Strange Jae

A Moment Captured

Nothing was pretty awkward to them because they were used to sleep together. Yunho was the last one who goes to sleep and checks s always. He covers himself with a blanket and places the other half of it on Jaejoong’s body not to expose his skinny legs and girl-like printed pajamas and then dims the lights and lie down on bed and sooner or later fell asleep because of tiredness.

Meanwhile like any other night after performing on stage, Jaejoong tends to wake up at midnight or as early as 2 a.m in the morning just to complete his routine of posting pictures and captions about what had happen to their performance. Every time they have had something that for him is worth remembering for, he writes and describes what that day meant to him by placing them on his scrapbook. It might be awkward to see him having a scrapbook but it became his hobby of collecting memorable things which he was taught by one of his closest sister and saying to him words , "You may not bring back time , but with this scrapbook, it I also like bringing back what has happened from the past. You may forget it but looking into it, you’ll remember the feeling you once had at that very moment." Those words struck him because he knew that there is no permanent feeling in this world.

Gently gets off from bed and sneaks through the door heading towards the living room. Jaejoong then places his scrapbook and immediately scattered the pictures he took from the stage on the white smooth table.

“I’ll drink some coffee first!” ….. Opps I guess I’ll rather drink juice. (Quietly opens the refrigerator and gets something to drink)


(Meanwhile, At the room)


Yunho tries to turn to the side of the bed where Jaejoong is. With closed eyes, he tries to find Jaejoong as he wanders his hands on the bed but ends up that he was the only one sleeping on it.

Where’s Jaejoong..? He checks the clock and it was still early for him to wake up, it was around 2:30 a.m. He glanced at the other members seeing them sleeping soundly as Junsu embraced Changmin’s back while Yoochun was already laid his head at the foot of the bed. “Is he seriously comfortable with an upside-down position?” (smiles while shaking his head).

He heard something at the kitchen and suspects Jaejoong was the one making the noise. Since he wasn’t able to sleep again, he decided to look for him.

As he entered the living room he saw him doing something on the table, I cannot clearly see it but it looks like his pasting or attaching something on a notebook.

Yunho sits on a white couch. Jaejoong was so busy attaching captions and pictures on his book that he didn’t notice that Yunho was behind him.


Jaejoong turns his head and found him

“Oh!(surprised) Yunho! “

“Why aren’t you in bed? You should still be sleeping in this time of day! Are you fine already? We haven’t got the chance to talk “

“Talk about what?”

“What happened to you when we left you at the hospital?”

Jaejoong still keeps on cutting papers and busy with what his doing and places the glue beside the table and continues to cut borders for the pictures as if he doesn’t hear anything that Yunho said.

Jaejoong stands up looking for something and he roams around checking each corner of the living room including the kitchen.

“Oh!! You’re here Yunho? And you found the glue, I was looking for it! And you even attached the photos I took when you where performing~~”

 Yunho’s puzzled face began to question what Jaejoong had said.

“Thank you for decorating the pictures Yunho!”

Yunho is still sitting with his arms cuddled up and his feet lifted up to the couch. He was speechless and looks at Jaejoong suspiciously while he is busy with his scrapbook stuff.

Yunho's POV

What the ~~ what a lame alibi!! I was already here all along and he tries to ignore what I am saying and continues to do his thing. I didn’t even move! He’s the one who placed the glue at the table and the one decorating the pictures a while ago... I was sitting here for a few minutes and he didn’t notice me. What’s with him these days?  

Suddenly, Jaejoong holds his head and stopped cutting the paper.

“Hey! You ok?”

Jaejoong's POV

Ouch!  I’m feeling dizzy again; it’s getting into my nerves! Where’s this headache coming from anyways… Oh I forgot to contact the person that my doctor suggested me to meet this day. I’d better call the contact number and, meet up before our rehearsals end. As Jaejoong looked at his phone, he saw a meeting memo on his screen saying "3:00 pm appointment with Doctor **** at PSYCHIATRY TOKYO BEAN’S CLINIC”

Hm... I guess I already made an appointment with him.

Yunho: Hey do you mind answering my questions??

Jaejoong: huh? What where you saying again?

Yunho: Ugh! I don’t want to repeat it anymore, we should go to sleep, there’s still ample time to rest for another schedule at 9 a.m. Let’s go! Maybe you’re just tired that’s why you seemed so anxious and confused now. So would you mind to continue doing that tomorrow? “

Jaejoong nodded and fixed his things then followed Yunho to the room carrying his scrapbook with him.

