Seungho- I'ma shower(:

Seungho- First Meet


You were the first to wake up, you groaned and rubbed your eyes as you looked up seeing Seungho closed eyes and head laid back. You did a half smile at the sight as you were about to get up, sincee you were in the same position all night long without moving your legs made it numb. You tried to get up but you really couldnt feel your legs, with you moving around so much made Seungho groan and opened his eyes. “Good morning ____-ah.” he said as he rubbed his eye


“whats wrong?”

“…my legs are numb i cant get up” you pouted, he chuckled 

“where do you wanna go?” 

“…go shower..?”

“okay let’s go!”  

he picked you up and grabbed a towel went torwards the bathroom ignoring your shocked face. “here! i sit facing the door while you shower, if you need anything i’ll be right here!”  he said as he turned to face the door to sit “DON’T turn around okay?!” you said eyeing his back “okay i got it!”  putting a hand up as a promise.

You giggled as you took your clothes off and ran into the shower quickly, you the water thinking *i’m i really with my ultimate bias right now?….am i dreaming?* you really wanted to know if you were dreaming or not so you called out his name ”yes? do you need something?” “oh…uhm no nevermind..”  *so i’m not dreaming!……or……noo…i’m am soo fdhaklfhalfejekhf i can’t not believe Yang Seungho is in the bathroom …that’s awkward..*  you peeked to look at the figure facing the door “mmm..Seungho oppa!” hearing your call he turned around without knowing…he gupled hard seeing your hair wet off the side..“uhm..*swallow* yes?” “i need a toothbrush.” “oh right, i’ll get you one.” he said getting up to look for a brand new toothbrush in the cabinet handing it over to you. “thanks!” getting back in the shower to finish off whatever you needed to feelfresh, clean, and refreshed. You got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around and your hair still kinda wet and curled off to the side “done!” he got up and turned around he made wide eyes seeing you so close in front of him ”..are you gonna open the door or just stare at me like i’m some kind of scary looking ghost?” he shakes off his naughty thoughts and turns around to open the door.

Coming out with you in just a towel and him walking behind you made your heartbeat race, but once you stepped foot in the living room to head for Seungho’s room all the Mblaq members were sitting on the couch but they heard feet shuffling and looked up. You just smiled since you were clueless on why their mouths were open in such a perfect ‘O’, Seungho put a hand on your waist for you to keep moving. You entered the room with Seungho behind you “oh yeah here’s your phone” pulling it out of his pockets, you took it and threw it on his bed thanking him 

“can i ask you something that’s probably gonna sound awkared..?”

“uhm sure i guess” he said chuckling

“can i borrow one of your shirts…i don’t really want to go out with the same shirt i had on yesterday..heh?” ruffling around with your hair

“yeah sure no problem..just go and pick one out of the closet” he said giving you a heart-melting smile

“thanks” walking inside is closet and closed the door behind you “don’t come in here i’m changing!” you yelled enable for him to hear from the outside.

“okay! i’m gonna go shower!” walking out closing the door to his room

You looked through every piece of his clothing wanting to put on all of it because they all had his scent. You finally found one but it was just one of his simple white tee that had his scent all over it. You took off your towel put on your undergarments putting on his shirt and putting on your shorts and since you couldn’t find you socks you took one of his. You got out all dressed up and looked into his mirror you tied your hair up into a messy bun. Since you were all done all you had to do was wait for him to be done so you sat on the edge of his bed, and you took your phone unlocking it. As you unlocked your phone you looked at your wallpaper for a quick second but, “wait?!” your were amazed at your wallpaper until you got cut off with a “ehm”. “Did you take this?” “yeah, haha you look cute while your asleep!” he said chuckling . You started to feel your cheeks burn and it made it turn into a deep shade of red making him notice, he brushed his hand on your cheek ”Awwwh…your cheeks are red! Are you being shy now?” he said chuckling…

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Cute ^^ but u must continue this story......... please make sequel ^o^ I love this story so much!!!! FIGHTING!!!
BlaqAngel #2
Aweee cuteeee:)
This is so cute!
SOOOO ADORABLEEEE~~~~~Can you please continue the story?Keke.I just can't get enough of the fluff you have in this story~
sharky #5
oijroi;joaijofiawef you made an account !~ LOL. ; u ;