
Purple-Green Love


"Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold" A sleeping Daehyun said repeatedly as he tries his best to cover his body with the blanket. His fever was not getting any lower and Hyosung had the worry on her face. What will she ever do if his fever doesn't come down by the end of the day.? She won't be able to spend time with him on their tour. Wait, what.? Spend time with him.? Does she really wanna spend time with him.? Maybe. But right now, all she could ever think of is his condition

Hyosung wiped the sweat that was dripping on his god-like face and tucked him closely. As her hand went up near his neck, Daehyun grab a hold of her warm hands, pressing it on his cheeks then to his luscious lips then back to his cheeks again, loving the warmth

"Duguen Dugeun Dugeun" Her heart was beating faster from his touch and she didn't expect that she'll be able to touch those lips. She just stood there like a statue, not moving at all. Just letting him hold her hand. She slowly sat on the bed and positioned herself comfortably "I hope that you'll get better by my warmth. Please get better soon"

"Hyosung-ah" he whispered, still asleep "Hyosung-ah"

"Did he just.? . . . . Call me by my name.?" she thought to herself "Dae-daehyun-ah"

"I'm cold. I'm cold. I'm so cold"

"I know you are" she responded, not caring if she looks like a total idiot talking to a sleeping Daehyun. She brought her warms hands closer to his face, cupping it "You'll get better soon. Don't worry"

His face started to relax by the warm touch, his eyebrows not furrowing anymore as his lips are curving into a small smile but his eyes still shut in the moment "Warm. Warm"

Few hours later, Daehyun finally went to a deep sleep while Hyosung was still sitting on the bed and her arms uncomfortably stretched as Daehyun's grip tightened. Her arms were about to give up, from time to time giving her little cramps but she didn't care at all. What she wanted was for him to get all better, nothing else. It was already 3 in the afternoon and his grip were starting to loosen, she took this chance to carefully yank her hands away from his hold. She went to the bathroom and got out with a basin of water and a clean towel. She dipped the towel in the basin, squeezing it and placed it on his forehead

She slowly grabbed the blanket and pulled it down just by his chest. She grabbed his right arm and wiped it with a wet towel, extra careful to not wake him up. Little did she know, while she was busy wiping his arm, Daehyun was now awake. Fully awake and smiling "You look like a nurse" he said faintly

Surprised, she quickly looked up and saw him staring at her "O-oh. You're awake"

"Do I look like I'm sleeping.?" he joked, chuckling a little

Biting her bottom lip.,she giggled as she continued to wipe his arm "Are you feeling any better now.?"

He nodded "Sorta"

"Do you want me to get you something.? Like something to eat or drink.?" she asked, moving to the other side of the bed to wipe his other arm

"No thanks" he replied "You know, it's the first time I've been treated like this"

"Is this your first time getting sick.?" she asked again, totally focused on wiping his arm

"No. I've been sick a few times but I don't like getting into hospitals and I yell at our maids when they come into my room to take care of me"

She looked up, staring into his eyes "Wha-what about IU.?"

"I don't let her come into my room cause she might get infected"

"Then how did you get better.?"

"Doing nothing but sleep. Just letting the pain overcome me, somehow it all just fades away. And IU really takes care of me even if I don't want her to. She leaves all sorts of medicines and fruits in my side table for me to take"

"You're lucky to have her" she smiled

"I. . . . . .know. I am lu. . . . lucky" . But not only that, he's also lucky to have YOU. Too bad he didn't realize that from the first place. Too bad you already like someone else. Too bad it wasn't him. Too bad the timing was wrong. Too bad that he was a jackass jerk. Too bad he was Jung Daehyun. Too bad. "Ha-have you ever thought of dying.?"


"Like you just wanted to die because you don't have someone else to live for.?"

"No. I have my appa. I don't wanna leave him all alone. And you can't too, you have IU, your family and your friends. Why would you ever think of dying.?"

