Under the shady tree

Don't you cry, love.

Sehun's POV


"Yah! Wake up already!" A loud voice pulls me out of my dreams. My eyes flash open, and I see Chanyeol's face close to mine.

"Hyung, what are you doing in my room?!"

"Obviously trying to wake you up! We need to go in half an hour." I jump out of the bed, suddenly wide awake.

"Why didn't Suho hyung wake me?" Chanyeol rolls his eyes, about to leave the room.

"He tried, but he couldn't do it." I see.

"Thanks hyung!" I call, but Chanyeol has already left. From outside I can hear the others argue, talk, whatever. I quickly pull some random loose clothes out of the closet and get dressed, so I can join them. No time to do my hair though. My feet drag me through the dorm, gathering all the stuff I needed, which is basically just a water bottle and a change of clothes, but those few things are hard enough to find. Twelve boys living in one dorm - of course it's always a bit messy. We have no time to frequently clean our rooms. Luckily today's first event is only the dance practice. If it had been a filming or something, I wouldn't have been ready on time.

"Come on, Sehun-ah!" Kris calls, and I hurry outside. Kris hyung, as the leader of EXO-M, is usually the last one to leave. I get into the car beside Baekhyun and D.O., and together, we drive to our practice room. Normally, the two groups would practice their performances separately, but today is special. We need to train for a joined performance, because EXO is one group, and in future there will be those joined stages, too. Though my focus will mainly be EXO-K. I can't imagine separating from six of my members yet, but I also don't want to breed over it. I should enjoy the time we have as the twelve of us.

As always when I enter SM's famous 'cloud' room, I feel somehow intimidated. All of our company's popular sunbaenims have at least trained in here once. Will our group be as successful as they are? Questions like that shoot through my head the whole day. And I feel unworthy to be here.

"Okay guys, let's start practice." One of our choreographers says, and I automatically change into the right position. We've done this dance, like, countless times.

Practice is not that much different with the twelve of us united. But I soon feel exhausted and also a bit depressed. Whenever I watch myself in the mirror, I feel like I still lack a lot of skill. Compared to Kai hyung, my dancing . Compared to Luhan hyung's voice, who sings along the song while dancing, my voice is crap. That's why I've got so few lines. And in addition to that, I have an embarrassing lisp. Sharp Luhan senses my gloomy mood.  He places one hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong Hunnie?" He asks in a comforting tone. Ah, I must've dropped my happy expression. I quickly adjust it. I have to live up to my name as EXO's sunshine.

"It's nothing, I'm just exhausted."

"Really? We've just started. Are you not feeling well?" Luhan's concerned look makes me feel even worse.

"I'm perfectly fine." I smile, to reassure him that my words are true. It seems like he still doesn't fully believe me, but he lets me go. If they knew how I truly felt about all this. I wonder, how would they react?




Morning and noon passed with practice. And it went on like that, just like in our trainee days, we were supposed to focus on our dancing, singing, performing. So picking up my brother was a very welcome variation in my days filled with hard practice.

With Shin, I now stand in front of the hospital, once again unsure of what to do. He tightly holds onto my hand, and seems very nervous blabbering something I can't understand. This was the way he communicated with me. Not with words, but with his gestures and expressions.

"It's okay, Shin-ah. I'll find it." In reality, I'm not that confident in what I'm doing. But I can't show him that weak side of mine. Standing there, frozen at the spot while trying to remember the way, a lot of people pass by. Under them, there are girls I believe to be around my age. Some of them would only pass by, while others paused for a moment, pointing at me, giggling and whispering into each other's ears. I hate getting attention like this. I remember it hadn't always been like this. When did I change that much?

I decide to turn around and take the way leading to another building I think to be the right one, when a figure catches my attention. A girl sitting under a tree, with her eyes closed, her pretty face surrounded by light brown hair. It has to be Mirae, the girl from a week ago. Should I greet her? But she seems to be asleep... And what if she doesn't even remember me? It would be really awkward, but I can't just pass by either.

