
Purple-Green Love



I found myself gawking at a very big mansion. It's so big, it's like the size of the school. I can't believe I'm standing outside the house of my greatest enemy: Jung Daehyun. But I practically had no choice since his sweet and so different from him little sister invited me and Jieun here. I looked around the mansion and saw the gigantic doors being opened by two men in black suits.

"Unnie.!" IU yelled as she ran down the stairs. Even outside the house, the stairs are quite enormous. They sure are filthy rich

"Annyeong IU" I waved at her

After taking her last step, she jumped into my arms, engulfing me into a big hug "You really came.! I thought you're gonna decline my offer" she pouted

I chuckled and ruffled her loose hair "How can I.? You begged me to"

"Well, that is true" she giggled

I glanced through the open doors and furrowed my eyebrows "Isn't Jieun already here.? She texted me awhile ago, saying that she was on her way here. Where is she.?"

IU held onto my hand and dragged me up the stairs to the house "She's in my room. Come on"

We both ran inside the house and walked to another mountain of stairs. Taking turns from left to right in every corner of the house. I already felt dizzy by myself, how many rooms does this house have.?! "How many more left and right turns do we need to get to your room, IU.? My, you have one large house.!"

She laughed at me and stopped running, standing infront of a pink pale door "We're here"

I scanned the door & the two men standing beside it, raising an eyebrow. Even going to their room they still have other people to open it for them? Wow. I turned my head from side to side, hoping her room is not next to that jackass jerks' room

"If you're looking for Daehyun oppa's room, it will take you for another 2 minutes to go there. Don't worry unnie,  you're safe from all the bickering, for now". She ushered the two men to open the door and stepped inside. As I entered her room, I noticed so many cute things all over the place. Well, she is one cute girl herself. 

"Hyosung-ah.!" someone called

I quickly recognized that angelic voice and turned around, seeing Jieun approaching me with her arms wide open

"Jieun" I said, hugging her. "So, are you guys gonna tell me why I'm here.?"

"We just wanna talk about your work schedules" IU smiled at me

"Huh.? What about my work schedules.?" I asked 

"Because, we wanna know when is your day off so that we could spend some time with you. Are we not allowed to do that unnie.?" she pouted "Pleeeaassee. We wanna spend some quality time with you every once in a while"

"Well. I didn't say it's not allowed but I'm not sure I'm the type of person you should be spending your time with" I admitted

Jieun slapped my arm playfully "Oh so now you're throwing us away.? How dare you"

I smiled at her, sticking my tongue out "HA HA HA, very funny. You know I'm not that kind of person"

"Exactly.! Because you're not that kind of person, that's why we wanted to spend some time with you. Please unnie." IU pleaded

I kept quiet for a moment and sighed "Alright fine. I'm only free on Sundays like today. Monday to Friday after school, I work at a coffee shop right down the Gwangchi Street. Saturday morning til afternoon I work at Slush Perry Grill Meat as a waitress & a delivery girl and at night I work at Light Expo Hotel as a janitress. Yep, that's pretty much it"

"That's quite a handful. Aren't you tired of all the work.? I mean, you're only 17 Hyosung-ah and not to mention you're a girl" Jieun said

I shook my head and smiled "No, I have to do this to lessen my appa's work. He's the one who's tired not me. Plus, I'm already used to it. I'm as strong as a bull"

IU stepped closer to me and clinged into my arm "Aaaww. You're the best unnie. I've never met anyone like you. I wish I had an unnie like you" 

"Pfftt. Yeah I wish that too so that your jackass jerk brother won't be here" I joked

IU gasped and poked my waist "You are so mean unnie. Daehyun oppa is really nice you know"

Before I could say anything else, Jieun grabbed both our arms and dragged us out of the room "Okay ladies, before your conversation about Daehyun starts into a fight, let's all stop here. We should go to the mall now, time for some lady bonding.!"

I looked at them with wide eyed and held tightly onto the door knob "Oh nooooo. Not the mall, I don't have any money. You guys go ahead, I'll just go home. Yeah go home, that's a much better idea. You can have fun without me"

Jieun grabbed my hand away from the door knob and pulled me "This lady bonding started because of you and we planned it. Don't worry, me and IU will take care of you. No worries"

"Andwaaaeee.!" I shouted my lungs out as they dragged me out of the house then into the car and finally arriving at the mall. The bonding was fun, if only I had some cash by myself. I felt so ashamed that they had to buy me stuff but they keep on insisting and I couldn't say no. How could I.? They threatened me. They sure know how to do that but I'm really glad I found some friends who's not ashamed to have someone like me in their life. And I love them for that




