Chapter Seven: Camping And Water Balloons

The Chocolate Coffee Cafe

A/N: Hello! I am back with Chapter Seven: The Camping Chapter!! I'm very excited to write the next few chapters :D Credit to UnicornHepHap to the poster!! Now, on with the story!

~Chapter Seven~

"Are we there yet?" Kiran whined. Kris glared at him through the rearview mirror. It was Friday morning and the group of seven were on their way to a campsite. Kris had rented a nice van and had managed to fit everyone, and their bags, in it. But, he was currently annoyed with his nagging little brother.

"Kiran, I swear, I will pull this car over if you don't shut your mouth." Kris informed him in a menacing tone. Kiran visibly glupped and stared out the car window.

Chanyeol didn't like the tense silence that was forming in the atmosphere around them, so he the radio. He scrolled through a few stations before he found the one song that he could never turn down listening to; Gee by Girls' Generation. Chanyeol turned up the radio so that it was blasting throughout the van.

"Neomu banjjak banjjak nuni busyeo!" Chanyeol started singing, with a mix of shouting, as the song started to go into the chorus.

"No No No No No!" Baekhyun sang afterwards. Chanyeol started dancing in the front seat of the van. Kris looked on, amused, as he drove.

"Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun," Suho sang next. Kris almost laughed.

"Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!" Tao practically yelled and Baekhyun beamed at him.

"Neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee!" Everyone, excluding Kiran, sang suddenly. They were all smiles.

"Oh jojeun nunbit," Chanyeol sang high in his low voice, which was practically impossible for him.

"Oh Yeah!" Baekhyun followed, singing loudly. Kiran looked horrified.

"Oh joeun hyanggi," Suho sang in the girliest voice he could possibly manage. Kris almost couldn't control the car with all the laughing.

"Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah!" D.O. finished off. Everyone in the van, besides the horrified looking Kiran, burst out laughing. Kris kept driving, almost going off the road, but got control of the car and kept it on it's course. Chanyeol was cracking up next to him and so was everyone else in the back. Kiran scooted all the way up to the car door and still looked horrified. Baekhyun noticed this and laughed even more, holding his stomach and pointing at Kiran's face.

"Look at his face!" He shouted and everyone looked at Kiran. Then, everyone started laughing all over again.

"This laughter is never ending!" Suho shouted into D.O.'s shoulder, tears springing from his eyes. Baekhyun and Tao were banging into each other and half-way hugging each other, laughing all the while.

"You guys are crazy! Insane!" Kiran shouted, pointing at the hysterical group of boys. Chanyeol turned to him, cooling down a bit from his laughter high.

"Thank you! Everyone takes that as a compliment." Chanyeol smiled and everyone nodded. Chanyeol turned back around in his seat and put his hand in Kris', who held it, happily. Kiran looked out the window, annoyed, and muttered incoherent words under his breath.

"We should almost be at the campsite." Kris informed everyone in the car. Chanyeol started bouncing in his seat.

"What are you doing, Chanyeol?" Kris sounded amused as he watched his boyfriend bounce around in his seat. Chanyeol looked over at him with a wide smile.

"I'm bouncing!" Chanyeol told him, gesturing to himself. Kris felt a small smile creep up onto his face.

"I see that but, why?" Kris still sounded amused as he kept his eyes on the road.

"I'm excited!" Chanyeol half-way shouted. Kris smiled at Chanyeol and squeezed his hand.

"I am, too." Said Kris, still smiling. Suddenly, he heard a gasp from behind him.

"Kris! You're smiling! You never smile." Kiran pointed out. Kris' magnificent smile was pulled down into a frown. He turned his head to road and acknowledged Kiran.

"I never smiled at home because I didn't want to. Chanyeol's happy virus powers have been rubbing off on me recently." Kris smiled at Chanyeol while saying this. By this time, Chanyeol had calmed down and was sitting in his seat, comfortably. Chanyeol squeezed Kris' hand and smiled at him.
About fifteen minutes later, Kris pulled into a clearing with trees surrounding it in the shape of a circle. Baekhyun looked out the window with Tao and stared in awe at all of the trees. Kris parked the van and turned it off.

"We're here." He told everyone and Chanyeol almost jumped out of the car in excitement. Everyone got out of the car and started in packing everything.

"Jeez, Bacon! How much stuff did you bring?!" Chanyeol asked as he grabbed many bags and carried them out into the clearing. Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at his friend.

