It stings!

The Girl I Have to Find

(Jin Hee's POV) 

I threw a crumpled paper on the wall as I tilted my black stool chair. 

It was 8:00 P.M and the store didn't close until 9:00. Joon oppa had to go to school and it scared me to be alone this late. 

Oh, Who's Joon oppa you ask? He's my co-owner. His appa was my appa's general so you could say we were close. He had red-ish hair and brown eyes with a little gleam. 

 (Ulzzang: Park Chang Min. I just changed le name in this fic^^)

He took the morning shift while I was at collage and he went to night school. He's kind of famous. He's a ulzzang model, Actually. He shoots at SMent's building for some odd reason. 

I heard the clock tick loudly in the silent atmosphere. Nobody was in here anymore. They all went home. 

I decided to do my thesis project. I turned my laptop on and got my fingers typing. I gave every word meaning and passion because that's how I get a fabulous grade.

When I looked up, It was 9:00 P.M. 

I sighed in relief as I saved my thesis. I jumped out my bar stool and went to look for the shop key. I opened the drawer and dimmed the lights a little. 

Suddenly, I heard the door chimes ring as several tall figures came in. Their faces were covered in the shadow of their caps. 

"Excuse me, But we're closed." I said in a shaky voice. I was definitely frightened. 

I slowly and silently grabbed the pepper spray inside my sling bag. 

"But we need to check something." The one at the front said in a deep voice. 

"Can't it wait until morning?" I asked, Gripping tighter to my pepper spray. 

"We have schedules tomorrow." One of them said. His voice was... oddly familiar. It reminded me of my one of the members of my favorite band, Exo. 

"If you knew who we were, Would you let us take a look at it?" The one in-front spoke up again, Reaching into his hoodie's front pocket. 

He began pulling something colored in black out and my reflexes suddenly shot up, Whipped out my pepper spray and sprayed him in the face. 

He fell down, Screaming hysterrically as all the other guys surrounded him yelling words of worry. 

Babo Jin Hee! Now the other men are going to kill you! That was probably their leader! Babo! Babo! 

The crowed cleared when one of them grabbed my water bottle from the counter and splashed it on his face. 

I looked down at the floor and saw the black thing he pulled out. It was an I.D. 


Then, I spotted another thing that fell. His hat. 

I took a look at his face and my eyes rounded in shock. 

That was Exo M's Kris! 

Babo, Jin Hee! Babo! 

(Kris' POV) 

The pain felt like fire to the face! And it went straight on my eyes! 

Luckily, Lay splashed water on my eyes before I think they could burn out. 

"Oh my god. You're Exo." She said in a surprised voice. 

Oh god. This is the store owner? She sure is a paranoid one. And is she a fangirl too? Because I swear, If she is, I'm going to whip out some serious faces. 

"Well, Yeah. So do you mind telling us how many sales our album got combined in this store?" Chanyeol asked nicely even though she just attacked me with that can full of poison. 

"Celebrities or not, This store is still closed. See I learned something about equality." She said calmly getting a white towel from a drawer and throwing it on my lap. 

So she isn't crazy. She's just... Un-explainably normal. And fierce. And brave. I calmly took glances to check up on her features. 

She has a nice jaw line, Light hazel eyes with double eyelids, Brown hair and a tiny nose. 

"We understand." Suho nodded. 

"By the way, Mianhae Kris-ssi. I coudn't see your face and all of you came out rather scary." She giggled. 

So she has an eye smile too. 

"It's fine." I replied coldly as I wiped my face with the towel. 

"If you want, I could make you all tea. It really is cold outside and I would hate to let you get out there when I just sprayed a burning self-defence spray on one of your leaders." She offered. 

"We better get going I mean, It's getting late and-" 

"Please do let me make it up to you. I'd feel totally bad if I didn't do anything to fix up my mistake. It's like appa always said. 'You can always fix something if it isn't broken too bad' And- Oh no I'm babbling again." She said as she plopped down on her chair and looked at the floor. 