"Because I'm tired. I don't wanna be controlled for the rest of my life" he responded with all honesty "I'm tired with all the sh*t I have to go through. I don't have a reason to really live my life"

"You have US" she said "Sure you're a jerk, a jackass, an , a mean and cold pers----"

"YAH.! Is that supposed to make me feel any better.?" he asked, chuckling

She rolled her eyes playfully, smiling "I'm just saying, with all the negative things about you, you have MORE great things. You just don't show it to other people and may I say especially to girls. As time goes by, maybe you'll find someone. Someone to make your life worth living for"

"Hmm" he hummed "I think I found it"

They were just gazing at each others eyes, lost in the moment. But Hyosung was the first to break eye contact, she couldn't handle his stare. For someone who is sick, he could still surely look f--king handsome "I-it's 3:30 pm. Ti-time to take you-your medicine"

"Arasso" he laughed quietly




"You're such a pabo" Daehyun laughed

"Am not"" Hyosung pouted

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you aaarrree" he insisted, smiling

"Even though you're sick, you're still a jerk" she smiled back

"I know"

This was Hyosung's first time. The first time of seeing him laugh and smile. It was a new feeling for her but she definitely loved it. There was something on his smile that made her feel relax and comfortable, like it was something to make you stop crying. She had never seen him fully smile like that. And the sound of his laughter was soothing. So soothing that she doesn't wanna leave his side "You know, you have beautiful smile. Why hide it.?"

He kept quiet for a moment, leaning his back against the head board "B-because that's what others see"

"What do you mean.?"

"I don't even know it myself. I'm just like this. Whenever I go somewhere, I always have the stern look on my face until I got used to it"

"Don't. Don't get used to it"

"I'll try"

"Wazzup wazzup to the blooming couple.!!" Himchan yelled as he barged in inside the room

Yongguk walked ahead as he smacked Himchan's head "You're so noisy. You're gonna damage our eardrums"

"How are you feeling Daehyun.?" Mr. Jason asked, touching his forehead

"I'm feeling much better now Mr. Jason" he replied

"Seems so. Your fever is getting lower now"

Youngjae grinned, staring at Daehyun and Hyosung "Looks like you did a great job Hyosung-ah. Keep up the good work"

"Thanks" Hyosung smiled at him "How was the tour.?"

Jieun pursed her lips "It would have been more fun if you and Daehyun were there" 

"Can you go with us tomorrow Daehyun-ah.? Tomorrow is our last tour in Rome, next stop is Paris you know" Youngjae said

"I'll go" he responded then smiling at Hyosung

This was it. The perfect sign that he really has changed. The perfect sign that he's falling for her. All of them were staring at him in awe and happiness, finally they saw him smiling at a girl who is not a family. Finally he has someone he likes. Grinning like total idiots, Yongguk nodded his head happily, pushing the others out of the room "That's great. We'll see you at dinner then"

"Good job Hyosung-ah" Jieun squealed

Hyosung chuckled, wondering why they are over reacting on the fact that Daehyun is all better now because of her nursing skills. But she just doesn't get the real reason why they keep on doing that "What's with them.? Am I really that great if I made you all better.?"

"Don't get too confident of yourself pabo girl" he snickered

"YAH.!" she yelled, hitting him lightly on the arm "I have a name. You call-----" . She stopped, not wanting to surprise him for saying that he called out her name. He might think that she is lying or being delusional and that might just lead them to arguing again which she doesn't like

"I what.?" he asked

"Yo-you call me pa-pabo girl so many ti-times.!" she stuttered

"Because you are. You're so clumsy" he said, chuckling

"But I'm really glad that you're all better now" she smiled "Doesn't it hurt anywhere anymore.?"

He shook his head, touching his chest "Not anymore. I feel good, just like before"

"That's good. We can finally go with them on the tour. I'm excited"

"Me too"

For the next hours, they just stayed in the room. Talking and getting to know much more about each other. There had been quite a few bickering but that's just about it. Bickering that tends to stay as that and nothing more because they both feel that they are now not in the barrier of being frenemies but friends and maybe something else more

Hyosung glanced at her watch and stood up "Omo, it's already 7pm"

"What about it.?" Daehyun asked "Do you have somewhere else to go to.?"

"Anni. It's time for-----"

"Time for dinner.!" Youngjae yelled, knocking on the door

"That. Time for that" she giggled, walking up to the door and opening it

Youngjae peeked his head inside the room, glancing at Daehyun before looking at Hyosung "Time for dinner you guys. The others are waiting in the hotel restaurant. Come down when you're all ready. But don't take too long" he said then left

Daehyun nodded his head then stood from the bed "About time. I'm hungry"

"Careful" Hyosung went to him,  helping him up, holding onto his arm

"I can manage. Thanks" he smiled at her

She hesitantly let go, looking at him. Both of them walked downstairs and into the restaurant where they found Mr. Jason and the rest of their classmates already seated. Most of their classmates were already eating but their friends were waiting for them so they walked into their table where their friends are