"Come on Shin-ah, I want you to meet someone." I say to my brother, who looks at me curiously, then squeals like a baby. I chuckle.

"You're excited, right? Because she's pretty." The two of us approach her, and before I can hinder him from doing so, Shin touches her cheek. As a result, her eyes flash open, and Mirae regards us in surprise. Then, a sign of recognition shoos over her face.

"Oh, anyong." She greets, focusing Shin who has pulled away his hand and backs away now, hiding behind me. My build easily covers him, so he can peek at Mirae from a safe distance. Shin is not good with strangers.

"Hey." She says, now addressing me.

"Hi." I respond, and she points at my brother.

"This must be lovely Shin, your brother, right?" I nod, trying to shove him in front of me, but Shin resists, whining.

"Shin-ah, you don't like me, do you?" Mirae pouts, trying to lure Shin out. He falls for it, carefully wobbling towards her.

"I'm Mirae noona. Nice to meet you." Shin laughs, and seeing her interact with him so casually warms my heart. She must be a good person. Talking to me again, she asks:

"Taking him to a check-up , huh?" I nod again, just to sigh afterwards.

"Actually, we got a bit of a problem there..." She laughs brightly.

"Let me guess: You're lost." Embarrassed, I clear my throat.



Chaerin's POV


So I really end up meeting him again. Sehun. But this time, as I lead him to his destination, I feel more nervous. The teaser of him I saw yesterday had deeply impressed me, and having him right beside me now feels weird.

"May I ask- why are you here today?" His sudden question disturbing the silence catches me off guard. What to do? Going on with the lies?

"I'm here for my sis." I answer short to get it over with.

"I see... she'll be okay, right?"

"I don't know, but I hope so." Actually, I'm talking about me. About my situation, my fight.

"Then I'll pray for her, too." Sehun declares, smiling softly. He is such a sweet guy. I wish I had met someone like him earlier... He'll pray for me.

"And here we are." I exclaim, we reached the station. Sehun thanks me, and I say goodbye to him and Shin, because I need to return. For my own check-ups.




Over the past two month, this is how we met. And sometimes he'd even look out for me without his brother being with him. I told him that I'd permanently stay here, to be close to my sister, because no one knows how long she'll be there. In reality, it was me who needed someone close by. And so, we both grew attached to each other. I told him about my father, that had passed away this winter, and about the tulips I loved. The next day he came with a bunch of tulips in every color available. He was very shy handing them to me, and I underlined how much I loved those flowers, and told him that Chaerin would like them, too. I still wonder why he doesn't question me on where my 'sister' is. He has never seen her. Because she doesn't exist to begin with. But I'd just come up with excuses anyway. Staring at the flowers he brought me, I was happy.  I still am whenever I think of it. Whenever I think of him.

Today, he visits, too. Despite having an exceptionally bad sense of orientation, Sehun managed to memorize where my room is located. As he enters, however, his expression seems sad. I can figure that much due to our often meetings up until now. And I immediately know that it's my turn to support him now. I want to protect his shy smile that is nowhere to be seen today.

"Hunnie, what's wrong?" I ask, teasingly, so that he doesn't feel pressured to tell me. He lets out a long, depressed sigh and sits down on my bed.

"I told you that my hyungs and I dance, right?" I nod.

"Un. So?" He seems embarrassed, but how can I leave it at that?

"Come on, tell me, I won't bite. I bet you'll feel better afterwards." The corners of his mouth form a small smile as he inhales to tell me in one go.

"It's just that I feel like- they are all way more talented than me. And much more confident due to that. And good looking. And they don't have a stupid lisp like I do. Sometimes I want to laugh at myself for speaking in such a retarded way-" I can't take his useless drivel anymore, it makes me angry. Does he even know how gorgeous he is?! I saw the EXO teasers (of course he doesn't know, and he never told me about being part of EXO) and he is the member I like the most.