The members chuckled and she looked up with a sweet smile. 

"I, Of course, Know who you guys are. I mean, Who doesn't." She smiled. 

"I'd really like to serve you tea. I made too much in the backroom and I'm afraid the tea will get cold." She smiled. 

"What's the harm in staying a few minutes?" Baekhyun whispered. 

No! We can't stay. What if she'll trap us or something crazy like that?! 

"We'll stay then. But only for a few minutes." Suho said, Giving her his award-winning smile. 

She gave us an eyesmile and led us to the back room. 

I hope this night doesn't go wrong. 

(Jin Hee's POV) 

I led them to the tiny back room where there were two fluffy purple couches and a counter for tea and crackers. 

I'm with Exo. I'm with freakin' Exo! But I think they'd be more comfortable if I treat them nonchalantly. So that's how I'll treat them. 

Like appa said "No matter who's more popular, We all are equal. There should be no change in rules or that just won't be fair.". 

I placed the cups around and poured steaming hot tea as they took their place on the couches. There were so many of them, They filled the two couches. 

I grabbed a pillow and sat on the floor. 

"Do you want to sit? I can sit on the floor if you'd like." Lay offered. What a gentleman! 

"No! I owe you for spraying your friends' face so I have to sit on the floor." I said, Smiling and sipping my tea. 

In a while, They had to leave. And who am I to stop them? 

All I could do was wave to them as they got into their shiny black van. 

(Narrator's POV) 

The 12 men each took a seat inside the car and plopped down. 

"Well, She was nice." Tao said as he rubbed his eyes. 

"We didn't catch her name." Xiu Min pointed out. 

"Do we need to?" Kris asked in an irritated tone. His head was throbbing and his eyes still burned. 

"Yah, Kris. Don't hold a grudge just because she sprayed some pepper spray on your face." Suho said with a little laugh. 

"It wasn't some! It was alot. And for your information, It stings." Kris complained with an irritated expression. 

"Atleast she was hospitable enough to give us tea." Sehun beamed as he pressed around on his Iphone. 

"She sprayed me with Pepper Spray!" Kris whined again.

"Get over it, Gege. Your voice was deep and you were scary." Tao pointed out. 

"Right, Right." Kris mumbled as he laid back on his seat. 

He had to admit. That girl confused him. How could she be so brave and strong yet kind hearted at the same time? 

She was definitely a wonder to him. She was somehow so calm and cool when she met them. 

"We should visit that music store more often." Kai suggested. 

"Yeah. We should." Kris mumbled to himself as he stared into the dark blue sky. 


Mehehe thank you for the subbies! One thing I'd REALLY like is to get this on the featured page... But that will probably NEVER happen XD 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

The letter comes next... 

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ThoughtToLive_012 #1
Okay so I gotta comment. I won't make it too long because hell I'm not going to review it. XD (Hope that didn't sound mean.)
I found your story on accident, but so far, because I am still just a fan, I have to say I'm really intrigued by your story. Now honestly at first I thought it would be cliche but once I read that the main OC and Kris met "normally", it's not cliche anymore. Another thing I really like from your story is she might be without parents, but she has an auntie. Which is superb! because speaking of stories with a basis like this, typically the OC would be an orphan.

I'm going to enjoy reading this story.. continue to pour your heart into this story. Your doing a swell job so far.
Be sure I will look forward to your updates. <3
This sounds interesting! :) I really like it, the whole secret admirer thing is something I love :D
OwO update pleaseh.
Ievunnie #4
New fan here!
Update soon ♥♥
Excited on what going to happen o____o << D.O. face OTL
Update soooooooooon~
This looks good! I just read the foreword and could tell it would be good \(^o^)/
Wah nice chapter. Update soon please. FIGHTING!
neko12 #8
please update soon im looking foward to it fighting