plan every moment of it, but YoonJi knew it was going to be worth it.




The next morning, Byun BaekHyun groggily woke up to the tune of SNSD’s “Paparazzi” playing from his cell phone.  Lazily, he turned the alarm off and dragged his body out of bed, trudging to the bathroom.  After he prepared the shower, he applied his shampoo and thought it smelled a little different, but that was probably because he was barely awake then.  His senses didn’t function best in the morning.  After he was finished with his shower, BaekHyun towel-dried his hair and later wrapped the towel around his waist.  Shaking his head from any water, BaekHyun rubbed his eyes from whatever sleep remained and, brushing a hand through his hair, looked at his reflection in the mirror before him.  He immediately froze and put his other hand to his head, tugging at a lock of hair.  His mouth was hanging open in shock as he stared at his new hair—completely and totally purple.  A strangled whimper escaped from his lips before it gradually developed into a full-out shriek.

“LOOK AT THIS!” BaekHyun screamed after he got dressed in his school uniform.  His mother was at the dining table, drinking a glass of orange juice, when her son entered the kitchen.  She looked at the boy blankly and inquired,

“Look at what?”

“My hair!” the furious boy yelled, grabbing at his hair and practically crying.  Taking a sip from her orange juice, the mother raised and eyebrow and asked,

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s purple!  Of all colors, why is it purple?!”  BaekHyun whined, jumping up and down.

“You look nice,” his mother commented blatantly, oblivious to her son’s current state of hysteria.  The boy let out another cry before the older woman spoke again.  “Your friends did a good job.”  BaekHyun halted his tantrum and removed his hands from his head, staring at his mother.


“That girl with long hair and the boy with glasses.  Oh, he was so skinny.  He needs to eat some mor—”

“MOM!” BaekHyun shrieked, interrupting the older woman.  “Why did you let them into the house?!”

“They were so polite. I couldn’t say no to those sweet faces!  You have such nice friends, BaekHyun,” his mother cooed, putting a hand to her heart.  “Why haven’t you ever brought them over before?  Are you embarrassed of your family?”

“They’re not my friends, Mom!” the boy yelled, stomping his feet and pointing to his purple hair.  “Do you not see what they did to me?”  His mother pouted and said in response,

“They said it was your birthday present.  Oh, those adorable children.  I didn’t have the heart to tell them it wasn’t your birthday yet.”

“Ugh, forget it!  I’m going to school now!” BaekHyun exclaimed, throwing both straps of his backpack over his right shoulder and leaving the house with a huff.  As he threw the gate shut behind him, the male angrily began to walk to school, muttering curses under his breath.  Cha YoonJi had messed with his hair—no one messed with Byun BaekHyun’s hair.  If that girl wanted a war, then a war she would get.



Ugh, sorry for the lame, short chapter.  It looked better in my head.  (」゜ロ゜)」 I hope you could all see a little more into the personalities of the Misfits~  We'll see more as the story progresses, but I just hope I'm doing a good job.  >__>  Also, BaekHyun's purple hair.  I actually think he'd look really good with purple hair.  Like...not a light purple. It has to be a dark purple.  But it was a radical color, so I picked it, haha.  Anyway, I was originally going to have YoonJi and JongIn dye his hair blonde, but then I thought, "...But BaekHyun would look really good blonde."  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  Does anyone else think he would look good blonde?  Not platinum blonde, but like...just a darker blonde.  Wow, I'm going off on tangents.  OH.  And red.  BaekHyun would look nice in red hair.  OKAY, I'LL STOP.

For those of you who don't know, taro slush is purple~  So I hope that makes sense as to how YoonJi thought of this in the bubble tea shop.  Oh, and about the "sam-dong" after Anyang (where this story takes place)... "Sam" is three in Korean, so sam-dong is like the third district of Anyang.  I hope that makes sense... Man, I really want bubble tea now.  LuHan, SeHun, let's go!  (●´∀`●) 

Also, I like BaekHyun's mom.  XD  And don't worry~  The F4 will appear in the next chapter!

Yummy, delicious cookies for:


Thank you to all of my subscribers!  And to everyone who commented on chapter one, I've replied in the comment box, so please look out for them!  ^^  I'm so happy to see all of your responses.  Thank you for all your support!  I hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter! ಥ⌣

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[Prank Wars] Adding Ch. 3 now~


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I.... huhu. Anyway, I love your story!:-)
When shall you update? <\3
I... couldn't help but laugh at this. x] Byun Baekhyun is <333.
I seriously ADORE Baekhyun's character here, and I'm looking forward to more updates from you here, young lady. I might not comment as much now, but rest assured I AM reading your updates. =]

Again... Byun Baekhyun is <333
yeolbemine #4
Kallen_Langely: I kept shaking the screen in both my hands and saying, "NOOO~ HUNHAN! TT__TT" you poor boys... and i love all the Jongin and Yoonji moments... I feel like i'm going to make a fanfic of your fanfic about just the two of them.. hehe^^ btw, you're welcome! :D all the unicorns for youuuu~~ can i guess that one day Yoonji will help Bacon with his studies? Bacon hwaiting!
Zechan #5
Wow Bacon is just funny, although I love baekyeol misfits ftw xD
Poor sehun with his funny/cute lisp. And kyungsoo... He is sorta creeping me out with his creeper mode xD jongin and yoonji's friendship is the funniest moments. Still thinking about the soda can lol
Update soon
Serene #6
I actually like it that this story will focus more on friendship. I mean who says everyyyy story has to be a romance story? Def. like the characterizations so far but why you gotta make my baby kyungsoo such a creep T_T
DAEBAK. That's all I can say to present my feeling right now. Kekeke ~ Update more. Hehe :'D
omg this is totally hilarious :')
xSuperJuniorx #9
I loved reading this chapter and although, i cant picture innocent, sweet Bakehyun acting like this; your writing makes it believable. Oh and thanks off the special cookies ^^