"Hey guys" Hyosung waved at them

Himchan nodded his head, grabbing a fork "Now that you're here. Let's eat. I'm huuunnggrryy"

They didn't sit next to each other. Hyosung sat next to Jieun while Daehyun sat next to Youngjae just 3 seats away across from Hyosung. They smiled at each other before finally settling down on their seat. Yongguk smiled widely as he noticed the little interaction between them. Throughout dinner, every one of them just talk. Hyosung was listening intentively to Jieun's story about their tour awhile ago. And Daehyun was just plainly eating his meal, nodding his head everytime Youngjae says something, also glancing at Hyosung from time to time

Youngjae smirked at him "She'll melt eventually if you keep on staring at her"

He nodded his head blanky then stopped, looking at him "Wait what.?"

"You like her right.?" Youngjae grinned

"What are you talking about.? You're always saying things on your own" he said, furrowing his eyebrows

"Eeeyy. No point of hiding it. I'm your bestfriend. I know that you like her. Like, like her like her"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he denied as he turned his head towards Hyosung's direction. They met eyes again. He suddenly winked at her which made her look away quickly and blush deeply. For some reason, the inner boy inside of him is coming out. Whenever he's around her, he can't help but be like that. But he has to limit it cause he knows that she likes someone else. Or so he thought



All of the students were inside Piazza Venezia, Rome's Historical Center, sight seeing at Rome's oldest and historic things. Hyosung and Jieun were looking at a bunch of antique papers, probably belonged to the past King's of Rome "Uuwwaa. They're style of writing is totally different from ours. Fascinating"

Jieun laughed "Of course it's different"

"Am I that innocent.? Sorry, it's my first time" she chuckled

"Why are you saying sorry.? It's alright, all of us could use some sense of innocence"

"You're right"

"So how was your day with Daehyun yesterday.? Any improvements.?" Jieun asked

She nodded her head frantically, happy at the answer she's gonna say "We're ofically friends now. He smiles to me and laughs with me. He really has a----"

Jieun ginned "He has a what.?" 

"A. . . . . .A really nice smile" she admitted

"I see. You're not falling for him or anything right.?" Jieun teased

She didn't say anything, instead, she bit her bottom lip, covering her face with her notebook "I. . . . .I don't know"

Jieun's grin became even wider. She grabbed the notebook away from Hyosung's face and saw that she was blushing hard "OMO.! You're blushing.! You're blushing.! You like him already.?!"

"Ssshh.! Don't say that out loud. I'm not sure yet" she said

"Please.! When you blush hearing a guy's name, that means you like him"

"Jieun-ah.! Hyosung-ah.! Time to go to the next place. Come on.!" Mr. Jason yelled

Does she really like Daehyun already.? But what about Yoseob.? What was all those happy feeling that she felt when he was around him.? When they had a date. When he called her cute. When he acts so nice to her. What was all of it.? But most importantly, what was all those weird feelings she felt for Daehyun.? The moment she touched his lips when he held it. Those moments that he smiles at her. Those moments that he stares in her eyes. What were those.?

To their next tour stop, they went to a very open place in Rome. Lots of things being sold there and many people were walking back and forth. There was also a huge chapel near the place. Mr. Jason along with the students got out of the bus and looked around. Mr. Jason stopped, standing indfront of his students "Okay class. For this, I'll give you your own time to explore. You can go anywhere you want as long as it's just here. My time right now is currently 9 am so we meet here at 11am. At this exact place. Please don't get lost but if you do, you have your maps with you or you can just call me in my cellphone, you all have my number right.?"

"Neehh.!" the students answered

"Okay good. You can go now"

Daehyun, Youngjae, Yongguk and Himchan decided to go a nearby restaurant.  As always, food is on their mind. They ordered their food and sat near the glass window, outside the restaurant. While waiting, Daehyun was just looking through his ipad, Youngjae listening to music, Yongguk reading a magazine and Himchan checking out all the girls that walks by

"Whoooo. Girls here are hot.!" Himchan whistled

"You say that everytime we go somewhere" Yongguk countered, his eyes never leaving the magazine

Himchan nodded his head, smirking "Therefore I conclude that all girls are hot"

"Not all girls hyung" Youngjae added

"No. You're wrong. All girls are hot. Right Daehyun.?"

