Chapter 2

The Necklace

Hey everyone how are you today????? I am doing extremely well so anyway here is part 2 of the story and I am deeply sorry about me taking so long to update. Fall break is coming up and we are just preparing for exams here. I will also be starting a college course in high school so expect slower~ updates. BUT to make it up to you here is chapter 2.

(Heechul's pov)

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. The air was warm. It was all so perfect. It would have been more perfect if I had my boyfriend ,Hankyung, beside me. I should be grateful just to be able to wake up for another day. But then again it could always get ruined by Kim Kibum (the Kibum of SJ not SHINee). Right now, I am currently getting ready so that I could meet my boyfriend in town. I still remember the conversation we had earlier.

“Hi Chullie"

"Hi Hannie. What's wrong? Why are you calling? Did something happen? Are you alright?"

 "Yes sweetie. Im alright, I just called to ask if you could meet me at the park, because I have a special suprise for you"

"Oh Hannie. You are so sweet. Yeah sure I'll meet you there. Im already here anyway so yeah I'll just wait for you okay?"

"Yeah sure I'll see you in like 5-10 minutes ok"

"Ok bye Hannie. I'll see you soon okay"

"Ok bye. I love you"

"Bye. I love you too"

So that is how I ended up here waiting for my boyfriend to show me his awesome surprise. It was going along great until I saw him. Kibum.

*oh great why now shisus you must hate me right*

"Hey Heechul. Is that you?"

"Hmm. Oh hi Kibum

*speak of the devil*

"So what brings you here on this wonderful Saturday afternoon"

"Well since you wondering im waiting for someone"

"Oh. Really who are you waiting for????? If I may ask?"


 "Well I am waiting for Hangeng"




"Hey Chullie"

"Yes Kibum"

"Why did you break up with me? I mean cant I have a second chance with you, with us"

"Kibum we had this discussion already"

"But I just want to know why"

"You want to know why then fine I will tell you. We are through with each other because you cotinue to abuse me. You continue to have anger issues. You continue to hurt Heebum. You continue to get jealous and over exaggerate too much. We broke up because of that Kibum. Now im with Hangeng you need to get over it already and get a life of your own now We are through as in done do you ge3t it now"

"I uderstand but Heechul"

"What kibum it would be better if you just left already because hangeng will be here soon"

"can i ask you  one last thing"

"fine what is it"

"may i please gbive you a goodby hug then"


"fine one hug ad then you leace"


"yes maam"

As I turn around to hug him i feel a pair of warm lips on ine. he kissed me that bastard kissed me. I cpuld tell that everyone in the park was looki9ng at us because i was hiting him hared with my bag. then that i when i heard a sound.


I turned around and i saw the horrified look on his face. He looked so hurt. Then I saw him take off running. I struggled to get out of Kibum's grip on my hand. I looked at him and gave him my best death glare then he looked at me and finaly decided to let go of me. Then i took off running for him. As I was running a ton of thoughts were going through my head.

Please Hannie im sorry

Please dont hurt yourself

Are you okay right now

Hangeng please think things through i dont wanna lose you

If he goes then I will go too

Hangeng if only I told you what you meant to me would you still be doing this

If only we hadnt met

If only he didnt fall in love with me

If had avoided Kibum in the first place then......


If only Kibum was nicer

If only Kibum left me alone

If only Kibum didnt fight with his older brother then they would'nt be on such bad terms with each other right now

If Kibum was loved like a normal son instead of a diplomat then maybe................

No I really shouldn't be putting the blame on Kibum it wasnt his fault after all right? Im just freaking out right now aout Hangeng. OHHHH!!!!!!!!

By the way if you hadn't fighured it out already then i will tell you. Kibum and Hangeng are brothers. Well twin brothers actually. Hangeng is the oldest and Kibum is the youngest. I actually feel bad for him. Hangeng told me things about their childhood and that I shouldn't blame Kibum for everything. He also told me that he was supposed to take over their family's company but their father forced that responsibility all onto Kibum. But what's done is done. It can't be helped anymore. As I kept running the cliff came into view. I was too terrified to go look over the edge at Hangeng's body on he reef and blood pouring out of him, but my legs betrayed me. I kept walking closer, closer to the edge until finally I saw him.

I had immediately paled at the sight in front of me. In front of me, I saw my Hangeng at the bottom of the cliff with a sharp-pointy (a/n: yes i have said pointy because i wanted to) reef(or rock) sticking out of his abdomen, while his blood is staining the water around him. I felt panic, woory, and freight flow through the course of my veins as I saw him like that. I called out to him.

"Hangeng open your eyes please?!?!?!?!?! I need you to stay alive!!!!!!! Please don't leave me. I am so sorry for what you saw. Please stay with us"

In the background I heard the sounds of tires screeching as well as sirens. So I tried once more to call out to him.

"Hangeng please hold on help is here. We're here to save you"

I had no choice. I started to climb down the steep cliff to reach my bleeding and dying boyfriend. I had ignored the voice that were calling out to me.

"Heechul come back here"

"Sis wait"

"Sis please don't do it its too dangerous"

"Ma'am wait"

"Ma'am come back here"

"Heechul sweetie please come back"

"Heechul-sshi please don't do this"

As I reached the bottom, I looked down to get a better look at Hangeng and it was absolutely terrifying. He was as pale as a ghost, he lost a lot of blood, and it didn't look like he was breathing either. When I got down onto the ground, I took off running for him. When I reached him, I threw my arms around his waist and sobbed into his shoulders. I heard him groan and I let go of him to be face to face with him.

"W..What a..are you do..doing here"

"I'm *sob*sob* sorry for what I have done to you. I finally *sniff* realized that I was wrong, will you please find it in your heart to forgive me"

I know that my grandmother always said to forgive tose who have done wrong to you, but I don't know if I can ever forgive you. You really broke my heart *cough*cough* I am truly sorry" He said as he coughed and little trickles of blood were flowing down the sides of his mouth.

"It's ok. I understand but please just hold on, you need to live" I said as tears rolled down my cheecks and onto his face.

" I am sorry, but I just can't wait any longer my grandmother is waiting for me and I have to go to her"

"No please you can't die on me please no not yet I'm so sorry please"

But it was too late. As I was speaking these words to him, he closed his eyes and faded away from me. I looked at his face and smiled. He had died with a smile on his face. I would never have guessed that hearing those last few words from me.

As the months went by, I fell more and more into depression and it worse by the day. On the day of his funeral, I cried my eyes out and when there were no more tears to shed I kept on crying. My depression worsened with the days until I had finally decied to just end it all. I grabbed a kitchen knife and cut my wrist. I left a note for my parents and older brothers thelling them how much I loved them and to not miss me too much. As I felt myself coming closer and closer to death I whispered these final words

"Please wait for me Hannie. I'm coming to be with you"

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyes reading chapter 2 and I am terribly sorry if its sad. I actually cried while writing this. I will post chapter 3 up in about 2 hours, so please wait until then. Well yuki_chicken out.





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Chapter 5: Aww Happy ending!!!
I m glad hanchul is finally together!!!!!
Chapter 2: it is. so good!
but truly sad!!
i love the. story!
i. will wait for. third chapter!
hanchul fighting!
Awww So sad :(
It actually made me tear up.
You did a good job and keep up the good work :D