As they lie down on their bed Yunho said “Tomorrow will talk! Goodnight”

“Talk about what?”

Whispered loudly to Jaejoong and said “Yah! Do I need to repeat myself all over again? Aisshh!!"

“What’s wrong with me asking you a question?”

“Yunho!! Yunho!” keeps on teasing and pushing Yunho’s back at the corner of the bed.

“Will you be still and quiet? You’ll wake them up.. You are so childish! You’ll know it tomorrow! Are you satisfied now? Please go to sleep already!”

“Ok if you say so.” Covers his head with the blanket and murmurs words.



Jaejoong's POV

I need to practice quickly and persevere tomorrow so that they’ll not worry about me then afterwards I’ll consult to the doctor. Maybe he knows what I’m experiencing these days but for now, I need some sleep, my head is beginning to ache again.. Err. I’d better be in good shape for tomorrow.

“As I opened my eyes, my co-members were all awake and seemed to have taken their bath already, drying up their wet hair and body with a white towel" provided by the housekeeper.

The curtains finally revealed the bright rays that morning and looking at Changmin’s astonishing wet hair makes me envy him every morning. All are set for the rehearsal and yet I’m still putting up my necklace and rings to match up with my style today.

Junsu: “Yah your phone keeps on ringing! ~~"

Alarm: -appointment with Doctor **** at PSYCHIATRY TOKYO BEAN’S CLINIC” @ 3pm

Oh! Almost forgot it!

Jaejoong stares at his phone and sigh

Junsu: What’s the matter?

Jaejoong: Huh?.. Oh nothing, I ‘m just looking forward t have our rehearsal right away!

Junsu: Why? Do you have any other plans, hyung? We can cancel it if you want to? (While he taps Jaejoong's shoulder)

Jaejoong: Oh I’m just hmm….. I ‘m gonna visit a friend of mine.

Junsu: Ohh, you want us to come with you ?

Jaejoong: Hmm. Don’t bother, I know that after we rehearse … you should find time to rest for a bit.

Junsu: But …how about you?

 Jaejoong: I can handle it! Don’t worry

Junsu: Arasso! Kapa!!~

Author's POV

The preparation for their upcoming album is about to be finished and all we need is another song to be composed by Yoochun and Jaejoong but still there’s no output yet.

Manager Hyung talks to the two of them and made the deadline of the song next week whereas everything will be prepared and be released on the exact date expected.

They were able to accomplish all before lunch. They have enough time to do their thing this afternoon.

Manager Hyung: I’ll give you this time to stroll around make sure you’ll be back before 9  except for those two of you(points at Jaejoong and Yoochun)

Jaejoong: Waeyo?? Andwae! Hyung! Please let me have this day off, I’m gonna visit a friend closest to my heart!

Manager hyung: WHO?

Jaejoong: Mmmm.. A close friend and his place isn’t far from here… Please!!

Everyone stares at him with confused faces, seeing Jaejoong so eager to go and meet his special friend.

Yoochun: Hyung! I won’t be going out tonight and I don’t have plans for this afternoon so I’ll be willing to work on our song. So you might as well consider the plans of Jaejoong. I think his pretty much eager to get there.. (Jaejoong takes a glance at me with his gratified face and eyes wanting to communicate to me saying thank you).

 Jaejoong’s face turned from disappointment to being hopeful that Manager will permit him to go out and he’s instinct is correct and finally had given permission to visit his friend

Yunho's POV

The entire morning, all I’ve done is to stare at him and find a way to talk to him but unfortunately I don’t even think he remembered what I said about "US! Talking” last night. We haven’t talked any single cliché for the whole day as if I’m just like the wind singing with them. How interesting! He doesn’t even glance at me while practicing. Is he ignoring me or do I have to remind him all over again that we need to talk --seriously speaking! I’m drowning coz of his alibis! What is he saying about a close friend?? In Tokyo? Hmmm.. I know we have common friends here but I also would like to meet that friend of his but why isn’t he asking me to come with him?? And more importantly, how can we talk if he’s going out with someone that I don’t even know. (Yunho’s face turned grouchy as if he’s like a balloon wanting to burst out and explode while he sits on the farthest chair from the manager.)

He then takes a straightforward stare at Jaejoong who’s finally thanking Yoochun for giving him the time to meet his friend and pursues on finishing their song.

