Chapter Ten [Bake A Cake]

A Break With Super Junior

Everyone rushed in to cool down, the air con was on full blast, a few people stripped and stayed in shorts so now I had half men/boys walking about in my home.

I remembered that I promised myself that I would try out that cake recipe my friend gave to me.

‘WHO WANTS TO BAKE A CAKE?’ I shouted into the living room where they were all lounging about enjoying the benefits of the air con.

To my surprise 13 boys wanted to bake a cake, I made them put on their shirts then made them wear aprons, we started by mixing the flour into a bowl with the eggs, then…

‘Err Shindong how many eggs did you just put into your mixing bowl?’

Shindong:’ Only 6’

‘Now for the sugar, weighs it on the scales first we do not want our cakes to be too…’

Heechul had poured a whole bag of sugar into his bowl.

‘Guys remember the aim is to mix the flour, sugar and egg together without…’ everyone gasped because Sungmin lost control of the flour bag and ended up pouring all the flour onto the floor. Good job I was fully stocked on ingredients.

‘Now as for the mixing part, you take a whisk and mix ok simple, whatever you do, do not use the electric whisks because…’

Cake mix went everywhere because Kangin decide to use the electric mixer and set it on the fastest speed. I sighed in defeat, how was I going to do this without burning the kitchen up?


‘Now carefully add a chunk of butter into your mixture [I looked at Leeteuk’s lumpy textured cake mix] which should be smooth with no lumps or bumps in it.

I followed my own instructions to my own mixing bowl and it turned out smooth and milky


Kibum:’ How come yours is so nice’

Everyone crowded around my mixing bowl.

Donghae: ‘Lets swap and I will give you my fishy toy that you wanted’

Kangin:’ No I was going to ask that first!’

As the members started bribing me to swap mixture with theirs I carried on barking instructions.

‘Then carefully add a spoon of self raising flour to the bowl and mix until it has turned a milky white color’

Heechul: ‘Is it normal for it to look brownish?’ he asks while string the brown lumpy contents in his bowl.

Kangin: ‘Hahaha that’s looks like someone had a shi…’ DO NOT SWEAR! I shouted.

I handed out baking trays for them, ‘now pour the mixture into these trays, slowly do not over flow it!’

They quickly did as I told them some had such serious look on their faces, Heechul was concentrating so much on not allowing his mixture to overflow the tray that he had his tongue stuck out.

Then I marked all the trays with their initials before placing them in the huge ovens, according to my instructions the mixture needs to be in the oven for the next 45minutes and during that time we should get decoration of our choice ready.

So I dug all the different colored icing and icing bags from the cupboard, the cake decorations, little edible silver balls, gems and sweets in the form miniature animals. The M&Ms and Skittles etc…I also melted chocolate in case anyone wanted to put some on their cakes.

I looked to see that Eunhyuk was occupying the chopping board by chopping slices of bananas.

Eunhyuk: ‘I want to make sure I get my five a day’ he says grinning to himself. Sungmin was trying to carve a rabbit out of a sheet of sugar icing. Leeteuk was carving out his name on the icing sheet as well. Heechul was mixing pink food coloring with the icing in a bowl.

Everyone seems into their decorating ingredients.

Shindong was out his mixing bowl ‘Shindong maybe you shouldn’t do that I don’t think it’s very hygienic because it’s raw and…’ Yesung did the same.

Yesung: ‘Why does it always taste better raw?’ he asked. I shrugged and carried on mixing my blue icing.


I looked at the state of the kitchen work top; it was covered in flour, ingredients and equipments, with super junior all spreading out doing their own things


‘You lot better help me clear up this mess afterwards’ I warned them


Heechul: ‘Make us’ he grinned slyly.

I sprinkled flour on him to which he chased me about and not for the first time today we were engaged into another fight but this time a flour fight. We were all covered in the stuff it looked like someone had a world war 4 in my kitchen and it also looked like it had snowed on us. Siwon laughed as he tried to shake flour from off his hair at the same time trying to avoid fistful of flour from landing on him. In the end I stopped them and made them help me clean up then cleaned themselves up. By the time the kitchen was back to normal our cakes were ready, the member waited eagerly as a homey bakery smell took over the kitchen when I opened the oven lid to take each cake out and they each claimed their own.

I found that my cake was a golden brown color and it had risen perfectly, Kangin’s however looked like someone sat in it, and Heechul’s was a soggy affair but everyone’s were more or less perfect, though Shindong raised too high I told him not to put too much self raising flour in it!


We allowed the cake to cool before we started doing the best part which was decorating it. I carefully covered mines in a thin layer of white icing then with an icing bag I piped the worlds ‘Super Junior’ on it and decorated the sides with strawberries slices and dotted the ‘I’ with an M&M. I sprinkled edible glitter over the top, and it almost looked like a professional had made it if I do say so myself, I walked around to look at the rest.

Sungmin’s cake was caked in icing and sugar and more sugar with just a little hint more of sugar, he placed an edible bunny on top of the cake and added icing balls and gems around the edges.

Kangin wanted his to be more unique so he chopped his cake into a square and added bits of fruits onto his square cake that was a bit flat.

Heechul’s cake/biscuit was a picture of what not to eat if you want to keep your remaining teeth, it looked like it was dipped into pink icing, he pressed M&Ms into it and piped the words ‘SJ’ onto it.

