Chapter 3

Deceivious Immortalis


All my hardwork down the drain.



The goddess of witchcraft ran through fields of tall, green grass. Today was an especially bright day for Nayoung; she would be going cloud-riding with a friend of hers, Kwon Bokyung. Bokyung was a cloud nymph, and having a cloud nymph as a friend was rather convenient. If Nayoung was in a rush to get somewhere, she'd just look for Bokyung and ask the latter to fly her to the destination. The only thoughts running through Nayoung's mind as she breezed through the fields was the chance to finally speak and hang out with her cloud nymph friend again. It had been a while since the two had any sort of communication, so when Bokyung showed up at her door one random night and asked if she wanted to go cloud-riding, Nayoung gladly accepted her request.

Passing the lush green fields, Nayoung reached the bottom of a tall mountain and spotted Bokyung, dressed in a cloud-like, fluffy, white dress, and waving frantically to her

"Nayoung-eonni!" Bokyung opened her arms for a hug, which Nayoung gratefully accepted as soon as she got close enough. The two had been seperated for a while, and both were glad to be reunited again on a fun day of cloud-riding.

Bokyung, not wasting another second, pulled away from the hug and beamed at Nayoung, "Let's go!"

Nayoung took a step back as Bokyung held out her hand. A white, smoke-like substance spewed quickly out of her palm. The latter watched in amazement as the former bended and molded the fluff like it was clay or mud. No matter how many times she'd seen Bokyung do this in the past, it never failed to fascinate her each time.

Although gods were divine, they shared many similiar traits with humans, such as the trait of curiousity. Divine beings and humans both had a curiousity towards everything. Of course, there were some gods that had an infinite amount of knowledge, but just knowing about something wasn't as fascinating as being able to see it in action.


The small ball of fluff quickly grew into a decently-sized cloud, about the size of a modern-day car. Bokyung hopped onto her creation and helped Nayoung up.

Judging by the density of a cloud, you'd think that an object would fall right through it. However, that actually wasn't true. Humans, being the ignorant mammals that they are, believed that attempting to sit on a cloud would be equivalent to committing suicide. Plus, they didn't have the technology to reach a cloud, so they had believed this theory for hundreds and thousands of years. Divine beings proved otherwise, since they used clouds as a form of transportation.


With a wave of the cloud nymph's hand, the fluffy object that the two females resided on took off. They flew higher and higher, until the cloud they rode on matched the level of thousands of other clouds. The sun's rays beat down intensely at the girls, so they were beyond grateful for the cool wind brushing against their skin.
The two had been on many cloud rides together because they had grown up together, so being on a cloud again brought back many childhood memories.

Nayoung laid down on the soft surface and let out a laugh, "Remember our first ever cloud ride?"

"Oh god.. Don't even remind me," Bokyung began to laugh along, her cheeks red with embarrassment as she laid down next to her childhood friend.



A younger girl enthusiastically dragged a worried older girl along, babbling about how she had learned to control her powers better and that the older girl had nothing to worry about. But the latter knew better.

The younger female, Bokyung, looked around 8 while the older, Nayoung, seemed around 13.
(A/N; Of course, they're not actually 8 and 13. Divine beings have a different system of ages, so Bokyung would be around 56 divine-years old, and Nayoung would be around 91.)

Finally reaching the center of a barren field, Bokyung let go of Nayoung's hand and beamed as she held out her own hand. Slowly, a white-ish, blue-ish substance emitted from her palm.

Nayoung, who had no idea what was going on, thought that something was wrong and grabbed the latter's hand, effectively putting the growing smoke to a stop, "WHAT'S THAT WHITE SMOKE? ARE YOU OKAY?"
She carefully examined the younger's hand, but nothing seemed damaged.

"It's... cloud," Bokyung bit back a giggle as she thought about Nayoung's silly actions.
The realization that she had forgotten that Bokyung was a young cloud nymph slapped Nayoung across the face. Hard.

"Oh..." she slowly dropped the latter's hand and motioned for her to continue, but her cheeks blushed mad red from embarrassment and she mentally face-palmed herself for being so forgetful and stupid.

Once again, Bokyung held out her hand and the substance began shooting out of her hand again. This was the first time young Nayoung had ever seen a cloud nymph at work, and she was fascinated. How did her body produce this strange substance? Did it hurt for it to come out of her hand like that?
Although Nayoung could easily hold her hand out and - instead of cloud pouring out - have magic pour out from her hands, it was still fascinating for this young goddess to see someone else emit substances from their hands.

