Chapter 18 (Haunted House)

Finding A Piece Of Missing Puzzle [Under Construction]

               Three days before the wedding held, still both of the kids hadn’t been informed by their parents about the wedding. Both of them know their parents wanted to surprise them. But it was not a thing to be surprised at that what both of them thought. Hyaeri busied herself with her study so did Min Hyuk the only different was that he busied himself with both his study and career.

                Haejin and Sunghee who at first were thinking of any solution to stop the wedding from happening never want to stop the wedding anymore, along the one month and twenty-six days they had, they had been watching over Min Hyuk and Hyaeri. Even though both of them (Min Hyuk and Hyaeri) didn’t has a good interaction but they could see there were something hidden behind the way both of them interacted.

                Both Haejin and Sunghee could guess that Min Hyuk liked and fall in love with Hyaeri from the way he looked at Hyaeri. But even though Haejin who was major in Psychology, but she couldn’t guess what Hyaeri think about Min Hyuk thus it makes things a little bit difficult for her to read each move Hyaeri’s did. There was time Hyaeri couldn’t hide her sadness that it was easy for Min Hyuk to read her feelings but difficult for Haejin and the rest of the families and friends to read that feeling. But it really difficult for all of them to read her action the only thing they could know was when she was being all hyper that was when she ate. In other words it was not easy to read every move she did.

                BTOB, Sunghee, Hyaeri, Haejin and Syumin were at the amusement park. Sunghee was discussing something with Haejin, while Eun Kwang, Chang Sub, Dong Geun and Ilhoon were playing with Syumin. Sungjae was heading towards the haunted house along with Hyunsik and Hyaeri. Min Hyuk went to the toilet.

                “Hyaeri-ah, don’t you afraid of ghost?” Hyunsik asked as they entered the haunted house.

                “If I’m afraid I won’t enter this house” She said walking ahead. Sungjae was wandering around with curiosity shown on his face. He was wondering whether the haunted house they entered was as scary as how people reacted after entering it. From what he saw, some of the girls were crying most of them were paled not only the girls even the men after entering it. He was walking without noticing his leg was touched by something or someone. He just kicked the hands of off his leg before continued to wander around.

                “Sungjae-ah are you okay?” Hyunsik asked as he kicked the manmade head that was decorated with artificial blood aside. Before Sungjae could answer a headless body walked beside him which made him jumped a bit before pushing the headless body aside, making the person inside the body to yelp. “Sorry” He said before continued to walk.

                “Yes hyung-nim, hyung don’t you thing this haunted house not realistic?” Sungjae answered as a long hair woman with white clothing staring at him with a death glare. “Oh you look like your eyes are freezing for a long time” He complained pointing at the woman which made the woman to blink her eyes. She quickly looked at the ground letting her long, messy hair covered her whole face.

                “You are right” Hyunsik replied.

                “Noona you okay?” Sungjae asked the girl beside him. When he turned around an unknown lady stood beside him with a scary looking looks. With artificial bloods all over her head. “Again?” He mumbled to himself before pushing the lady to his right side. The lady yelped. “Sorry miss” He said, childishly. “Where’s noona hyung?” He asked Hyunsik who was now standing beside him.

                “Ahead of us, let’s run, who get her first buy ice-cream for the eleven of us” Hyunsik said. “Three, one, two, three!!” At the count of three both of them raced up running towards Hyaeri who was staring at the fake-death body which laying in front of her. “Gotcha” Hyunsik said, grabbing her by her shoulder.

                “Aish!” Sungjae hissed, panting.

                “What are you two doing?” She asked walking aside from the fake-death body. Both of them followed behind.

                “Betting, the loser buy ice-cream for the eleven of us” Hyunsik answered. They went out of the haunted house. The five of BTOB, Sunghee, Haejin and Syumin were waiting for them at the exit door.

                “How was it?” Eun Kwang asked.

                “Boring” The three of them answered nearly at the same time.

                “What is with the sweat huh Hyunsik-ah? Sungjae-ah?” Chang Sub asked eyeing the two boys.

                “Sungjae is buying us ice-cream since he lost running to catch Hyaeri inside haha~” Hyunsik answered.

                “Are you entering the haunted house to watch and see what inside of betting?” Sunghee asked furrowing her eyebrows.

                “Both” The two of them answered. The eleven of them headed to Buskin Robin. Ordering the ice-cream they want. Hyaeri choose Double flavors as her ice-cream flavor. She was the second last before Min Hyuk to choose the ice-cream. They gathered the ice-creams on the counter. Hyaeri, Min Hyuk and Sungjae were at the counter while the rest went out of the parlor.