Leeteuk was covered in blue icing and with the small silver balls he used it to arrange all of super junior’s initials onto it.

Eunhyuk’s cake was completely covered in slices of bananas with a mini monkey in the middle; I guess he wanted it to be an banana cake. Donghae’s cakes had a drawing of a fish in the middle and the outside of the fish there were M&Ms dotted around it.

Ryeowook’s cake was simple with a thin layer of blue icing and slices of peaches around the edges, with ‘Super Junior Forever’ in the middle, Yesung’s cake was multi colored with a strip of pink icing and a strip of blue then a strip of yellow icing It was very pretty and colorful with gems around the edges and a edible flower in the middle.

Shindong’s cake was covered in chocolate with white chocolate spirals sprinkled over the top, Kyuhyun’s was covered in melted white chocolate and he used dark chocolate to write ‘StarCraft & SuJu’ on it, I guess he couldn’t choose which one was better.

Kibum’s cake had slices of fruits over the top but with no sugar or icing, a very healthy option. Siwon’s cake had a drawing of what looked like a cross on it then at the bottom was a passage from the bible I wonder how long that took him to write using a piping bag,

And finally Hangeng’s was a little simple one half covered in white icing and the other blue in the middle ‘Super Junior & Sally’ was on it studded with silver balls.

I was amazed at how creative Super Junior can be when they put their minds into it.

I suggested that we have a beach party tonight with BBQ everyone agreed to it; it was now 5 o clock not quite dark enough to have a beach party. So instead everyone took pictures of their cakes and each other’s cakes, Siwon: ‘our fans would want to know what special occasion it was that would require 14 cakes’ ‘Just tell them you don’t need a special occasion to bake a cake’ I said. I got out champagne glasses ‘Let’s celebrate our massive cake baking ceremony, and we managed it without the fire brigades having to visit’ we all cheered, I handed out candles and sparklers for them to put on their cakes, when it was all lighted up I turned the lights down low, I placed the camera on a nearby table and set it to automatically take a picture, I gathered super junior for a group photo with our lighted up cakes it was a glowly atmosphere. After the picture was taken the lights came back on and everyone started cutting their cakes all except Yesung: ‘But it’s too pretty to be eaten’ he complained in the end we all ate to our hearts contents though to be honest I didn’t like the taste of Heechul’s cake/biscuit it was like eating plain sugar, and I didn’t dare touch Eunhyuk’s cake as I am not a fan of bananas.

It wasn’t long before everyone was full up and the only thing that was left on the cake racks was bits of crumbs. Sungmin clutching onto his tummy: ‘Too. Full.’

Heechul: ‘I haven’t been so properly fulled up in such a long time’

Eunhyuk: ‘ We should do this all the time, when we are having fun, time flies, not even I remember how long we’ve been here’

Heechul: ‘How long have we been here anyway?’

Eunhyuk: ‘Only 2 and a half days which is 44 hours, 55 minutes and a hundred and 28 seconds and counting.’ Laughter erupted around us.

I looked at the wall clock it was already 7:56pm and the sky was getting slightly dark, this was it, I dragged the Super Juniors who were still complaining about how full they were, and took them outside into the garden.

‘Look up’ I commanded, and sure enough 13 heads looked up towards the sky, it was a clear orangey red color with random streaks of pink running across it, because the sun was nearly setting, it was a beautiful sight. Once again we all settled down into the sun loungers and waited patiently for the sun to set, the atmosphere filled with awe when the sun which was clearly visible from my garden slowly disappeared behind the high mountains casting warm glows amongst us all, as the sun finished its day job, we was left in darkness.

Hangeng: ‘Wow I have never once stopped to see the sun setting.’

Heechul: ‘Even though it wasn’t a once in a lifetime chance I think we should watch it rise someday’

Siwon: ‘I should have took a picture of it’

Sungmin [clutching onto his rabbit]:‘that was so romantic, Wahh did you see that Kyu?’ he asked breathlessly.

Kyuhyun looked up from his PSP’ Err… Yeah’

Sungmin didn’t look convinced: ‘Oh yeah what was it like then?’

Kyuhyun: ‘It was just a big orange thing disappearing behind the mountain what’s so special about it?’

He got hit on the head with the rabbit.

Kangin [a very serious face]: ‘See some people don’t appreciate the beauty that mother nature gave us, they have never felt deep into their souls to search for…’

Heechul: ‘Shut up, and stop being clever and positive it doesn’t suit you.’

Kangin chased him around the garden as they all laughed at the cat chasing mouse scene I called Maria for her to get someone to prepare the beach for us. During this time super junior all ran inside, I began preparing a basket and stocked up on food. At exactly 8:00pm me, Super Juniors and crash [the dog] left the house and walked down the gravel and candle lit path leading away from my house the beach was only 6minutes.It was a private resort under my name so there shouldn’t be any unwanted visitors

Eunhyuk: ‘Just like the movies: a beach party at night.’

. It was a clear and cool night, with the wind gently blowing past. As we neared the beach I found it was already lit up with candles and a fire has been started, we all removed our shoes and left them at the private bar, music started playing, super junior all crowed around the fire.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
11 streak #2
This is such a hilarious fic xD
Visiting old fics!
love it authornim
Bleak_night #5
When will you update authornim....
Bleak_night #6
When will you update authornim....
Nomnommonster #7
Chapter 12: Wish u could continue the story
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 4: I love the story
Nomnommonster #9
Chapter 2: Really funny