The fluffy ball of white stopped growing after a while and Nayoung stared at the small cloud before her - it was roughly the size of a modern-day skateboard. Then, she looked up to see the cloud nymph's red face.

"That's all I've got.." she whispered, cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. Thinking that the experienced goddess wouldn't want to ride such a small cloud with her, Bokyung hung her head and slowly walked away.

Before she could leave the scene, however, she heard the goddess call from behind, "Yah Kwon Bokyung! Where do you think you're going?! You still owe me a cloud ride!"



And that was how Nayoung got into this whole mess.

"KWON BOKYUNG! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LEARNED TO CONTROL YOUR POWERS BETTER!" Nayoung yelled, clutching onto the latter for dear life.

"I-I-I did!" the young nymph-in-training stammered, "I flew perfectly fine just the other day!"

The cloud whizzed back and forth uncontrollably, left and right, up and down, at an unacceptable speed. Nayoung felt like her heart was about to fly out of from all the jolting.

"Whkln alke giiestz awlkf diszes klsauid allske wkisll keielz yssuuuuh!" Nayoung could hardly even speak properly with all of this wind blowing into and hers words kept flying away in the breeze. Realizing that speaking was pointless, Nayoung pursed her lips in annoyance.

"EONNI!" Bokyung flailed her arms frantically.

"WHAT?!" Nayoung yelled, obviously annoyed.


"Wait.. what?-"

The young goddess's eyes widened like saucers and quickly ducked, barely missing a large tree branch.

"KWON BOKYUNG, WHEN I GET OFF THIS CLOUD, I WILL KILL YOU!" Nayoung screamed the same line for the second time; this time, actually making it understandable.



The two females rolled around the cloud in laughter, clutching their pained stomaches from laughing so hard as they reminsced their first flight. Nayoung was laughing so hard that she was practically on the verge of tears.

She wiped the water from the corner of her eye and spoke, voice unsteady, "Oh gosh.. And then remember your punishment?"
She burst into laughter again, returning to her former position of rolling and clutching her stomache.

"Don't tease me! That freaking punishment really hurt! Do you know-" Bokyung began to complain - her eyes closed and cheeks pink from embarrassment - when she opened her eyes to the sight of the older female accidentally rolling off the cloud, "NAYOUNG!"

The cloud they were riding on was around a mile above the ground. Nayoung had accidentally fallen off the cloud while rolling around in laughter.

"OH GOD. NAYOUNG!" Bokyung's face was written with fright and horror as she quickly steered the cloud down, attempting to catch Nayoung again. But the speed of the cloud was no match for the force of gravity.


The latter, on the other hand, didn't even realize that she had fallen off until she felt the sudden harsh wind. Then, she opened her eyes in horror and realized that the wind was coming from her fall.

She had fallen from the cloud.

*Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I'm going to die!* Nayoung began to panic during the fall, flailing her arms around as if they could release some sort of parachute, *I'm gonna die. Gonna die. Gonna die.*

Then she realized that she was immortal. She couldn't die.

*Lord I am such an idiot..................* she stopped her flailing for a split second and mentally face-palmed herself before trying to open her imaginary parachute once again.


"EONNI!" Bokyung screamed, still whizzing her cloud down toward the falling goddess. They had been flying over an ocean when Nayoung fell, and she was now only a couple thousand meters away from the surface of the water.

*Am I going to join that god of the Underworld dude now?* Nayoung stopped moving and practically waited for the water to hit her, *Oh well.. At least I'll be served well down there.. I hope.*

And then another realization hit her.

*I can manipulate objects around me.. Wait.. then what am I doing just falling like this?! You are such an idiot sometimes, Nayoung,* she mentally slapped herself for the millionth time in her life and was about to move the air around her when she felt herself hitting the water.

With a plop. Ungracefully.

*What the..? I still had a couple hundred feet before I fell! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!*


Bokyung, on the other hand, whizzed as quickly as she could toward Nayoung and watched as the latter fell closer and closer to the water.

"No.. No.. NO NO NO NO!" Bokyung screamed, covering her eyes so she wouldn't see the - not death - but painful fall of her friend. When she uncovered her eyes again, she saw a huge typhoon envelope Nayoung and swirl her into the ocean.

The cloud stopped moving. Bokyung was too stunned to speak. And for a moment, she stayed quiet, unable to process what she just saw.

Then, she started bawling hysterically, "OH NO! WHERE IS EONNI?! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT."


