oo1: The girl named Park Jin Hee

The Girl I Have to Find

(Jin Hee's POV) 


I watched the band pump air into their trumpets as a casket was being carried to a cold dark hole under ground. 

The body that's in there? My appa's. He's a soldier. He died a hero. 

My body tingeled but I forced myself not to cry like my aunt who was bawling her eyes out beside me. 

My knees felt weak and I could feel my heart turn heavy as the casket was lowered to the dark hole. 

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. 

I wrapped my arm around my soaked-in-tears aunt, Trying to give her the smallest bit of comfort. What else could I do? Appa's body was down there. And it would never rise again. 

Suddenly the scenery turned black and old films at the back of my mind started playing.

Appa was playing the guitar so skillfully as I sang not so greatly. 

I was riding on appa's shoulders as he entered the empty triangular room and said "Someday, This will be filled with happy people and music that make the people happy.".

The the next clip played. The saddest one of all. 

Appa was in his military uniform and carried a dark green bag on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and whispered "Keep the music store alive, Jin. Continue to make people happy.". And with that, He went inside the small bus that was colored in black and green and left me with my sobing aunt alone. 

"Make them happy." 

"Make them happy." 

"Make them happy." 


I quickly sat up, Panting and covered with sweat. My pillow was covered in slight drool and one of my pillows was on the floor. 

I sighed. Thesame dream again. 

I put my hand over my rapidly beating heart and grabbed the square gray alarm clock on my bedside drawer. 

"5:39" It blinked in big red numbers. I should get ready now. 

I grabbed the remote under my pillow and pressed a button which made my dark brown curtains reveal the decent view of Seoul's busy streets. 

I pushed the thick blanket away from me and stretched around the gray thin sheets. 

"For you appa." I said, Smiling at the framed picture of my appa in the early days of the music store. 

"-And screw you, Umma." I said, Giving a sinister glare to the arm around appa's waist. I had to cut her out off the picture. 

Is it my fault I hate her? She laid this upon herself. She cheated, Told me I was a mistake and wasn't supposed to be born, Called appa a weakling and left with her super rich American boyfriend, Claine. 

I sat up and laid my feet on the black metal floor. I forced myself up and walked grudgingly to the bathroom, Just inches away from my bed. 

Let's make this day worth it. Let's dedicate this day to appa. 

Just like every other day. 

(Kris' POV) 

"I want all of you changed and get your asses to the dance studio now!" Our manager yelled. 

My eyes crept open as I sat up. I rubbed the crud off my eyes and walked to the bathroom with the towel hung around my neck. 

I closed the door behind me and got in the shower after stripping off my pajamas. 

A loud thud came from outside and I recognized the groans immediately. 

"Chen! Get your up the floor and stretch or something!" I yelled above the loud running water. 

"Diu Zhang! I don't want to!" He groaned back. 

"You chose this life when you signed the contract. So you better get up, Stretch and wait!" I yelled. 

Silence filled the air until I finished and wrapped the towel around my waist. 

I opened the wooden door and saw Chen with the towel around his neck. 

"Finally." He sighed as he walked in. 

I walked passed the other members, Who were trying to stay awake in-front of the bathroom door. 

"Gege! I'm tired." Tao whined. 

"I am too." I said with a nod. 

"But I can't be because I have to work hard. Won't you work hard too?" I asked. 

"I-I-I'll work hard!" He said, His eyes flinging open. 

"Good." I nodded as I walked to my room and changed into simple sweatpants and an oversized shirt. 

I sat on my bed and grabbed my Iphone as I waited for the few other members finishined bathing. 

I typed "Popular Seoul Music Stores" on the Google url bar and waited for results. Might as well visit some and view how much our albums' sold.

"Top 10 Rated Best Music Stores in Seoul!" A link popped up. I hovered over it with my finger and tapped it. 

The number one was a triangular shop named "Jin's Music Shop". 

I scrolled down to the description. 

It read: 

'People say bigger is better but this shop proved it wrong! Owned by a soldiers daughter, This girl has sold over 50,000 copies of different albums and her store has been the main music store of Seoul. People have said that you could find any kind of album in there. National and International. Park Jin Hee, Owner of Jin's Music Store, Lives a simple life in a tiny apartment though she gains tons of profit. She donates 1/4 of her profits to soldiers in memory of her father, Soldier Park Moonbi. This is probably the best place to get high quality albums." 

Hm. Might as well pay a small visit? 


Oh hi! Sorry for the long-time update. I still have like 3 other stories XD I'll be updating soon!~ 

And the story plot shall thicken~

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ThoughtToLive_012 #1
Okay so I gotta comment. I won't make it too long because hell I'm not going to review it. XD (Hope that didn't sound mean.)
I found your story on accident, but so far, because I am still just a fan, I have to say I'm really intrigued by your story. Now honestly at first I thought it would be cliche but once I read that the main OC and Kris met "normally", it's not cliche anymore. Another thing I really like from your story is she might be without parents, but she has an auntie. Which is superb! because speaking of stories with a basis like this, typically the OC would be an orphan.

I'm going to enjoy reading this story.. continue to pour your heart into this story. Your doing a swell job so far.
Be sure I will look forward to your updates. <3
This sounds interesting! :) I really like it, the whole secret admirer thing is something I love :D
OwO update pleaseh.
Ievunnie #4
New fan here!
Update soon ♥♥
Excited on what going to happen o____o << D.O. face OTL
Update soooooooooon~
This looks good! I just read the foreword and could tell it would be good \(^o^)/
Wah nice chapter. Update soon please. FIGHTING!
neko12 #8
please update soon im looking foward to it fighting