A Socialite's Love


In this suffocating world, is there a place where I can breathe freely?

Is there someone whom I can lean on to ?

When even breathing is such a difficult thing to do, Should I keep my place in this world ?

Will it be better once I leave this world ?

Can someone tell me ?

Where should I find answers ?

Countless nights I spent awake willing myself to be strong and yet even more nights i found myself crying endlessly.

I wish the end come even faster than the speed of light.

Till I see you again.

Forgive me and always remember I love you.




Park Yoobin : A socialite who loves to party and she is spoiled to death by her parents. But is this her real personality ? Who is she deep down inside?

Jung Yunho : Leader of DBSK. A handsome and talented man. Is he going to be the one?

Kim Sunggyu : Leader of Infinite. Adorable eyesmile. Friend or something more ?




Hope you guys enjoy reading this ^^


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yunho always ^^
yunho ftw.. ^_^v