Chapter 10 (Her Cleverness)

Finding A Piece Of Missing Puzzle [Under Construction]

                Hyaeri was sitting on the swing, swinging the swing. While Min Hyuk sat on the bench provided near the swing. They were at the playground. The playground was of course empty.

                “So?” Min Hyuk started.

                “You asked me how to make your heart stop beating faster right?” She said. Min Hyuk nodded. “Like you, I’m also major in Biology, you know to make your heart stop beating faster you just need to relax, cool down” She explained. Min Hyuk was face-palming himself. Hyaeri saw what Min Hyuk did. “Why?” She asked. Min Hyuk stood up and went nearer to her; he suddenly hugged her tightly making her totally in shock. Her heart suddenly beating really fast. She started to blush really hard. After a while he freed her and took a seat at the swing beside her.

                “How did you feel?” He asked.

                “I-it beating re-really fast, w-what i-is th-that?” She said stuttering.

                “That’s it! That was what I felt!” He said swinging the swing higher to the sky. “Now solve it! Find the solution!” He said.

                “But how?” She asked. Both of them were silent. No one dare to talk. They were deep in thought, thinking on how to solve their so-called problem.

                Three days had passed, none of them dared to do any skin-shipping, making eyes-contact and other things, they acted like they didn’t know each other even though they lived in the same apartment. Syumin didn’t notice what was happening between both of the teenagers.

                “Noona, hyung!” Syumin shouted from inside the bedroom. Making both the two teenagers ran towards him.

                “Why?” Both of them asked in unison.

                “What is love?” He asked. Making both of them in shock “It says here when you felt nervous around someone, your heart started to beat faster and blushing in front of your opposite gender that’s means you’re in love” He intelligently explained.

                “That’s it! That’s the answer” Hyaeri suddenly exclaimed. “You are in love huh mister?” She spoke in English. “But with who?” She asked.

                “You” He answered.

                “Me? Eh! Blabbering around huh mister, find your love duh~” She said, they walked out of the bedroom leaving the intelligent kid doing his own little things.

                “Eh, how about you be my lover?” Min Hyuk said.

                “No” She said, taking a seat on the sofa.

                “Why not?” He asked taking a seat next to her.

                “Don’t take what Syumin says seriously, he’s still a kid” She answered.

                “No! I’m serious with my words” He said.

                “Which one?” She asked.

                “Be my lover” He answered.

                “No, I don’t even love you” She said lazily.

                “Yes you do” He said.

                “No I don’t” She denied.

                “Yes you do lady” He opposed.

                “No I don’t” She denied again.

                “How about this one?” He suddenly hugged her tightly.

                “Let go, I can’t breathe” She said.

                “Yes you can” He opposed for the million times.

                “Enough! I know you’re just playing around, cool down dude, I know you’re just fooling around with me” She finally said. Making Min Hyuk in shock for the nth time! “Shock enough huh? I’m just playing along, I know you are just playing, don’t think I didn’t hear your conversation with some guys on the phone few weeks ago” She said.


Few weeks ago (Flashback)


Min Hyuk’s POV

                I was busy doing some thinking on how to solve this Physic questions. I was too occupied to be honest! I couldn’t understand the problem. What? How? Who? When? Which? Hah! Like solving some random English comprehensions. Really!! Come on brain! Let help me out with these problems, if Einstein could! You would probably could solve them too!

                I can’t sleep, I’m feeling wide awake

                The first line of 'Wait' that was sang by David Archuleta interrupted me. Incoming call! Who in the world was calling me at this time! Five minutes to twelve midnight! Who?! I grabbed my cell phone which was on the table next to my three inches Physics book. After checking the ID of the caller I quickly answered the call.

                “Yah! Can’t you wait for tomorrow to come? It’s already late here!!” I scolded through the line feeling a little bit irritated at the same time.

                “Chill boy—” The voices from the other line said. Yeah there were six different voices. My group-mates.

                “Sorry hyung! These two hyungs of mine are forcing me to call you, really I didn’t mean to interrupt your night” Sungjae said with an apologetic tone. Listening to his voice I knew he was telling the truth. The cold boy who named Sungjae! I knew he never lied to me.

                “Go to sleep already, Sungjae-yah, you need to attend your school tomorrow remember?” I said. He was still schooling, he was in his first year of high school. Poor him!

                “Sorry hyung” Once more time he apologised.

                “Never mind go to sleep already Sungjae-yah,” I instructed, no matter how angry I was, but people sleeping time was still more important than my angers, especially for a student like Sungjae! He really needed to sleep now! Or elese he would lose focus on his study the next day.

                “So?” Eun Kwang from the other line started.

                “Is Ilhoon and Dong Geun already gone to sleep?” I asked, knowing that the two boys would need to attend their lesson for tomorrow. Ilhoon was in his second year of high school while Dong Geun was on his last year of high school.

