chapter 3; "panda eyes"




The building was tall and ominous. It bothered Chaerin greatly, but nevertheless, her opinion didn’t matter at the moment. All that mattered was getting you to safety. They failed last time, but this time, they were sure you would be safe.


“Alright, the area is secure,” Daesung said, slightly out of breath,” and there is no sign of the bloodsuckers anywhere. She should be safe. Everyone agree?”


TOP looked to Chaerin who looked hesitant.


“Maybe someone should stay with her? I mean, just for precautions. And this time, it should be either you or Seunghyun because when I did, it didn’t exactly work out well,” Chaerin suggested. The two males looked at each other before nodding.


“I will,” Daesung said, stepping forward. “Because I know TOP won’t if you’re out in the battle.” TOP nodded in agreement, and Chaerin smiled.


“Be careful, Daesung. Jiyong will have my head if she’s not safe.” Chaerin then added as an afterthought and a pointed look from TOP,” or you too. So be safe!” Daesung cracked a small smile, and Top chuckled. Chaerin grasped TOP’s hand into hers, and she guided him outside and to where Jiyong, Seungri, and Taeyang were fighting.


Daesung watched them leave before turning to you, his eyes sad. Then his sharp ears caught something: footsteps. Daesung cursed lowly as he grabbed you, and lunged into a corner.


“Yah, Seungho, where are we going? Why are we even listening to them?” A deep voice asked.


“G.O, we have to find the girl or Mir will die. Last I was told, she was in here,” Seungho answered, appearing in the doorway where you and Daesung were hiding. “Ugh, this place is a mess.”


G.O walked in after him with a very tall, thin boy after him. They all were certainly handsome in their own ways. Seungho had dark bags under his eyes that made him look like a panda and full, luscious lips when , bite, or smiling, grinning, or smirking could make any girl swoon. G.O had a nice body structure, his tight black shirt making his muscles stand out, and a rich voice that could make any girl’s ovaries explode. The boy, however, looked like a doll. His skin was porcelain pale, his eyes were big and round, he was freakishly tall, and his smile was plain adorable.


“Thunder,” G.O called,” go look over there.”


“Wait…” Seungho said, looking around,” where’s Joon?”


There was a pause before G.O’s palm met his forehead with a groan, Thunder let out an evil, amused laugh, and Seungho sighed, frustrated. Daesung stifled a snicker. He knew who these people were. They were the apprentices of Jung Ji-hoon, better known as Bi Rain. Obviously, they were missing two people, and were being threatened that if they didn’t find Hana, one of their friends will be killed.


Daesung pitied them. He had been in a similar situation before, but they managed to get out without any getting killed. However, these people were human; they wouldn’t stand a chance without assistance, but there was something about that Thunder boy that bothered Daesung.


You stirred, . Your eyes opened to see Daesung above, and you flipped. You screamed, scrambling away from Daesung. Unfortunately, you stumbled into Seungho, who steadied you. Don’t look up, Daesung thought, but you did, oblivious to it. And your eyes met Seungho’s panda-like eyes.


Daesung visibly cringed at how he remembered you meeting Seungho in your past life and falling in love with him. How the hell was he supposed to explain to Jiyong that you had encountered Seungho once again and fell in love with him once again?  That wouldn’t turn out so well.


“Hana,” Daesung said, standing carefully. But you pushed yourself more into Seungho, terrified.


Then in a hushed whisper, you whimpered,” Monster.”


Daesung’s heart dropped to his stomach. His slowly turning golden eyes searched yours for any chance to convince you differently, but with bitter disappointment, he couldn’t. Despair flicked across his handsome features, and he turned away, walking away from you and the three males.


Looking at you for one final time, Daesung shook his head.


“You’re making the same mistake, Hana.” Daesung muttered,” And because of that, you’ll end up like last time: dead.” You gasped, confused yet distraught by his words. What did he mean?


“Wait, Daesung, what do you-“He cut you off with a harsh, curt “Goodbye, Hana.” Then he was gone speeding down the hallway as a blur. You looked down, upset, but your new companions crowded around you, observing you.


“A-are you like him?” You asked fearfully, but the panda-eyed man smiled at kindly. He shook his head.


“No, we’re human, like you.” He answered,” We won’t hurt, we promise.”


You smiled, already liking this man and his friends. You nodded, and they guided you somewhere.

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MY NEW STORY! :') I love "MONSTER" It's such an amazing song. Anyway, enjoy this story!


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