                “$18.70¢” The cashier said. Sungjae was about to take his money out of his wallet when Hyaeri hand the exact amount of money to the cashier. Before walking out of the parlor with the receipt.

                “Why did you pay noona?” Sungjae asked.

                “You are still a kid, you’re not supposed to pay” She reasoned. Placing the receipt inside her wallet. Sungjae nodded his head.

                The eleven of them then headed back to the apartment since it was already six in the afternoon. Min Hyuk was helping Ilhoon showering Syumin when the bell rang. It was BTOB’s manager who rang the bell. Seeing their manager already in front of the door Dong Geun headed inside and told Min Hyuk that they need to go. Ilhoon quickly dried his hands with the towel before headed outside after saying goodbye to Min Hyuk, Syumin, Hyaeri, Haejin and Sunghee.

                “I’m going now” Sungjae said to Sunghee. Sunghee just patted her brother’s head. After a while the apartment went silent. Hyaeri was inside her room reading a book while Haejin was with Sunghee. Sunghee got a call from her mother telling her to go home since it was nearly seven already.

                After a week living with Hyaeri and Min Hyuk, Sunghee was offered to be a lecturer at the university where Hyaeri and Min Hyuk study at the same time she was also offered to becomes a Psychologist at the main hospital in Jeolla. She chooses to work at the main hospital instead of being a lecturer since it was her dream to become a Psychologist. Since she needs to head to hospital early or late she used Hyaeri’s car as her transport. When she went to work early Hyaeri and Min Hyuk were the one who would send Syumin to his school but when her shift was late she would be the one who would send the little kid to his school.

                After done putting his clothing with the help of Min Hyuk, Syumin ran to Hyaeri’s bedroom. He was looking at the teenager with wondering eyes. Hyaeri who felt someone looking at her stopped reading and looked in front of her only to see Syumin sparkling eyes. He still looked energetic.

                “What is it Syumin-ah?” She asked placing her book at the small table after bookmarking the page she stopped reading. She picked Syumin and seated him on her lap.

                “Noona, do you cook dinner tonight?” He asked looking at the girl. Hyaeri nodded her head. “Can you make me Chinese foods?” He asked again. Hyaeri nodded her head again.

                “Do you want to eat anything for tomorrow?” She asked. Syumin shrugged, didn’t know what to answer. “Have you done your homework yet?” She asked. He nodded. “Good” She patted his head. Syumin jumped of off her lap.

                “I’ll play with hyung” He said, bowing politely. Hyaeri smiled at his behavior. It was too polite to be true. She wondered who taught him to be that polite. She started to tie her head before headed to the kitchen to make dinner. Haejin was already at the kitchen with her laptop. She was typing something there. She looked pretty busy.

                Haejin stopped typing when she noticed Hyaeri who just entered the kitchen. She shutdown her MacBook. She placed it on the table in the living room where Min Hyuk and Syumin were. She went back to the kitchen and helped Hyaeri making dinner.

                It was already time for dinner. Like what Syumin want, Hyaeri and Haejin did cook Chinese Cuisines for Syumin. There were Oyster Omelet, Oyster Vermicelli, A-gei, and Iron Eggs. When they were done arranging all the foods, plates, glasses, spoons, chopsticks, forks and other things on the table, Hyaeri went inside to the living room only to find Syumin and Min Hyuk sleeping, Syumin head was on Min Hyuk’s lap. She glanced at the clock, half past eight that what was shown on the clock. They were late having their dinner tonight; usually they would have their dinner at seven forty-five at night.

                “Syumin-ah, wake up” She shook the little kid’s body. The kid moved a bit, but he didn’t wake up, instead Min Hyuk was the one who wake up. He opened his eyes. “Wake him up, dinner is ready” She said leaving the living room and headed back to the dining room.

                Haejin and Hyaeri waited for Min Hyuk to wake Syumin up. After for three minutes, finally the two boys went inside the dining room after washing their face and their hands. They started eating their dinner.

                They ate silently until the sleepy Syumin talked with his mouth full with foods.

                “Noona daebak!” He excitedly said.

                The three teenagers just shook their head. After a while they finished eating their dinner.  Haejin helped Hyaeri cleaning while Min Hyuk made sure Syumin brushed his teeth then tucked him to sleep, since there were five minutes left before nine.

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Chapter 25: Thattt is freakingggg is soo hard to find minyuk ff~~ but you've done a great job...not sure if you ever read this or not..haha..but still..thanks author-nim~
ewwyousuck #2
you write like some grade 1 student.
ExoticAnqel #3
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
congrats on the feature ^^
Congratz ^_^
I don't really understand the foreword...
lovelyme23 #8
congrats ^^