Seungho- Embarrassment for pills

Seungho- First Meet


“Sooo…your really Yang Seungho right?” rubbing the back of your head that was hurting a bit, “yeah I’m him…does your head hurt?”he touched your free hand with his with a warm heart melting smile. You felt your cheeks starting to burn when you felt his hand on yours, you nodded biting your lips. “Here drink some water and this too” he handed you a cup of water and medicine… took the medicine and water in your hand but you were nervous. Ever since you were little you had hard times swallowing the pills, you were to nervous you didn’t realize you were staring at him. “is there something wrong?” he asked with a confused and worried expression.

More silence filled the room after his question, you shake your head nervously and lift up the cup a bit. The cup was by your mouth you took a sip and put the pill in your mouth but as you were about to swallow, you coughed covering your mouth you went over to his bathroom over the toilet. He followed you with a shock expression. You were throwing up blood, it wasn’t always the first time in fact this was normal for you; for some odd reason this was more blood you had coughed up than usual. Blood filled the toilet when you finally stopped, your throat was burning you didn’t know what to do so you grabbed a towel that was hanging off the sink and wiped your mouth which stained it with blood. “oh uhm are you okay? Should I take you to the hospital?” running over to your side.“I’m….. I’m….fine…fine. I’m sorry.. If I d…-” saying breathlessly “no its okay! Was it the medicine? Are you uhm…” he said as he reached over to flush the toilet and pulling your head over to his chest. “I…. um… can you…take me to lay..lay down?” you were trying so hard to breath but it hurt because of the burn in your throat.

He picked you up off the floor and gently put you on his bed pulling the covers over you.“Do you need some water?” handing you water, you took the water and chug what was left in the cup. You finally caught your breath and started to breath normally. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this… it’s just I uhm… I have hard times taking pills..” you looked at him with tired eyes but also embarrassment covered your face. He took your hand in his and rubbed your cheeks gently with the other “it’s okay we all have things we cant take and stuff… but you could of told me…you scared me to death! Don’t do that anymore kay?” your cheeks burned even more and started to form a deep shade of red and you were sure enough that he could feel the burn since he was your cheek.“I guess… can I ask you something?” “sure” “Do you always help a stranger and take them to your apartment and lay them on y-your bed?” you mentally slap yourself for stuttering “I…well this is my first time actually haha…the reason I decided to help you out and was there was because I was following you…” he said the last part so shyly looking away. You couldn’t believe it, Yang Seungho was following you“why were you following a girl like me?” he turned back his head and looks in your eyes “I thought you were a pretty cute girl and I’ve been seeing you around a lot lately and I…um never mind.. So I should take you back your parents must be worried!” he gets up off the chair next to the bed “I um..I don’t have parents anymore…” looking down at your hands “oh umm well you can tell me about your life tomorrow kay? Its pretty late so you should sleep here tonight I guess?” he sits back down and looks at you with a sweet smile “oh uhm thanks” you said nervously getting up from the bed “where are you going?” “im going to sleep…..on the couch?” he looked at you with an amused expression “ nahh you could sleep on the bed I’ll sleep on the floor here to keep you company.” pointing to the floor next to his bed and grabbing one pillow off the bed and a blanket. “Oh okay..” you went back onto the bed and lay down, he lays on the floor looking comfy and happy. You looked over to see that he was staring up at you “good night..thanks..” you gave him a warm smile “good night and no problem. Wake me up if you want anything or something kay?” he gave you a sweet smile.


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Cute ^^ but u must continue this story......... please make sequel ^o^ I love this story so much!!!! FIGHTING!!!
BlaqAngel #2
Aweee cuteeee:)
This is so cute!
SOOOO ADORABLEEEE~~~~~Can you please continue the story?Keke.I just can't get enough of the fluff you have in this story~
sharky #5
oijroi;joaijofiawef you made an account !~ LOL. ; u ;