Til Infinity

Genius Heartbreaker


Kei’s P.O.V.


 I immediately flipped open Aina’s diary once I got inside my bedroom.


 Soon enough, I found the page in where she wrote her likes and dislikes.


 The first dislike on her list made my heart crumple. It was my plan in the beginning, yes, but now I’ve changed my mind. Her first dislike was when people are lying to her…for too long.


 I flipped some more pages and I arrived at her ‘What to do to make it up to me’ list.


 Write a letter? No. I’m pretty sure she won’t accept what I’m gonna give her.


 I scanned the page some more until something caught my eyes: Be a vampire.


 Yeah, that’s what Mika told me. To be a zombie or be a vampire. Well, I’d rather be a vampire than to be a zombie. I can’t imagine myself in torn flesh and bulging eyes. Ew. But even so, if Aina told me to be a zombie, then I’ll willingly become one.


 I thought to myself and formulated a plan.



 “Un. Arigatou na, Yuya. Ja, aa.” I said before I hung up.


 After putting my phone to my bedside table, I immediately sneaked into my parents’ bedroom. Good thing my parents won’t be here for a week…and good thing my mom had left some of her make-up…





Aina’s P.O.V.


“Just hurry up, Aina-chan!” my classmates said as they pushed me towards the auditorium.


 “Nande?!?” I shouted as the people on my front dragged me by.


 “You’ll see!” they replied, some girls were even kyaa-ing, or glaring at me. Just why are they all acting like this? What the hell is up with them??


 “What the hell is up with y—” I was cut off by the beheaded mannequin in front of us, who welcomed us inside the auditorium.


 “AHHHHH!!!!!!!” we all screamed. Some even fell on the floor in their butts.


 Some boys who’ve managed to get up pushed me inside as all the others followed. “I didn’t know it would be THIS scary” I heard one girl mutter before some others hushed her.


 The auditorium was large but now, it looked narrow, because of the large and long curtains that hung up from fifteen feet above so now it’s like we were like walking in a narrow passage way.


 The girl was about to say something more but then her voice was muffled by screams.


 “GYAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” people screamed as a bloodied ghost went across our way and disappeared into the darkness.


 “Just what the heck is this?!?” I finally blurted out.


 “You’ll see, you’ll see…” shaky voices answered me.




 We passed some more scary stuff when we reached a man in a suit, his head lowered. He then handed me something…hardbound. My diary.


 “You know, he REALLY fell for you, Aina.” The guy spoke, and when he raised his head, I recognized him.


 “Yuya?” I asked. And just then anger surged through me… or was it a feeling of thanks? I don’t know! I’m confused on whether I should be angry or be thankful to this guy for making me know that Kei was just playing with me. Before I could say anything more, he spoke again.


 “Gomen na, Aina-chan.” He said. “I thought Kei was just playing with you. But I was wrong. He told me that he really is serious about you. So he did this.”


 “This? So THIS is his plan??” I asked.


 “Yeah. He saw it in your diary. Be a vampire. Honestly Aina, what kind of apology is being a vampire?” he smiled. “So please forgi—no, understand him already. Yu didn’t hear what he said to me as a reply.”


 He told me what REALLY happened. I didn’t know what to think. Should I believe him??


 “If you still don’t know how to answer, then please just proceed here…” he said as he waved open the curtain. “…you’re final destination.”




 He grinned. “I don’t mean THAT.” He laughed. “You’ll still live.” And with that, my group proceeded in.



  When we got in, all the black curtains dropped, revealing a guy on the stage. A posing man. A god-who-knows-how-gorgeous guy.


 He wore a white polo and his right hand was placed on his nape. He even wore red contact lenses.


 When he saw me, he managed to have a faint smile. Then he removed his hand from his nape and then went for the microphone.


 Lights went on. GOOD GRIEF! THE ENTIRE SCHOOL POPULATION IS HERE!!! They were all in their seats on the second floor’s bleachers.


 “Minna-san,” he said, his voice echoing throughout the large auditorium. “I present to you MY Aina-chan. The first ever girl who made my heart skip a beat.”


 I stepped forward. “What are you up to?”


 “I didn’t know why,” he continued to talk on the microphone, ignoring my question. “But the first time I met her, there was a different vibe in the air. I don’t really eat vegetables, *laughs* but for her, I’ll eat god-knows-what-amount of boiled spinach, pull really difficult to lift levers, and face how many devious little sisters.”


 He went down the stage but he took the wireless microphone with him. “Yes, I was a heartbreaker, a girl-hopper, a jerk. But those were all just my PAST now. I believe that I am now a different person.”


 He approached me…and then when he was just a step away from me he spoke again. “And that’s all because of you, Aina-chan. You changed me. I don’t know if you’ll forgive me for what I had planned to do to you before, I just want you to know that it has all become real to me.” Tears blurred his red contacted eyes. “And if you won’t forgive me, I want you to know that I’ll still be foreve—”


 I hugged him. “Baka.”


 He dropped his microphone. “You’re the idiot. You didn’t finish listening to the conversation.” He bit his lower lip. “So you do forgive me now, right?”


 “Yeah, but I gue—” I started to say but I was cut off… because he kissed me.


 I didn’t even think about pulling away. I didn’t care…even if the whole school is watching. Maybe even if the whole world is watching, I still wouldn’t pull away. I understand everything now. Yes, I was an idiot. But even so, Kei was the one who apologized. I’m so lucky… so lucky to have him now.


 And I swear… I’ll be having him…’til INFINITY.



                              >>FICTION END<<



Hi minna-san!! Gomen if I ended it right away!! Did I meet your expectations???? *fingers crossed* I hope I did!


 GAHHHHHHHHHHH…. Please don’t get mad at me for ending it already!!


 Please comment a lot!!!


ARIGATOU FOR READING!!!!! See you guys in Til Heaven and in Yuyan’s fic!!!



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AWWWWWWWWWWw.............. soooooooooooooo sweet!
so sweeeeeeeeeeeet....yes...!YES..!you meet my expectations...please keep on writing an Inoo Kei fic...onegai~...hahaha :)
heysayluv #3
ckossi #4
ckossi #5
heysayluv #6
No!!!!! They were finally together- and now she's asking to break up!!! WHY!?!?!?!?
NO...!the two latest chapters weren't boring at all...in fact, it really made my heart skip...!
ganbatte ne~...! ^-^
Karina-Ai #8
wah, so sweet!!!
Why it really hard to say word kiss?
Gambatte for next one ^^
ckossi #9
WAAAA~ (swoons) Haha. Inoo Kei is very cheeky!!!!!!!