Chapter Six [Hide & Seek/Trouble Of Going Bed]

A Break With Super Junior

Sungmin: ‘How come you’re not looking for us?’ he asks. ‘Err… was I supposed to look for you? No one told me to ’I replied, eyes still on the screen.

Sungmin: ‘We hide and you was supposed to look for us’ he giggled before running off, indicating that I should go after him and find the rest.

I sighed and got off my comfy seat in my bath robes, how was I supposed to find 13 boys hiding in a mansion?

‘READY OR NOT HERE I COME!’ I shouted to no one in particular. With a heavy heart I made my way into the kitchen on hearing munching I opened the cupboards to find Shindong eating sat inside the cupboards.

Shindong: ’How did you find me?’

‘Your munching really loudly it was a bit of a giveaway, plus how did you manage to fit under there?’

With that me and Shindong decided to look for the other members, I decided we should go into the garden to look.

I looked at a particular bush near the swimming pool and was a bit taken back when I saw someone’s shoe lace peeking out of the bush. I dived into the bush and dragged Yesung out by his tee shirt. Next I went behind the Jacuzzi because of some noises coming from there, it sounded like a certain tune to a certain game that I have seen a certain someone play before, and sure enough I found Kyuhyun crouching behind the Jacuzzi playing on his PSP with Kibum next to him.

With my little crew I carried on looking for the rest, this time I decided to look upstairs I told them to be quiet and I crept into one of the rooms, inside this room were all the cuddly toys and toys of all sorts that I had abandoned into the room, I heard a little sneeze when I opened the door, a bear moved its paws and I took a step back then charged up towards the pile of cuddly toys and dived on it.

Sungmin: ‘Ouch, you are going to suffocate me!’ he says crawling out from underneath the bunch of teddies.

Sungmin: ’How did you find me?’

‘Since when do you know of a bear that can move its paws on its own and since when can teddies sneeze?’ I asked him. He dropped his head and followed me and the others, this time I looked in the bedrooms and threw open the wardrobe doors and a confused Ryeowook fell out.

Next I went into another room where I knew that someone would be there; I stepped into the gym with caution to find Donghae and Eunhyuk running on the machines.

‘I thought we were playing hide and seek?’

Donghae:’ We were, but you were taking too long and we got bored, so we decided to have a go the machines.’

‘Where do you think Siwon would be?’ I asked

Shindong: ‘He would proberly be somewhere that’s quiet and calm’.

Yesung: ‘Like a beach party?’

‘No like a library’ and with that I made my way towards the library and the study room sure enough Siwon was sat on the desk reading a bible.

‘Now where would Heechul and Hangeng be?’ I asked knowing full well that Heechul would make Hangeng hide with him.

Kibum:’ Is there anywhere in your house that would be hard to find because that is where they will be’.

I decided to try my bedroom maybe there might be someone there, I pushed the door opened to my room, and to my surprise Heechul and Hangeng were both sat behind the curtains of the balcony sleeping one head on each other.

Yesung:’ BOO!’

Donghae: ‘Time to wake up people!’

Heechul: ‘Aishh… what took you so long women?’ he asked and woke Hangeng up.

‘In case you haven’t noticed there is 4 floors in this house, and I had 13 of you to find with a time of 20 minutes!’ I replied.

‘Now who are we missing?’ I did a head count

Eunhyuk: ’The captain and the alcoholic’ I think he meant Teukie and Kangin.

We decided to give up looking for those two and knew they would come out to find us when we don’t find them; we all went back into the living room.

Soon enough an annoyed Leeteuk and Kangin came marching into the living room where we were all watching TV.

Kangin:’ why didn’t you come to find us?’ Leeteuk nodded his head.

Leeteuk:’ we were hiding under the dining table the whole time’

I made them shower and get changed into the Pyjamas I had designed from my own range of clothing line. After a while 13 boys all dressed in PJs came down the stairs with pillows and cuddly toys.

They didn’t look tired despite the fact that it was 2:00 in the middle of the night.

‘Why don’t you want to go bed?’ I asked Sungmin who had on silk pyjamas with rabbits holding onto carrots, and he was clutching his Bunny that Kyuhyun had won for him earlier today.

Sungmin: ‘I am not tired; I want to see how long I can last’

Kyuhyun: ‘I am not sleeping, this level needs completing ’concentrating on his PSP he gritted his teeth cursing at the PSP that just made him lose a life.

I grabbed a nearby pillow and whacked him over the head, shocked he took Sungmin’s rabbit and hit me, Donghae and Eunhyuk joined and soon everyone was hitting each other with pillows or soft toys [thank god I stopped Yesung from using the phone directory he found]. Kangin was about to hit Heechul on the head with a pillow.

Heechul: ‘Hangeng don’t let it touch me it’s going to mess up my hair’ he whined, however Hangeng took a pillow and hit it over Heechul’s head to which Heechul chased him around with another pillow wanting revenge. After 15minutes of people getting knocked out by pillows, feathers everywhere and a lot of chasing and running, I managed to sort super junior into pairs for the sleeping arrangements: Kyuhyun & Sungmin in the first room, Heechul & Hangeng in the next room, Leeteuk and Kangin the room after that, Eunhyuk & Donghae in the room opposite Leeteuk and Kangin.

Because I had ran out of rooms on the second floor I had to place Siwon, Kibum and Shindong on the third floor along with Yesung and Ryeowook.

It took me at least 7 attempts to get them into bed properly, Yesung kept trespassing into other people’s room and I had to chase Donghae and Eunhyuk back into their own room to stop them from sneaking into Kibum, Shindong and Siwon’s room. Sungmin complained that Kyuhyun was keeping him awake with his PSP light on. I had to confiscate his PSP, and then I had to stop Heechul from going into Leeteuk and Kangin’s room with a marker pen and a sly smile. I had to constantly get in and out of bed to stop mischievous from happening and trouble from beginning. Just when I thought everyone was asleep, I heard creeping outside my door and then the door slowly edged opened, I grabbed the nearest cushion I could get my hands on ready and on standby.

½ minute later

Super junior crept into my room to scare me then they all bounced onto my bed and started jumping about and singing.

Shindong: ‘Hi Ho Hi Ho and off to work we go’

Yesung: ‘Mary had a little lamb little lamb..,’ he didn’t get to finish because Ryeowook kicked him off my bed which is very big yet still happens to be full up with super junior all sat on each other. I grabbed a pillow and covered my face with it, how am I supposed to get to sleep like this ?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
11 streak #2
This is such a hilarious fic xD
Visiting old fics!
love it authornim
Bleak_night #5
When will you update authornim....
Bleak_night #6
When will you update authornim....
Nomnommonster #7
Chapter 12: Wish u could continue the story
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 4: I love the story
Nomnommonster #9
Chapter 2: Really funny