Jaejoong: Yey! ~ Kamsamnida!!!

Yoochun: You’ve already said it for probably 25 times already! Hahaha.. You’ll get tired thanking me! Just don’t be late in going to the hotel alright!? Or your dead meat! What I mean is….WE are dead if Hyung finds out! And don’t think of taking alcohol and suffocate yourself with it! May I remind you, you’re hard to handle when you’re drunk!

Jaejoong: Arasso~!! (he said while showing his cute pout)

Jaejoong's POV

I'm so thankful that I'll be able to go to the doctor this afternoon.  (Jaejoong turn around and saw Yunho fiercely looking at him) I can't really figure out what he wants to say to me.

All of a sudden, he pointed his thumb unnoticeable in the door as if he wants me to go out with him. "but where?" when he was about to stand, I confusingly followed him and we ended at a vacant room with only few chairs and Nobody was around except the two of us   ..


Yunho suddenly pulled me and looks at me with eagerness and comes to me . closer and closer that I wasn't able to breath in . He  holds a tight grip of me and all I can feel were his warm breathes that touches my hair."I can't breathe!"He then pushes me to the wall.damn it! He pushed me real hard!

"What’s the matter with you?" 

"No! What's the matter with you! You’re not ignoring me are you? "

"No what made you think I was ignoring you?"

"Tell me the truth!!" Jaejoong started to look scared and even more  intensely nervous when he tightly grabs Jaejoong's shirt and closely looked into Jaejoong's eyes and.......

"Andwae!anya!anya!" Yunho looks at him all puzzled up by his actions ) 

"Ya~ What's happening to you ?.(smiled)...... Be honest with me,……Are you taking drugs?"

"Anya ! what a mean face!! Don’t laugh at me!!" (Explains his side defensively)

"Then why are you acting like you're losing your mind talking and grabbing your own T-Shirt while you’re eyes are closed as if someone's harassing you!"  

"You want me to accompany you again to a hospital? Or to the psychiatrist perhaps (mockingly looks at him)...."

Jaejoong stares and slightly paused to think over what Yunho said 

*awkward silence* 

"Yah! I was just playing around! Why a serious face?"

Jaejoong only gives Yunhoh a shallow cold smile

"Yaaaah ..." Yunho puts his arm around Jaejoong's shoulder and said "Hmm. Remember what I've said last night!?"

"What was it? Sorry I can't. Recall." 

Yunho sighs. "You're about to tell me what really happened to you in the hospital ...  What did the doctor said?"

Jaejoong's POV

Shoot! I forgot about conversing and making a lame excuse about what really happened to me .Why didn’t I encode it on my planner! I don't know what to say!. "Hmm I'm really okay ....(I can't barely look at his face)...I'm okay..... But..  Bbbbut .." Jaejoong repeatedly took a grab on the side of his t-shirt and creased it in like a paper while talking to Yunho.

Yunho's POV

"But what?"  As I looked at him… he’s doing that mannerism again!! I know him more than he knows himself and whenever he crumples his t-shirt like that , I know his hiding something or his anxious. Even though he is unconsciously doing it, I know that he’s up to something… I know him too well…. 

The door unexpectedly opens and Yoochun rushed in and said that they're gonna leave immediately to avoid traffic jam along the way. Yoochun excitedly stated "I can't wait to lay down on bed and rest for a bit! Let’s go!!" 

Jaejoong hurriedly followed Yoochun and turned at Yunho "Let's talk about it later .no need to worry! I'm 99.99% sure that I'm okay! Let’s go!!!"

….the two of them leaves Yunho with disappointment. :|


Aww~~ Poor Yunnie! kekeke :)) Ok! Here's another update! I hope you enjoy reading this story! Thanks for subscribing and commenting! =)) It really motivates us! :)) Please comment more or if you have any suggestions, feel free to put it down there. Thanks a lot! :)

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Chapter 6: "A Moment to Remember" i cried a bucket of tears in that movie and im gonna be a crying mess again sooner or later with this ff =(
ontaeislove #2
Thank you so much for your lovely comments! We're really happy that you liked it guys! :))))
meymeyen #3
next next please and t.y XD
sunrise95 #4
yunhoooo youre so dense! thanks for the update :)
sunrise95 #5
i like this story a lot so far!!! :)
nanapham #6
Your story is interesting please do update more
ontaeislove #7
Here's an update.. :)) comments are highly appreciated. Thanx a lot!
meymeyen #8
update pls. =)