"Channie, you should know not to ask me such a stupid question. You know I don't pack lightly." Baekhyun said a-matter-of-factly. Tao laughed at Baekhyun's out-of-character seriousness.

"Meanie Baekkie." Chanyeol mumbled and pouted. Kris suddenly walked over to Chanyeol and hugged him.

"Aw, Is Chanyeol pouting?" Kris whispered to his boyfriend. Chanyeol hid his face in Kris' chest and nodded. Kris kissed Chanyeol's head and Chanyeol looked up smiling. Kris kissed his nose and Chanyeol giggled.

"C'mon. Let's go set up camp." Kris told him and Chanyeol nodded.

"One second." Chanyeol let go of Kris and started running towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked over at Chanyeol and screeched.

"Get over here, Bacon! Take your punishment for being a meanie!" Chanyeol chased after Baekhyun as he ran away.

"Tao! Help! Chanyeol's going to eat me!" Baekhyun yelled at his fiance. Tao smiled but didn't do anything. Baekhyun kept running but, because Chanyeol was tall, he could run faster. Chanyeol caught up to best friend and tackled him. They both rolled around on the ground laughing, being themselves. Kris and Tao looked on, smiling.

"Hey, I'm not going to set up camp by myself!" Kris heard Kiran say and Tao and Kris looked back at him.

"And why not?" Kris asked, innocently. Kiran narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Because I will not do it myself." Kiran crossed his arms over his chest. Kris sighed.

"Fine. Tao, go get the coolers from the van." Tao nodded as Kris said this and made his way over to the car. Kris grabbed the buildable tents off the ground and started setting them up. By this time, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had stopped laughing and were sitting up on the ground. They looked at Kris and Tao working, admiring them. Suho started helping, too, and D.O. came over to them. He sat down and watched everyone.

"Baekhyun, when did you and Tao get engaged?" Chanyeol suddenly asked his friend. Baekhyun looked up at the sky, a distant look in his eyes.

"A year ago. On Christmas. It was like a dream. He had done everything right; knelt down on one knee and brought out a small box. I remember I thought I was going to pass out. I was in pure bliss that day." Baekhyun shared his story. Chanyeol and D.O. looked at him, both smiling.

"When exactly are you and Suho going get married, D.O.?" Baekhyun casually asked, looking over at D.O. with a smirk. D.O. flushed bright pink.

"I-I-I don't know." D.O. stuttered, still blushing. Baekhyun smiled and patted the blushing boy's head. He and Chanyeol then turned towards Suho and the others.

"Hey, Suho! When are you going to pop the question?" Baekhyun shouted at him so everyone could hear. Suho's eyes widened at he turned around to face Baekhyun. His eyes then turned back to their normal size and he smirked.

"You know, Baekhyun, I could have you fired." That was all Suho said as he went back to helping Kris set up the tents. Baekhyun's mouth dropped and Chanyeol started laughing openly. D.O. started snickering behind his hand and Baekhyun was still shocked. Once Baekhyun recovered, he tried to defend himself.

"Hey! It was just a question! You've been dating for three years, so, I wanted to know!" Baekhyun crossed his arms as he explained his reasonings to his manager. Suho turned around and walked over to where Baekhyun was sitting. Suho motioned for the boy to stand up and follow him. Suho walked a good enough distance away from the group so they wouldn't be heard.

"Soon, Baekhyun. I plan on proposing to him soon." Suho whispered to Baekhyun. Baekhyun's mouth fell open for a different reason this time.

"Shh. Don't tell anyone." Suho put a finger over his month, instructing the hyper boy to be quiet. Baekhyun closed his mouth and nodded. He and Suho then resumed what they were doing before.

Kris and Suho had gotten the tents set up and Kiran had collected some things to make a fire. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and D.O. were sitting and talking about random things. Tao had somehow ended up sitting down and talking with them.

"So, you and Kris seem serious, huh?" Tao asked Chanyeol, resting his head in his hands. Chanyeol blushed and nodded.

"I guess." Said Chanyeol, shyly. Kris and the other two boys came over to sit with the group. Kris sat by Chanyeol, putting his arm around him in the process, and Suho sat by D.O., holding his hand. Kiran sat close to everyone as they talked.