                “Go to sleep Ilhoon-ah, Peniel-ah” Hyunsik instructed from the other line. Having a leader (Eun Kwang) as the oldest, was no used at all, he acted like he wasn’t the leader. Hoping the third oldest (Chang Sub)? No used at all, I couldn’t take care of the youngest members since I was living here! In Jeolla-province, they were in Seoul! Only the fourth youngest (Hyunsik) who was also the fourth oldest, could help me taking care of the youngest members.

                “Hyunsik-ah, don’t you have class tomorrow?” I asked.

                “No hyung, the class for tomorrow have been cancelled due to some event that takes place tomorrow” He answered. Hyunsik? He was a freshman of Seoul Music and Technology University. I stayed silent.

                “So…” Chang Sub started. This kid!

                “How’s your life with your fiancée?” Eun Kwang interrupted. Busybody much!

                “Simple, cool, like always bickering fighting and you know” I simply answered. I waited for their reactions. Knowing that the other line went silent made me felt a little relief. I was about to reject the call when one out of the three boys interrupted.

                “Hey hyung want to do some dare with us?” Chang Sub said. I was about to say ‘no’ but Eun Kwang and him quickly interrupt

                “Never say no!” Both of them chorused. Hish!

                “Make her fall for you, you know, you have fell in love before, so you knew how it felt right?” Eun Kwang said. The three of them knew about my past life. My first crush. But I never said she was my first love. But I did feel  like I like her.

                “Hyung! I never fell in love before I just like her I didn’t say I love her” I remaindered him. “How am I going to make her fall for me then?” I asked for further information.

                “Google of course” Eun Kwang and Chang Sub chorused for the second time.

                “It’s says here when you felt nervous around someone, your heart started to beat faster and blushing infront of your opposite gender that’s means you’re in love here also says when you felt something weird inside your stomach, something weird like the feeling of butterflies flying freely” The intelligent Hyunsik said. Mr. Google to be exacted! He loves to google things up. “But hyung how does the feeling of butterflies flying freely in your stomach feel?” He asked innocently. Eun Kwang and Chang Sub let out a long sigh.

                “Yeah, how does it feel like?” I asked, I also didn’t know how it felt though!

                “That’s not important, what is important the first three points Hyunsik said, so dare is on huh Min Hyuk-ah? No specific time, but you still need to do the dare, tell us when you have done it okay?” Eun Kwang said before rejecting the call. Shut!!! This leader of mine sure was a kid. Not mature!


Hyaeri’s POV

                I was about to go and get some hot milk. It was five minutes to twelve. I was waking up from my three hours of sleeping. I was thirty to be exacted! But when I was about to step out of my bedroom, I heard my so-called ‘fiancée’, talking on the phone, he was turning on the loudspeaker, so I heard his whole conversations with the guys from the other line from when he was scolding the people to the other line until the conversations ended. Stupid boy! Luckily me!

                My throat was no longer thirsty, listening to their conversations already made my thirsty throat wet. Great! Just played along with his game! That was a good choice. I went back to me bedroom with a smile of victory shown on my face. I drifted off to sleep, knowing that there would be some fun game waiting ahead of me.


End of flashback

                “Never fool me again okay!” Hyaeri said, walking away and went to her bedroom and locked herself for the rest of the day. Min Hyuk was left there in shock; it took him a while before he realized what just happening.

                “Great!” He said to himself. He quickly reached on his cell phone and sent a short message to his friends.

                ‘Just great! She knows already! So the dare ended until here’ He sent the simple text. In no time his phone ringing signaling a text was sent to him. He opened the inbox and read the text.

                ‘Eh? That’s the end of the dare then! Luck goes around Lee Min Hyuk!’ He just shrugged it off before walking into his bedroom.



                They were doing some dance practices. Min Hyuk didn’t attend the practice for today. Usually he would attend the practice during five in the afternoon until late at night. But not today! It been three times already he didn’t attend their practice. But that was not a matter for them.


                The sounds of their debut song, echoing around the practice room. They just turned off the Music Player. Sungjae who was close to the cell phone quickly grabbed the cell phone and handed it to their leader.

                The leader read the incoming text loudly, loud enough for the six of them to hear. “Just great! She knows already! So the dare ended until here” He said loudly.

                “What does that mean hyung?” Ilhoon, who knows nothing asked. Dong Geun and Sungjae just kept silent waiting for the oldest members to explain what the text means.

                “Oh, it’s nothing important” Chang Sub quickly answered. Hyunsik just shook his head. Thinking back on how childish Eun Kwang and Chang Sub acted. He went out of the practice room along with Ilhoon, Dong Geun and Sungjae. The four of them went to the nearest café.


Hyaeri’s POV

                Game over! I would always be the winner Lee Min Hyuk! It was a very good thing that I overheard your conversations! If not?! I am going to be the very stupid person in the world maybe? Luckily Syumin was here! He really did help me on how to end this game!


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Chapter 25: Thattt is freakingggg is soo hard to find minyuk ff~~ but you've done a great job...not sure if you ever read this or not..haha..but still..thanks author-nim~
ewwyousuck #2
you write like some grade 1 student.
ExoticAnqel #3
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #4
congrats on the feature ^^
Congratz ^_^
I don't really understand the foreword...
lovelyme23 #8
congrats ^^