*It didn't hurt when I fell.....* Nayoung opened her eyes and realized that she was underwater. Being immortal gave her many advantages, such as the unnecessary need to breathe. Slowly, Nayoung swam back to shore, still unable to put together the pieces. Why did she fall so safely and quicker than expected? None of this was making sense to her. But nonetheless, she was glad that she was safe and would not have to join anyone in the Underworld.


Bokyung looked down again at the water, her eyes red from crying, and saw Nayoung slowly crawling back to shore.

She screamed, "EONNI!"
And dove her cloud down to give the latter a bone crushing hug.


Nayoung was nearing the dry sand, and it was getting harder and harder to swim. The waves kept pushing and pulling her back and forth in the water. Suddenly, she saw a hand, reaching to help her. Her eyes traveled up to meet the eyes of a male who looked awfully familiar.


The female got up on two legs, ignoring his help offer.

"Thank you. But no thank you," she began to walk away. However, Suho wasn't done there. He followed her like a lost puppy.

"What's your name..?" he asked, trailing behind her. Nayoung ignored him and continued walking, ignoring his existance completely.

He tried again, "What's your name...?"

"Does it matter..?" Nayoung sighed, not bothering to turn around.

"Of course... Is this how you treat your savior?" Suho said, looking at the ground with a small smirk.

Nayoung abruptly stopped walking, "So you're the one that 'saved' me?"

The male let out a low chuckle, "Yep."

"Well then, thank you. Now could you please leave me alone?" She began to walk away, but quickened her pace this time. Suho trailed after her, his speed matching hers. Nayoung's memory itched. She felt like she's encountered him somewhere before... but where?


"EONNI!" her ears perked up at the sound of a crying cloud nymph and she soon spotted Bokyung in the distance, riding on the same cloud. Nayoung noticed that her eyes were red. Probably from crying.

Her foot took a step closer to the cloud, but a hand around her wrist stopped her from continuing. She let out a tired sigh.

"What do you want..?"

"Your name, of course," the male behind her stated, as if it were the most obvious thing ever.


"I want to know the name of a girl as pretty as you," an unexpected greasy side of the male popped up.

Nayoung scoffed and didn't reply. Instead, she tried to struggle free.

"Did it hurt?"


"Did it hurt when you fell from Mount Olympus?"
(A/N; My terrible sense of humor. It's supposed to be the 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' joke. ;__;)

"Because you're the most beautiful maiden I've ever seen."

Nayoung now had the hugest urge to slap this male across the face. Who was he to come up to her and poorly attempt to flirt with her like that?!

"Whatever," Nayoung rolled her eyes and struggled harder to free herself from his grip.

But boy was this male strong.


Bokyung watched from a distance, her head tilted in confusion. Who was this man holding onto her eonni's hand?! She squinted her eyes, attempting to get a better look at the male's face, but she couldn't. Slowly and silently, like a tiger stalking its prey, she rode her cloud closer and closer to the two.


"Let go," the goddess's voice was firm. Although she didn't understand how this man could've possibly saved her from a painful fall into the water, she didn't care.

"EONNI! HURRY UP!" Bokyung was drawing closer and closer to the pair.

*Oh god. I can't let her see me like this,* Nayoung panicked, "LET GO OF ME!"

And with a hard tug of her hand, she released herself from his grip and started to run toward the cloud.


Just when Nayoung thought that she was finally free, she felt the same hand grab her arm, flip her around, and another arm snake around her waist.

"What the Olympus are you doing?!" she screeched, pounding on his firm chest and attemping to escape from his embrace.

Then, it finally hit her.

Deja Vu smacked her on the face like a b*tch.

How she fell into the water so safely.
Why this male kept pestering her.
Why this scene felt so familiar.
It finally dawned on her.


It was the god-forbidden male from the lake.

She looked up to meet the eyes of the male she dreaded to see for days.

Kim Joon Myun, a.k.a. Suho.

That usual smirk was plastered on his face as she looked down at her.
Nayoung just wanted to knock that smirk off his face, along with a couple teeth.


Bokyung's eyes widened at the sudden skinship and she backed away shyly. Why was this man hugging her eonni?! She took a better look at the male and finally realized who it was. Her eyes widened even further.


Nayoung took a couple seconds to realize the situation. Then, with a wave of her hand, the coconuts from a nearby tree plucked themselves off the branches and bombarded Suho.

"What on-," Suho hollered, covering his head with his hands and crouching down, attempting to make himself as small as possible to avoid the coconut bombing.