"Baekhyun! We should play a game!" Chanyeol suggested to his best friend. Baekhyun nodded, enthusiastically. Tao suddenly snapped his fingers.

"I got it! Baekhyun come with me!" Tao grabbed Baekhyun by the arm and led him over to the van. He opened the back and got out two very large buckets. Baekhyun looked inside one of the buckets and smirked. They brought the buckets over to the group and everyone huddled around them.

"Water balloons?" Chanyeol asked, confused. Tao nodded his head and took one from a bucket.

"I will split you up into two teams. There are sixty water balloons in each bucket. The teams will divide the water balloons among each other and then hide in the trees around us, but not too far away. Whichever team is dryer after all of the water balloons are gone, wins." Everyone nodded and waited for Tao to speak again.

"Kris, Chanyeol, and Kiran will be a team, and Baekhyun, Suho, and D.O. will be a team. I will be judging you." Tao split them up into teams and each team grabbed a bucket. They hurriedly sorted out 20 water balloons for each team member.

"When I say go, your team may start hiding from the other team." The guys stood up, anticipating Tao signal.

"Go!" Tao shouted and everyone ran into the woods. Tao reached over to his duffle bag and pulled out a few towels. This was going to be messy, he could tell.
"Kris! We need a hiding spot!" Kiran shouted at his brother. They sneaked around, hearing for any sudden movements.

"I know! I'm looking!" He shouted back, looking around. He spotted a broken tree and he gestured for the two others to follow him.

"Over here." Kris whispers to his group. They nod and follow him. Kris ducks down with the two and peaks over the trunk of the fallen tree. He sees the other three.

"Okay. Let's go!" Kris whispers to them and they nod. Kris takes the chance and jumps over the trunk, water balloon in hand. When he's about five feet away, the other team notices him. They try to throw water balloons at Kris, Chanyeol, and Kiran, but it's too late. Kris has already started throwing water balloons. His first one hits Suho in the arm, soaking him and splashing onto Baekhyun. Chanyeol is beside Kris in an instant, throwing more water-filled balloons. He hits D.O. in the face and Baekhyun in the chest.

But, water balloons make their way over to Kris' team, too. One hits Chanyeol in the leg and another hits Kris in the stomach. Then, Kris hears Kiran's voice from behind him.

"Holy shh..." Kiran trails off, clutching that area. And Kris bursts out laughing.

"Who threw that?! Hahaha!" Chanyeol asks, laughing hysterically. Baekhyun starts laughing as D.O. raises hand, shyly.

Chanyeol doesn't register the water balloon in D.O.'s hand until it hits his face.

Suho starts laughing as he throws water balloons at Kris, who is on the ground, laughing. Kris feels the water and immediately throws balloons at Suho and the others. Chanyeol has recovered and aids Kris in his attack on the other three. Kiran is still on the ground, failing to get up, and water is flying everywhere.

Soon enough, all of the water balloons are gone and both teams are soaked. They head back to the open area where Tao is sitting, playing on his phone. Tao notices their presence and he stifles a laugh.

"Here." He hands towels to everyone and they take them, gratefully. Baekhyun went and sat down beside Tao, taking the shirt he handed him. Baekhyun changed quickly and so did everybody else.

Once everyone was comfortable and changed, they all headed into their respectful tents and got some much needed beauty rest.

A/N: Heh, Way to go, D.O.! Hahaha! Well, did you guys like the chapter? Next chapter will be... eventful. Hahaha! I would like to thank Cameroon97 for proof reading this at like 3 in the morning, and I would also like to thank all of my subscribers, whether you be silent readers or commenters, because I reached 100 subscibers!!!! I love you all!!! Thank you! Until the next chapter!~

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Chapter 11: Update anytime soon? I do like this story and would love to keep reading. ^_^
Please update soon
Chapter 11: EEWWW!!!! STINKY FRIDGE!! LOL. Anyway I loved this i cant wait!!! Please update when you can! Fighting!
Chapter 8: chapter****
Chapter 8: OMG U are sooooo funny!!! I loved this show!!!!
I miss this story u,u
Chapter 11: OMG OMG you updated! Yay!
And the fluff is making me go crazy!^^
Update soon!
Chapter 11: the update
Chapter 11: omg you updated !! ; A; i thought you have abandoned this fic /tears of joy/ and krisyeol is together again YAYYY!!
DoubleYsYeoja #10
Chapter 10: They are together freaking beautiful