"Okay class, today we'll be dividing you into 5 groups. For the whole year, this will be your group. You'll be working together about making your projects, some data reports and your practicum. NO ONE will be entertained if you ever wish to join another group. And if ever either one of your groupmates fail, ALL of you in the group will fail too. Understood.?" Mr. Jason said

"YES Mr. Jason" the students replied

Mr. Jason smiled and grabbed a big brown box, putting it in the table "Good. Now, each one of you will pick from this box. If a RED paper is picked, that means you're in group 1, BLUE for group 2, WHITE for group 3, PURPLE for group 4 and finally BLACK for group 5. Let's start with the ladies"

All the girl students stood from their seat, waiting for their turn to pick from the brown box. Hyosung frowned as she found out that Jieun got the red paper while she got the white one. Five minutes later, all the girls were done picking and now it's time for the boys. Hyosung clasped her hands together, praying that the last person, who is Daehyun won't get the white paper like she had

Daehyun stood from his seat and went infront to pick from the box, his hands slowly getting in "Please not the white. Please not the white"

"So what group will you be Mr. Jung.?" Mr. Jason asked

He slowly lifted his hand and opened his palm, seeing nothing but a pure white paper on it "You've got to be kidding me.!"

Mr. Jason clapped his hands "Alright.! Everybody has a group now. I want all of you to meet anywhere this week to meet with your groups. If some of you don't meet, I'll fail you for sure and will make you take my class again this summer.! Be cooperative.!"

Hyosung's mouth dropped when she saw her last groupmate "I must have the unluckiest luck in the world" . Out of all the people, it has to be Daehyun, her worst nightmare. She quickly glanced at Jieun and panicked silently "Slsjdflksdpoiwphis.! What am I gonna do Jieun-ah.? I can't work with - - - -  - - - - him.! He's just - - - - . We don't get along so well.!" she whispered

Jieun leaned closer and whispered back "You'll be fine. Just befriend him"

"Befriend him.?!" . Out of all the hardships she has gone through in her entire life, this must be the toughest one to handle




"Wait why do I have to talk to him.?! You guys do it.!" Hyosung said as she was pushed my her other groupmates towards a room

"The Dark Lord doesn't even look at us, what more talk.?! You do it since you've had a fight with him" her girl classmate said

She scoffed "What does that have to do with this.?!"

Another girl classmate of her pushed her real hard and ushered her to go "Everything.! Now go.! Our grades are on the line and he's the only smart one in the group.!" 

She bit her bottom lip and stared at the closed door. She slowly walked infront and knocked, earning a quick response

"Come in" A deep voice said

She peeked her head through the door and awkwardly smiled at them "Uuhm- I-uh. I-uh. Can I talk to, you know, for a minute.? If that's okay with you guys"

Youngjae nodded his head and smirked at Daehyun "Oh suuurree Hyosung. You can talk to Daehyun. Feel free to take your time"

Yongguk and the rest stood from their seat and walked outside their sacred room. Leaving just the two of them all alone, silence filling up the space.. Hyosung glanced at Daehyun from time to time, fidgeting with her fingers "U-um. Y-you ssee---"

"I don't wanna join the group" he said firmly

She placed both her hands at her side and furrowed her eyebrows "Why not.?!"

"Because you're there.!"

"And you think I also wanted to be in the same group with you.?!" she spat

"Then why are you wasting your time to be here, stupid pabo girl.!"

"I told you I'm not stupid.!" . She stared at him for a few seconds and exhaled heavily "Look, we both know that we don't want to be in the same area together but you and I have no choice. Fine, if you want to fail, then it's okay with us."

He glanced at her and narrowed his eyebrows "Oh so you're making me feel worse by telling me to fail.? I'm Jung Daehyun, I never fail"

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes "Says you. Mr. Jason is the judge, not you"

He thought about it for a moment and she was right. Even though he's Jung Daehyun, he can't just pass through Mr. Jason, he's some strict and really really strict professor. He doesn't care about what position you're in because his umma told Mr. Jason to give him the right education, even if he has to do it the hard way. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the couch, thinking to join the group "F-fine. I-I'll join"

"Jeongmal.?!" she beamed

He opened his eyes and glared at her "Do I have to say it twice.?!"

She shook her head happily, clasping her hands together in delight "N-no. It's okay. Thank you so much Daehyun-ah.! Thank you.! Thank you.! Thank you.!"

Hyosung immediately left the room, leaving a surprised Daehyun behind. He was surprised that she called him by his first name. For once and for all, he didn't feel angry or irritated at her. Instead, he was feeling something weird. Really weird.







(Aaaaaaawww. Were you guys upset for the really slow updates.? I'm soooo sorry. And I still wasn't able to update in ALL OVER AGAIN. I'll make it up to you guys.! >_<)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!