"It depends"

"Aaahh. That's rare, usually when I ask you something like this you immediately make a face like you're about to throw up"

"Yeah I know" he said

"Did something GOOODDD happen yesterday.?" Himchan teased

"It depends" he replied

"YAH. You're supp----"

"Here's your order sir" the waiter interrupted, carefully placing their food on the table "Enjoy"

Himchan watched as the waiter left, then turned his attention to food "Wow. Looks appetizing"

Few minutes later, while eating, they all saw Jieun walking around the place, trying to find something or someone

"Jieun-ah.!" Youngjae yelled

Jieun looked at them and started running towards their table "Ha-have you gu-guys been here for a while.?"

"Yeah. Why." Yongguk asked

"And you didn't see anyone familiar walk past here.?"

Youngjae shook his head "No. Yah. What are you talking about. Did something happen.?" 

"Otokkeeee.?" Jieun panicked, biting her finger

"Wae.? Did you lose something.?" Himchan asked

She shook her head, getting more worried "Hy-hyosung's lost"

"She's what.?!" They all snapped

Daehyun quickly stood from his seat "Since when.?"

"An hour ago. While we were looking something in the market, I was suddenly distracted by something then when I look behind me, she was gone. Aaaaahhh. What to do.??! She doesn't have a phone and she doesn't know how to read the map" she panicked "Help me find her"

"Let's split up. Himchan and I will go this way. You guys go that way. And if any of us find her, call" Yongguk said as he and Himchan went to the opposite direction

"You guys go that way. I'll go this way" Daehyun commanded. He ran as fast as he can, not caring who he bumps or who talks to him. He looked around from place to place and ended in the chapel. When he didn't find her there, he saw a very small gateway near it. He opened the gate and discovered an even nosier market. He walked through the crowded place, his eyes wandering everywhere. He finally stopped when he saw something purple in the crowd. Then there she was, standing in a corner with 2 guys approaching her. Luckily, the guys were good enough to not do anything to her so when they saw her shake her head, they left

"Pabo girl.!" he yelled, making his way through the crowd

Hyosung was standing there in the corner, her arms around her. How did she come into this place on the 1st place.? She was just looking at some vases in the market and now she landed here "Where am I.? I'm scared" .  She heard someone call her, not her name but a name that only one person would call her. She shot her head up, trying to find the voice that's been calling her

"Pabo girl"

"Da-daehyun-ah. Daehyun-ah.!" she sobbed, throwing herself into his arms

He was shocked, this was the 2nd time that she hugged him. He just stood there and he could feel that she was shaking slightly. He took no time to waste, so he wrapped his arms around her, doing his best to comfort her

"I-I was lo-lost. I-I di-didn't kn-know where to g-go" she sobbed "I wa-was so sc-scared"

"Ssshh. Ssshh" he cooed through her hair, hugging her much tighter "Don't worry. I'm here. I'm here"



"Where is Daehyun and Hyosung.? It's time to go" Mr. Jason said "I've made reservations for lunch. And if we don't get there in time, we're gonna have to find another restaurant"

"They're coming. Daehyun just called" Jieun answered

"Oh. They're--------They're he-here" Youngjae added, not believing what he saw

Daehyun and Hyosung were walking towards them, hugging each other. Well, more like Hyosung hugging him, her head leaned against his chest, clearly not wanting to let go. Daehyun's arm were around her shoulder as his other hand was holding her bag. He didn't care if they are gonna gett questioned after this, he didn't care if there's gonna more speculations. He only cares about one thing: HYOSUNG

"Did something bad happen when she got lost.?" Jieun asked, caressing Hyosung's hair

"No. I'm fine Jieun-ah. Ju-just scared" Hyosung answered, still hugging Daehyun

"Are you sure.? I was so worried"

She nodded her head, smiling slightly "I'm sure. I'm really okay, don't worry"

"O-okay. You guys, get inside the bus" Mr. Jason ordered "We still have to take our lunch"

Hyosung slowly but hesitantly let go of Daehyun, her eyes covered by her bangs. "Don't be scared now" Daehyun said, fixing her bangs

"Oh my gosh.! I'm spazzing over their sweetness.! Daehyun's sweetness.! The Dark Lord's sweetness.!" Himchan squealed quietly

"Quiet.! You're ruining the moment" Yongguk said, smacking him on the head








(Ahehehhehe. Is there romance going too fast.? Do you hate it.? Comment your thoughts ^_^)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!