Chapter 3


         Yoona arrived home at ten PM. She knew that Ryeowook wouldn't be back home so early, so why did she? She went to go wash her face and take a bath. She still wasn't sure how to ask Ryeowook how much he earned daily. It would be a sudden and random question, so she had to think of the perfect way to phrase the question. She finished her bath and exited the bathroom, entering the main hall of the apartment. As usual, he wasn't home yet. Yoona took a seat on the couch and the television. As she watched, she grew tired and drifted off to sleep. 

         Yoona awoke the next morning. She edged into the bedroom and saw that it was empty. Had he already left for work? Had he not even returned home last night? Yoona prepared to go to work. She was hoping that he'd come home or show face so that the two could talk.



          Ryeowook was still at the bar the next morning. He had given up his sleep to service Jessica who stayed the whole night, talking to him. She also demanded that he stay by her side while she slept. Ryeowook found this ridiculous but he would be payed extra for his service. Ryeowook missed Yoona. He hadn't been able to go home last night and he longed to see her again. Ryeowook woke up early and left for his other job at the restaurant.



          "Yes, when two people get married and have children, they become parents," Yoona explained to her student. "Well we've been at it for a long time, so you can take a break now. " Yoona instructed her 3rd grade student. 

          "Talking about parents, how are you and your new husband getting along?"

           Yoona smiled, "We're good..."



          Had Yoona really meant what she had said to her student? Yoona walked to her next student's house, just 5 blocks away. As she walked, she rethought how to ask Ryeowook. At that moment, her phone rang and and she picked up. It was Donghae, the detective. 
          "Hi, did you find out?"
          Yoona bit her lip,"No." She felt bad for being a hold-up. 
          "Okay, can you come over when you're free? I have something that I'd like to share with you, 'cuz I found something." 
          "Alright," Yoonaa hung up and rushed to her next student's house. 


            Yoona finished tutoring, was paid and rushed to tutor her last student. 


            Yoona completed her jobs for the day at approximately 12:00 PM.  It was late afternoon and she hadn't eaten lunch yet. She walked to Donghae's detective office. 


             Yoona's stomach growled as she entered the detective clinique. She reached into her bag and found a butterscotch candy to on. She went to the front deska nd asked if she could talk to Donghae.
            Yoona was let in and she took a seat across from Donghae.
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Chapter 3: Kyaaaaa I hv just found this fic n I think this is so interesting..
Did wook hd many jobs?? N yoona didn't know bout it??
Pleaseeeeee continues this fic#cutepuppyeyes^^
sonelf_YW #2
Chapter 1: Update PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Update plz