Chapter 12 (Invitation Cards)

Finding A Piece Of Missing Puzzle [Under Construction]

                “Hyaeri-noona” Sungjae called. He was helping Hyaeri cleaning the dirty dishes in the kitchen while the rest of the boys were in the living room playing with the birthday’s boy. Hyaeri who was drying the plates with the towel looked at him.

                “What is it Sungjae-ah?” She asked, placing the plates in the rack.

                “How’s your relation with hyung?” He asked arranging the glasses neatly.

                “What do you mean?” She asked. She was done drying and placing all the plates, she looked at Sungjae who was about to walk out of the kitchen.

                “You know, you’re going to married him just in two months from now” He started walking out of the kitchen.

                “Two what?” She shouted in horror following Sungjae.

                “What are you shouting at noona?” Ilhoon asked curiously. All eyes were now on Hyaeri. Hyaeri was too shocked to think properly that she told them what Sungjae told her just now. After hearing what she said, the two of the boys couldn’t help but to smile like an idiot. Of course the two of them were Chang Sub and Eun Kwang. Hyunsik just let out a sigh, Ilhoon who was curious just now was widening his eyes. Dong Geun and Min Hyuk were speechless. The little kid, Syumin who didn’t understand anything just continued watching the Pororo.

                “How did you know Sungjae-ah?” Both Min Hyuk and Hyaeri asked nearly in unison after a long silence.

                “Noona’s and hyung’s parents had already sent the invitation cards to almost all of our entire relatives” He explained.

                “B-but, we didn’t know!” She furiously said. She was too shocked to accept the fact.

                “Everything had been arranged without us knowing” Min Hyuk said letting a sigh. All of them were silent. No ideas on what was actually happening, all that they could do were to keep quiet, sigh, and nothing else.

                Hyaeri walked out of the living room and went to her bedroom without saying anything. She searched for her cell phone, after getting her cell phone; she made a call to someone who she really wanted to talk to that time. But the person was out of reach.

                Outside, BTOB except for Min Hyuk and Sungjae brought Syumin out to the amusement park, since the little kid kept on pleading to go to the amusement park. Min Hyuk went to his bedroom while Sungjae went to Hyaeri’s bedroom. He entered Hyaeri’s bedroom only to see that girl sitting on her bed while pressing some random numbers on her phone.

                “Noona?” He called out.

                “Uh—Sungjae-ah” She said in reply still trying to call someone.

                “Sorry for late informing you about this” He said with an apologetic look.

                “Never mind, past is past we can’t change the past remember?” Hyaeri said. She said that, just to make herself felt easy, but it didn’t work. She was hiding her true feeling. She didn’t want to show how frustrated she was. She patted Sungjae’s head like a mother. Sungjae remains silent.

                “Sungjae-ah” Suddenly Min Hyuk broke the silent from outside the bedroom, sounding like he was searching for Sungjae. Just when Sungjae was about to leave the bedroom, Min Hyuk opened the door. “Sungjae-ah, do you want me to send you back to the dorm, the other are headed back to the dorm already” He said.

                “How about Syumin?” Sungjae asked.

                “I’ll pick him there, let’s go it’s already late” Min Hyuk answered. It was nearly nine already.

                “Noona, I’ll go back now bye~” Sungjae bid goodbye.

                “Take care of yourself, don’t forget to study” Hyaeri gave one last words; she was infront of the front door bidding goodbye to Sungjae. Min Hyuk was fixing his shoelaces. After they were out of sight, she locked the door and headed back to her bedroom to take a shower. Done showering and putting her clothing. She went to her study table and started to read a novel book that she bought last few weeks.

                The time passes just like that; she was too focused on reading the novel that she didn’t realize Min Hyuk already went home without Syumin with him. When she was about to flip the next page, the door to her bedroom open from outside, making her turned and looked at the person who opened the door. There was Min Hyuk standing while holding a mug.

                “Where’s Syumin?” She asked, placing a bookmark to the page she stops reading. She looked at Min Hyuk.

                “He’s staying at the dorm and will be back tomorrow” He simply answered, he took a seat on the bed, facing Hyaeri who was looking at him. “It’s nearly twelve in the midnight, go to sleep” He said realizing how late it was that he and Hyaeri still awoke.

                Since Hyaeri could predict what he would do when she didn’t listen to his instructions, she walked and quickly laid herself on her bed covering herself with the thick blanket. She was covering herself until only her eyes could only be seen. She forcedly closed her eyes and in no time she drifted off to dreamland without waiting for Min Hyuk to say anything to her.

                Min Hyuk just watched Hyaeri sleeping before heading out of the bedroom, as usually before he left the bedroom he switched on the small lamp and switched off the main lamp and went out of the bedroom. He made sure the main door was locked, the television was off, and the fans were off and other appliances except for refrigerator and fridge.

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Chapter 25: Thattt is freakingggg is soo hard to find minyuk ff~~ but you've done a great job...not sure if you ever read this or not..haha..but still..thanks author-nim~
ewwyousuck #2
you write like some grade 1 student.
ExoticAnqel #3
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
congrats on the feature ^^
Congratz ^_^
I don't really understand the foreword...
lovelyme23 #8
congrats ^^