"Listen, Hunnie. You're the handsomest guy I've ever met, and shyness is something you can overcome. I was like that, too. And your lisp is very cute by the way, I bet tons of girls would think that. Plus, I've never seen you dance before, so if you show me, I can honestly tell you what's wrong or good about it. Aish." I ruffle my hair. Sehun looks at me with widened eyes, and I see his cheeks flush red before he quickly covers them with his hands.

"You... You really think so?"

"Yup. And now show me already, I wanna see your dance!" I don't even feel bad lying this time. I saw his dance and it was flawless, so to raise his confidence, I'm gonna watch him perform it live and tell him how awesome it is.

"Okay... but don't laugh!" Sehun says as he stands up, positioning himself in the middle of the small room. I hope he has enough space. All of my worries vanish as soon as he starts to dance the powerful dance. It's even more impressing to see it live than on screen. And his expression while dancing- it is so... calm. At ease. Not stiff. Yeah, almost professional. Sehun coolly finishes off, and returns back to his shy self. He quickly takes a seat again, facing the ground.

"Wow, you really can't dance." I claim, still stunned from the performance. Sehun, the cute idiot he is, doesn't get the irony.

"I- I know..." I playfully poke him with my elbow.

"That was a joke, you! This was...amazing! perfect! You looked so cool there!" I try hard to deliver my impression with words, but I fail. This is still an understatement. However, it seems to be enough to make him beam at me.

"Wah, thank you!"

"Now that's the Hunnie I like! Don't underrate yourself like that." A random idea to make him feel better comes to my mind.

"Look, I can't dance at all." I jump off the bed and show off some rather clumsy movements, causing Sehun to chuckle. I smile contentedly.

"And I don't mind showing you. Merong!" I stick out my tongue at him. He's just about to catch me to get his revenge, when the door bangs open and a nurse enters.

"Choi Chaerin?" She asks, and my expression freezes. . Immediately, my pulse fastens, and my brain works hard to get me out of this. In my distress, I grab the nurse's arm and pull her out of the room, with the words:

"Ah, you see, about Chaerin..." As soon as the door closes behind me, and Sehun can no longer hear us, I apologize. The nurse gives me a confused glance.

"Chaerin, you need to have your check-up now..." Why now, of all times? But I got no chance, so I nod.

"I'll be right there. I just need to say goodbye to someone." The nurse starts to giggle.

"Oh, you mean the handsome, tall boy who was with you? Then take your time." And she leaves with a knowing look on her face. I think she might have gotten the wrong idea, since we are not in that kind of a relationship, but oh well. As long as I'm not busted, it's okay. I also wouldn't mind being in a relationsh- Wait, brain, that's enough. I take a deep breath before stepping back into the room, to tell Sehun that it's time to leave for now.




Is it... good? I have to make them become closer fast~ I loved writing the scene with Chaerin and Sehun! Again, I apologize for any mistake made 'cause I'm lazy and don't reread.


Enjoy chapter two~



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minhee_reichannie #1
Chapter 6: Omy.. im crying too. it was sooooooo~ beautiful... I love that story:')
Chapter 6: I'm crying . That's the best story ever. That's all I can say . Continue your beautiful writings author-nim ♡
Chapter 6: i love this story girlll. hehhe i cannot write stories like this well thank you for writing this fic thank you thank you
Chapter 6: Odg, I'm crying too hard rn TT_TT ~
BluEstKissXo #5
Chapter 6: Best. Theres nothing more to say...best... I cry now:-):-):-) hunhan fighting!
annagarcia #6
Chapter 6: Nice story..with the unexpected ending..
Chapter 6: Its so saaaaad T.T but I pove the hunhan in the ending xD i was't expecting that xD but its still saaaad I cried hard but makes me smile a little when I red the ending its a beautiful story ~~
Chapter 6: Its to painful for both of them.. so sad
Chapter 6: omo im in a verge of crying right now ithis so dae to the bak
jaspyk #10
this fic is so sad and beautiful at the same time ;AAAA;