The Year I Met You
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhyhP_5VfKM (LOL I had to set the mood...)

  Times were hard with the downfall of the economy, and people were torn. With the loss of many jobs and corporate companies and stores, it's no wonder the music had reflected greatly upon what was happening. Baekhyun couldn't fathom at first, why the hype for it was so big, but after sitting here at Windy Harlem for nearly two hours now, he could finally elaborate why newspapers and radio stations proclaimed that this generation was known as the 'swing era'; the lively, happy music was meant to pull people out of their wallowing pit of sadness and make them happier and to forget about the hardships they were dealing in life. It's no wonder why all these people were here. His eyes glistened with twinkles as he watched the show girls danced their last dance before topping it off with the Lindy Hop as their finale.    At this point the audience were all smiles and cheers, including Baekhyun himself. Suho had let himself go and was clapping along to the beat of the music. Chanyeol threw of what money he had in the air joyously among with the other crowd of hungry men. The shows girls were loving it. The song ended with a boom, and the crowd whooped loudly. The girls all gathered at the front of the stage, held hands and bowed momentarily before straightening up and throwing kisses in the air at the cooes of drunken men. They waved once more before disappearing backstage, groans of disappointment burst through the crowd.   Baekhyun stood up himself, his eyes searching for that one girl. His girl. Chanyeol immediately yanked him back down with a rough tug, his eyes big and cheeks flushed with aclohol. Baekhyun blinked at him in surprise. The way Chanyeol swayed from side to side was enough proof for the boys that he had enough to drink for one night. "I TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO BE FUN! WOO!" He was about to chug another shot of glass when Suho smoothly stole it from him and said, "I'll have this one." Chanyeol nodded and slapped his chest proudly. "That's my boy."    The orchestra began to replay 'Sing sing sing', and Chanyeol closed his eyes as his hands swayed drunkenly side to side to the sound of the music. His head bopping along with it, a goofy grin had lit up his face. Baekhyun eyed Suho, "You going to drink that?" Suho made a face and nodded. "He paid for it, and I can't let his money go to waste. God knows he spent his entire fortune tonight on this stuff." Just when Suho was about to drink it, Baekhyun stopped him. He slapped a couple of crisp bills on the table. Suho gave him an incredulous and shook his head in objection. "Believe me, one drunken fool is enough." Baekhyun calmly stated, making Suho let out a sigh. "I'll owe you back. I promise. That fool doesn't know when to stop."    Baekhyun put his hand on Suho's shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry about it. What are best mates for?" He smiled, making the corner of the other boy's lips curl upwards as well. The boys sat there, enjoying each other's company of an eventful, entertaining night.  The music was livelier, the room grew cloudier and the chatters became louder. Baekhyun was sure that by now he reeked of smoke and tobacco. That type of scent usually lingered longer on polyster.    It was near Midnight, and in the back of Baekhyun's mind, he had hoped to God his show girl hadn't left yet. Not without a formal introduction from him, at least. Suho had ordered a seafood dish that was topped with fish, scallops, shrimp and a side order of bread with what money he had to help sober up a very drunken Chanyeol. If there was one thing that alcoholic boy loved more than alcohol, he loved himself a good mighty meal.     About five minutes into the food, Chanyeol had jolted up like a lightning bolt and darted to the nearest restroom. Maybe the vodka took control, or the scent of the fromage oozing out from the scallops, that made him suddenly feel so sick. Whatever it was, his nauseau went out of control at that moment and holding it in was not an option. Baekhyun and Suho grew alarmed. "I'll go see if he's doing okay," Suho said, a sigh came out his lips as he ran after the boy. *Is this really the end of my scandalous night already?* Remembering the green sickness that was on Chanyeol's face, he assumed so. He called the waiter over, and paid quickly. The waiter noticed him immediately, telling him it was no wonder he looked so familiar. Baekhyun returned with a simple smile and a nod before hurrying off to the washroom, temporarily forgetting about the beautiful, mysterious show girl.    "Is he okay?" Baekhyun stepped in, and was instantly welcomed with a horrible stench of putrid odour. His nose crinkled in disgust as he took another step in. He could make out the two figures in one stall and hear the sounds of Chanyeols gags, which in turn made him want to gag himself.   "He's fine, just had a bit too much to drink for tonight. Hey, are you okay?" Suho glanced worriedly at Baekhyun who looked like he was turning blue as he held in his breath. Baekhyun had no idea how Suho could handle the smell in here. It was a smell so bad that he thought he was going to die from sniffing the air. He nodded curtly, though Suho didn't buy it at all. "How about we pay and meet you at the front?"    "Don't worry, I paid already." Baekhyun quickly said, before dashing out of the washroom so fast, he didn't hear Suho's groan of objection. Baekhyun's head clouded with the putrifying scent of vomit. The moment he stepped out of the washroom, he let out a sharp gasp for air. A couple of people passed by him, staring at his bewildering behaviour. If this was one way to taint his parents image, so be it. He always had trouble with handling vomit. Smelling the vomit made him gag, and seeing someone gag made him puke. It was a never ending cycle. He let out a sigh, and dusted his shirt out. The reeking scent of smoke calmed him down. With a deep inhale, he began to make his way to the exit.    A round of giggles was heard. Curiosity
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it bothers me that her hair is not red ;_;


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Chapter 17: Oh my God this completely shocked me I'm speechless omg I wasn't expecting it at all

divaauma #2
Chapter 17: rose&baek moments pleasee
Chapter 17: I hate this !! I need more rose × baek moment !!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: NOOO.... i cry like.. uh authornimm this is the best surprise i ever read in fanficss but whyy kris.. is rose's father kill him? this fic is great.. and always be my fav, so please continue this~ ㅠㅠ
Chapter 16: Oh my God Kris no :ccccc cc
Chapter 15: You are just so amazing ;A; I never thought I'd see this in my subscriptions tbh... Thanks so much for the update <3 wonder what was in the files.......
Chapter 15: oh my god i missed this sooo much! thank you for the update, I'm glad you haven't left this story! Can't wait to see who killed Kris' s father, maybe it's Big Boss himself??? Ughhh so curious
Chapter 15: you finally update!! it does makes me want to read this carefully like when i get a delicious cake after craving for it for along time, i just like want to eat the precious cake slowly ugh~
This is insanely gorgeously written and historically accurate!