Nayoung escaped from his arms and ran over to Bokyung. But then she thought of a better idea, so she ran back and kicked Suho on the shin - causing him to fall flat on his .

"THE NEXT TIME YOU MESS WITH ME, YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH, you freaking erted weirdo," she threw the first insult she could think of at him (although she mentally slapped herself for thinking of the lamest insult ever) and raced off, hopping onto the cloud, and yelling (more like ordered) at Bokyung to fly away immediately.


"Eonni, what the Underworld was that?!" Bokyung shrieked, still not knowing what was going on.

The latter let out a sigh, "I don't know, but that guy keeps bothering me."

"Do you even know who he is?"

"I only know that his name is Kim Joon Myun.... and that he is some sort of deity of water, why?"

"Eonni... He's Kim Joon Myun, a.k.a. Suho - the God of Sea," Bokyung revealed to the latter, who showed no interest.

"Yeah, whatever. He's also god of finding-the-best-ways-to-embrace-and-flirt-with-you."

"He looked so attractive in that white robe of his," Bokyung started to fangirl.

"Oh god, please don't."




"Then stop fangirling."


It was silent for a couple seconds.


"But did you not see how his white robe was hugging those abs of his?! Ughhh, his faceeeeeee! So attractiveeeeeeee!"




Oh lawd, that took so long to write.. SO I HOPE YOU LIKED IT. c:

I'm still waiting for the second meeting scenarios from a couple of my accepted applicants!

I hope you liked this long, long chapter. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ok.

&Sorry for sorta editing how you and Bokyung met, bunnyxwarrior. Eh.. That was the first idea that popped out of my brain and by the time I was done with the scenario, I remembered how I had you guys write how you and your friends met... oksorry. :c

&Sorry. I had to add some fangirling SOMEWHERE in this chapter. c:....


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Chapter 15: aaaaa welcome back~!
reading this, i got a grasp that jaewon is the most mature among all the main goddesses. btw have been watching iris2 lately and i was really enjoyed seeing doojoon here~ c:

and yepppp the names;
aphrodite: gyuri
demeter: gayoon
athena: bora
artemis: yuri
hermes: baekhyun
dionysus: leejoon
hephaestus: gikwang
Chapter 15: haha... at least Doojoon and Jaewon had a calm conversation. XD
wonder if Daniel will be seen as an obstacle for Doojoon if he wants to pursue after Jaewon~ lol

as for names

Aphrodite - Tiffany
Demeter - Bom
Athena - Boa
Artemis - Gina
Hermes - Eunhyuk
Dionysus - Jonghyun
Hephaestus - Taemin
Chapter 14: bwhaha, i can't believe i missed this chapter in a an update! :O
but lol, Mirae doesn't believe in the powers of the faith and destiny gods. xD
wonder how things will turn out like when Hoya realize it's Mirae. :O
sweetlollie #4
Chapter 15: HI ! WELCOME BACK !
I missed this story so much ~
Back in the days when we were all applying. HAHAHAHA

Well some suggestions:
Aphrodite - Taehee
Demeter - Solbi
Athena - Eunhye
Artemis - Yerin
Hermes - Minjun
Dionysus - Seungwon
Hephaestus - Seungjae

Sorry for the totally random names :L Those were the only names that popped into my head. ^^"
Chapter 14: WELCOME BACK!!
well it's a welcome for me too since i have been hiatus for a reallyyyy long time...
sorry for not have been in touch and yessssss, you're updated!
happy new yearrrrrr~ //late.

anw back to the story.
bomi is so clueless here, and mirae so awkward... i think they can be a better duo rather than chorong-bomi! loool XD
hoya always looks so strong but he ends up desperately search for a woman :p
and i love how you put a comedic scene at every end of the chapter~
looking forward to your more updates!
loveeeeee it <333333
Chapter 14: Welcome back~ Good to see you back ^^
Made me jump out of my seat when I saw this updated
Oh Mirae trying to not let Hoya find out it was her...Ohoho let's see how long that lasts =DD
sweetlollie #7
Chapter 14: OMFG. WELCOME BACK !
You have no idea how long I was waiting for this story to be updated ! ㅠ^ㅠ
Thanks so much for coming back !
hahaha So Christmas miracles do happen !
by the way !
Thanks for this awesome chapter ~
I look forward to your future updates ~
LOL!!! strike of the namgrease.
Yeah, go Eunjung use that broom.
Love how this turned out. Very entertaining to read XD~