The Year I Met You
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Flowers were in bloom this season. On this humid, spring day Hummingbirds were humming a soft buzzing melody as they consumed the sweet nectar from the newly bloomed roses. They came from all sorts of different directions, having only one thing in their mind: a taste of the forbidden sweetness. Not too far away, there was a grand, open tent with at least ten people sitting underneath it on a picnic table as they dined on their brunch while they discussing about their business entities. The Byun's were amongst the chattering group of rich folks as they sipped their wines haughtily, giving off the impression that they were something akin to Royalty.

Everyone was asked to dress in all white, because it made them look more clean and presentable. White always represented clean to the rich, a hint of tan and one would ask, "Have you bathed, sir?" 

As the table erupted of snobby laughter and guffaws, Baekhyun silently chewed on his steak which was enriched with red wine and peppercorn.  A grimace etched his face as he ate; not because he hated wine, and that the wine was marinated in with his steak, but because he was sweating buckets in his seat. Sweat beads formed underneath his bangs and under his arm. He felt dirty having to keep his suit on despite the mildly humid weather. He could never fathom how rich folks could wear such clothing during days as hot like today. He felt a sharp pinch at his waist and immediately sat up. Vice President Byun had a smile on her bright pink lips, as she chatted non-chalantly to her business partners. But behind that vicious smile, was a terrorizing warning. Her fingers jabbed at him to behave and laugh with everyone else.    Without much choice, Baekhyun sat up straightly, and forced a smile on his face. When they laughed, he laughed as well. When everyone talked, he listened. It was torture to act like he cared, even worse, having to laugh when something wasn't very humorous; the way the rich poked fun of the poor and the less fortunate really turned him off. Why do people who have money think it's ever alright to laugh at those less fortunate than them? What was so amusing about it all?    "So Byun Baekhyun." A middle-aged lady with tight, blonde curls looked his way in interest as she laced her fingers together. Everyone slowed their chewing and turned their attention to the golden boy. Baekhyun swallowed hard, feeling his parents penetrated gaze on him. In the corner of his eyes, he could see his mothers taunting smile. 'Do it right.'    "How does it feel to know you are the son to one of the wealthiest people in the world?" She asked, placing her chin on top of her hands with eager eyes. *Oh boy.* Baekhyun breathed out. He always hated when the attention was solely on him. As predicted, being the son of two of the most well played out actors, Baekhyun easily feigned a charming, sweet grin that made some of the women at the table to swoon and fan themselves at his handsomeness. He casually took a sip of his water before answering, "It's an honour to be blessed with such amazing parents. If this was a dream, I hope I never wake up." He chuckled lightly.    Everyone around the table broke out into laughter. The blonde lady pointed an admiring finger at him as she chuckled. "Modest boy you are. You are lucky to have such a son like him." She sipped her wine with eyebrows raised in appreciation.    Baekhyun felt a hand overlap his and his eyes widened in complete shock. This was the first time his own mother touched his hand; it was so soft, and gentle. It was the touch of a Mother. His heart yearned for it deeply in his chest and his shoulders lifted up in hope. Vice President Byun beamed as she gave his hand a squeeze. "We are lucky aren't we, honey?" She glanced at the President who smiled, though his eyes glowed of contempt. She quickly removed her hand away from his and the warmth was soon replaced by a growing draft. Baekhyun looked down and studied his hands. Her emotions felt so real just seconds ago. This act of Mothely nurture was solely just for show. Baekhyuns shoulder sagged down at the reality of it and he sighed in disappointment.    "Truly a respectable family." Oh, if only they knew.   Everyone clapped in admiration. President Byun lifted his cup to cheers for the momentuous moment.    ---   The moment they stepped into the car, Baekhyun threw off his blazer, loosened his white, silk tie and ed a couple of buttons from his dress shirt; it felt relieving to not be so confined anymore. If they had something to say to him, he was waiting on it because right now, he didn't really give a damn what his parents had to say. At one point, he really thought he was going to die from a heat . The funny thing was that this was merely spring. The meager thought of wearing a suit on a dry, humid summer churned in his stomach uncomfortably. Thankfully, the President revved up the engine, and the moment it purred to life, they took off without uttering a single word to each other which caught Baekhyun by surprise.   Well, not entirely since silence was always inevitable whenever the Byun's headed back home in their buick. Baekhyun sat in the back, his eyes latched onto the passing scenery of the Windy City. He missed the lakes, but recently, he hadn't find enough time to visit. Perhaps it was because of his newly formed friendships. He could't help but feel guilty for abandoning a place that was once held so much endearment to him. "I'll visit it tonight," he made a mental note in the back of his mind.   Through the mirror, President Byun could see the content face of his son. His lips curled into a smirk. "Congratulations on successfully making us look decent today. You deserve an award." His voice was sarcastic and screamed of mockery. Vice President scoffed; her bright lips forming into a dark, toothy smile. "If you keep it up, perhaps we'll be able to finally accept the fact we have a son worthy of deeming." The two of them laughed shamelessly. Baekhyun felt his heart constricting into tight, hurtful knots. He balled his fists tightly together and continued to stare out the window with na
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it bothers me that her hair is not red ;_;


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Chapter 17: Oh my God this completely shocked me I'm speechless omg I wasn't expecting it at all

divaauma #2
Chapter 17: rose&baek moments pleasee
Chapter 17: I hate this !! I need more rose × baek moment !!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: NOOO.... i cry like.. uh authornimm this is the best surprise i ever read in fanficss but whyy kris.. is rose's father kill him? this fic is great.. and always be my fav, so please continue this~ ㅠㅠ
Chapter 16: Oh my God Kris no :ccccc cc
Chapter 15: You are just so amazing ;A; I never thought I'd see this in my subscriptions tbh... Thanks so much for the update <3 wonder what was in the files.......
Chapter 15: oh my god i missed this sooo much! thank you for the update, I'm glad you haven't left this story! Can't wait to see who killed Kris' s father, maybe it's Big Boss himself??? Ughhh so curious
Chapter 15: you finally update!! it does makes me want to read this carefully like when i get a delicious cake after craving for it for along time, i just like want to eat the precious cake slowly ugh~
This is insanely gorgeously written and historically accurate!