Hungry... Once Again!



I scanned the restaurant for any sign of waiters coming this way to our table carrying a tray. 

Too bad there was none. 

So, I was starting to get impatient and grew a bit nervous when I heard Director YG say, "Dara sshi, you can't eat anything for tonight you hear me. You know that we have to maintain that nice body of yours for an upcoming CF involving less clothing..."


I can't predict what will happen from now on... SO HELP ME GOD! T-T

Despite the hunger I'm starting to feel, I saw Seunghyun's face lit up when the 'less clothing' part was mentioned!


However, Jiyong's been ignoring me ever since our shooting ended.

I could sense something here... somehow I feel guilty.




I felt happy because Dara was sitting right next to me... however, I can feel that she's somewhat unhappy?! What the...

Every once in a while I'd steal some glances to her direction but she was quite preoccupied with something like she's in deep thought. 

I let out a sigh.

Then she stood up to excuse herself so I followed her after a couple of minutes to avoid any kind of suspicion right after grabbing a piece of chocolate that the waiter just served.

I found her outside the terrace over-looking the city lights.

"Hi" I decided to approach her right after watching the breath-taking view in front of me (And by this, I don't mean the city lights!)

"Oh, hello" she replied rather weakly.

"Is there something bothering you, Dara sshi?" I leaned my back against the railings as I looked at her, trying to act coolly.

"Yeah" she was still looking at the view, not at me T-T

I let out a sigh once again before stuffing the piece of chocolate into my mouth.

She then turned to look at me.

I paused for a while with the piece of chocolate halfway through my mouth.

I felt guilty as she was eyeing the chocolate on my mouth and nervous at the same time for some reason.

She moved closer to me, making me almost fall out from the railings from too much nervousness but then she held my waist to support my body and pushed me closer to her, making our stomachs touch. OMO!

Without saying anything, she cupped my face with both hands then pulled my face closer to hers, taking a bite of the chocolate that was halfway sticking out of my mouth.

"You know, Lee Joon sshi, you're SWEETER than I thought..." *hyperventilates in a frozen mode*

From this moment on, I am now an official fanboy of this hot girl! Sorry MIR!!



I took Dara home to my apartment because she said that she wasn't feeling well when she returned to our table from wherever she went off to earlier.

"Babe, you sleep ahead... I still need to get back to our headquarters to practice with my group. Miyane..." I explained to my weary-looking girlfriend.

"Huh? So you're leaving me all alone for tonight once again??" she had a disappointed look on her face which broke my heart.

I was now tugging her in bed like a child... so cute!

"But I still want something from you..." And with this, Dara grabbed my collar then pushed me down on the bed.

She was now on top of me and I couldn't help but let out a squeal for I was totally not expecting this kind of scenario!

"Da... Dara... I'm not ready yet!" I placed both of my arms in front of my body as a shield.

"No, you need to have your punishment you naughty boy, always leaving me here all alone makes me super lonely and..." she traced her fingers around my face then her own luscious lips like a hungry and wild but still hot of a person...

"But I'm still a !!" I blurted out which probably made her snap back to reality because she got off on top of me.

Somehow, I got disappointed... oh gosh, don't tell me I enjoyed what just happened?!

I refuse to admit that I'm a ert...

Of course I'm not, I must be just REALLY confused right now, that's all.

"MIR oppa, buy me ice-cream, that's your punishment" I heard her say.

"Oh... Is that what this is all about?? I thought it's about the... nevermind! Hehehe" *chuckles nervously*


MIR left Dara after she treated her what she wanted. 

The guy sure was acting weird as if he was nervous around his own girlfriend for some reason that only he, himself knows.

So after eating her ice-cream, Dara turned off the lights to hit the hay for she was dead tired.

It was around 1 AM when she heard a knocking sound outside the window so she decided to get up and check it out.

To her surprise, she saw someone out there which made her go, "KYAAHHH!!"

But then realized after a minute of screaming that it was only her stepbrother.

"Oh, it's you" she said calmly as she opened the window to let Seunghyun in.

"What the hell were you doing outside my window at 1 in the morning?!" she placed her hands on her hips like an angry mother.

"Uh... I thought of checking out on you...? Since... um... I couldn't sleep and..." Liar.

He obviously wanted to sneak up on her by giving her a much hotter kiss than that Lee Joon could give but unfortunately, his plan was an EPIC FAIL since the window was locked in the first place.

"And who would lock their windows anyway?? I almost froze outside because of the coldness!" now he was the one shouting at her.

"So you expect me to leave my windows open for you to come in unexpectedly and what? me??" she argued.

"Why do you always think that I'd you?! You're crazy! And don't worry, I'll send you a text message next time whenever I feel like entering through your window!" he said sarcastically.


Meanwhile, Jiyong was being all 'emo' inside his room, listening to sad love songs like 'Blue', 'EGO' and 'Monster' while lying down on his bed, thinking of Dara.

'I guess I should just forget her already... even though it breaks my heart, I should just give up for the better.' he thought to himself but then he heard the next song playing called 'I LOVE YOU' and immediately stated,

"Or not. I guess my obsession for her just worsened" he laughed at himself before getting up from the bed to call both families to suggest a 'family outing' or a 'get-together' this weekend...



Okay, now GD's the one who has a 'mischievous' agenda... haha... but will his plan fail though? Just like T.O.P's?? Well, just stay tuned... Lee Joon falls for Dara and MIR got confused if he's a ert or not... there sure are a lot of 'stuff' that happened in this chapter! Have you guys seen the MV for 'I Love You' already?? DARA'S SO HOT IN THERE!! And as for my updates pattern, I'm sure that you've noticed that I only get to update 2 chaps during the weekends because of College! *pouts* Comments are ♥ 

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izzahfitri #1
Chapter 12: Daragon please
Just curious. How do u put picture in the fanfic? I have wrote a fanfic but i don't know how to pu pictures in it. I know how to put main and background picture. But not how to put picture in the middle of the story. Can u tell me please? By the way really nice fanfic.
alwaysbedaragon #4
whaaaaaaa wooyoung!
hon?? is wooyoung his ex????
i wish that nickhun is the other guy.

i demand for more!
roxijojo #5
Hahaha Wooyoung in the house!!!
What is with the "hon"... i think he is a ... hahaha
Thank you so much for the update
Authornim please update more !!!!!
alwaysbedaragon #7
thank you for the update esma!!! :)

i demand for more!!!
donlim2010 #8
I demand more lemon! More lemon 'ma! ;)
roxijojo #9
OMO Dara is super HOT!!! hahaha
Thank you for the update
Authornim daragon sweeeeeeeeeet moment please (^-^)

I wish dara and jiyong end up together in dis story please please please please (^-^)
Daragon fighting (^o^)/~~

Please update soon (^з^)-☆